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How do you buy your albums/music?


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Yeah, sounds like a stupid question, but I thought I'd ask....what I mean by it is this:

Basically, I tend to buy anything, mostly anything that is sale or second hand. What this means is that I tend to not really keep an eye on any particular bands for when their new releases are out (as some people seem to do on here), and often just kinda sporadically pick up anything. If there is a sale on, I am also likely to buy stuff I haven't heard before if it has been recommended to me, or sometimes purely if I've heard of them in the past......explains why I have a lot of CD's I've only listened to once in my collection :P

So yeah, do you keep an eye out for bands release dates when you buy, or do you kinda just get whatever, whenever?

I dunno, I've just never been someone to keep an eye on when any releases are out....

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I'm definitely a sale oriented type person, as I bought a lot of $10 CDs from artists I barely heard like 10 Years and KT Tunstall because it was on sale. And definitely I'm a whatever, whenever type person seeing that it was weeks before I bought stuff like Revelations and Stadium Arcadium.

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Guest Ringy Loves TGChit

Stores. CDs have gotten really cheap over the past two years, so stores are mainly my source of CDs. Every two months or so, I also tend to buy everything I want that I cannot find in stores from Amazon.

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There is a second hand CD shop near me that I pimp out on here regularly. I'll browse through looking for names I've heard of. If I don't get enough stuff I've heard of, I just start looking at album covers. If it looks cool, it goes in the basket. I try not to stick with a theme either, I bought a Black Sabbath album and a Meredith Brooks album at the same time the other day.

When buying new from a chain store, which is rare, I look for a band or artist that I trust and try and find an album that's cheap.

Amazon is for spontanious purchases and can be used for anything.

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I very very rarely go out of my way to buy a specific CD, and unless it's something big (like the new Tom Waits boxset), I don't keep track of release dates, so I tend to just buy anything affordable that catches my eye. Plenty of times I've bought albums based on nothing but the price and the artwork.

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I follow release dates of my favourite artists majorly (Absolutely waiting for Meat Loaf's Bat out of Hell III, and 8 Foot Sativa's Poison of Ages). But for bands I haven't heard of I'll usually pick up a torrent of an album, and decide whether or not I'm gonna buy the album off that.

I pick up one to two cds a week. I'm notoriously bad for picking up bands cd's at events when I see them opening for other bands. I have to stop doing this cos some of these really suck (aarrrghhh Frankenbok I hate you).

I'm also more likely to buy a New Zealand cd, than to download it, because the size of our country and music scene its hard enough to survive even if people buy your cd.

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I only spend my hard-earned money on CD's I really look forward to. The last CD I bought was "With Teeth" by Nine Inch Nails on the release day. So it's been almost 2 years, I think. But I usually go to Hastings. There's no where else locally that sells CDs (and actually has what I want). We have Wal-Mart and K-Mart, but... yeah. Hastings ran every local shop out of town. :(

The next thing I will probably buy is "Beside You In Time: Live" by Nine Inch Nails next year. But it's not a CD. Fuck off.

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As of now I've only been buying vinyl, and really I don't look for anything specific. Price factors into it, and there are certain bands that I want to have on vinyl. One thing that drives me nuts is that a lot of the vinyl I find online is fucking outrageously priced, $195 for a D.O.A. 7 inch? No thanks, it's stuff like that makes me support downloading, considering some of this vinyl was never released on CD.

Typically if I go to stores I'll just look through the vinyl and if something good catches my eye, I'll pick it up. Online, I've usually got something specific I'm looking for. I think I've owned one new release in my life, and that wasn't even purchased by me. It was a Christmas gift, probably 7 or 8 years back.

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I keep up with releases depending on the band. If it's a band I know and like I'll try to keep up with them and pick up their latest or whatever, but like, say, if I hear of a band and think "That sounds cool" I'll go out and pick up whatever I can find by them.

.. none of that post makes sense to me but whatever

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Guest KoRnCHiLD

i normally keep an eye on my favourite astists and get their albums when they come out/within a month of release.

just today i picked up Evanescence's new album for my girlfriend, and get cape's album from HMV for just £7.75 each, which is pretty cheap for them. and the Evanescene one only came out today.

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I buy CD's in sales. I too like the feel of a CD. I also buy CD's which I think are going to be hard to track down (to download). For example most recently I bought "Kill Them With Kindness" by The Headlights, as it's nigh-on impossible to track down online. Plus they're one of my favourite new bands, so I wanted to support them. However this sometimes bites you in the arse. I bought "Siren Song Of The Counter Culture" by Rise Against (As RPM and The Unravelling had been a bugger to download...this was before torrents got BIG) when it came out, but this was before I realised they'd signed to a 'major label' and thus would pretty much be available online easily...plus it was pretty naff (Besides Tip the Scales and State Of The Union...two shit hot songs right there). I tend to buy stuff from bands I really, really like. Jamiroquai. The only thing I downloaded by Jamiroquai was their remixes CD. I have Jamiroquai singles and shit. I remember being totally pissed off at the fact I had to download the entire discography in order to get the remixes...grrrrrr. I have all the Muse albums. I have lots of Strung Out stuff (Not all the albums though...I have Crossroads & Illusions though...bwahahaha...I bought that purely for the novelty, because I was shocked to see it). I also tend to buy albums that blow me away. Most recently I can think of "Our Darkest Days" by Ignite. There's a few more recent albums I'll probably grab as well, when I have the money, or see them cheap.

Back in the day (Well a year or so ago). One of my mates dad used to get fuck loads of 'legit' CD's. God knows from where, I never really saw him much to ask him (He was very much a wheeler-dealer...and whenever I was at my mates, he'd always be doing something). But he'd sell people he knew and Steve's mates legit CD's for like £3/£4/£5. I bought stuff I hardly ever listen to like fucking Amerie. She was damn fit though...and had some pretty nifty songs to be honest.

I also once bought a CD at a gig purely to get it signed. John Vanderslice. Not bad...though I wish I'd asked him "Oi mate, which is your best album?" instead of just going with the newest. :(

Edited by Mr. Kurt McKenna
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