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Rockstars Bully


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Oh yea..this game is definately worth every penny. So much fun..the bottle rocket gun is great, and i love seeingh "dress code violation" on the screen when I go running downthe hall in school

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Guest Titocoolace

On a semi-related note, Jack Thompson (remember him?) may be jolly well fucked:


Take-Two Interactive lawyers have filed a motion to have Jack Thompson declared in contempt of court.

The motion requests that Judge Ronald Friendman, who sat on the hearing overseeing Thompson's failed attempt to have Bully banned, order the Floida lawyer to appear in court and defend himself against the contempt allegation.

If found in contempt, Thompson could face anything from fines, to censure or even jail time.

In his typical style, Thompson reacted with angry emails that he sent to the attorneys and judge and CCed to GamePolitics.

'You want to play hardball...? You want to try to throw me in jail? You have no idea what you are unleashing in doing this. You're at the brink..."

"If this court in any fashion proceeds toward issuing a show cause order, given its utter baselessness and the bad faith goo in which it slithers, then Thompson will add whatever judge should do so as a defendant in the aforementioned federal civil rights action..."

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On a semi-related note, Jack Thompson (remember him?) may be jolly well fucked:


Take-Two Interactive lawyers have filed a motion to have Jack Thompson declared in contempt of court.

The motion requests that Judge Ronald Friendman, who sat on the hearing overseeing Thompson's failed attempt to have Bully banned, order the Floida lawyer to appear in court and defend himself against the contempt allegation.

If found in contempt, Thompson could face anything from fines, to censure or even jail time.

In his typical style, Thompson reacted with angry emails that he sent to the attorneys and judge and CCed to GamePolitics.

'You want to play hardball...? You want to try to throw me in jail? You have no idea what you are unleashing in doing this. You're at the brink..."

"If this court in any fashion proceeds toward issuing a show cause order, given its utter baselessness and the bad faith goo in which it slithers, then Thompson will add whatever judge should do so as a defendant in the aforementioned federal civil rights action..."

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On a semi-related note, Jack Thompson (remember him?) may be jolly well fucked:


Take-Two Interactive lawyers have filed a motion to have Jack Thompson declared in contempt of court.

The motion requests that Judge Ronald Friendman, who sat on the hearing overseeing Thompson's failed attempt to have Bully banned, order the Floida lawyer to appear in court and defend himself against the contempt allegation.

If found in contempt, Thompson could face anything from fines, to censure or even jail time.

In his typical style, Thompson reacted with angry emails that he sent to the attorneys and judge and CCed to GamePolitics.

'You want to play hardball...? You want to try to throw me in jail? You have no idea what you are unleashing in doing this. You're at the brink..."

"If this court in any fashion proceeds toward issuing a show cause order, given its utter baselessness and the bad faith goo in which it slithers, then Thompson will add whatever judge should do so as a defendant in the aforementioned federal civil rights action..."

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Got this since I had the utmost faith in Rockstar to churn out another good game, that and it was going for £25. Lots of fun and as Manhunt did before hand I hope some of the integrations on this game (and for that matter The Warriors) make it onto the next GTA.

In the here and now though having a good time with the game, the only drawback is how quickly the day goes. Still though, kissing a girl only to have someone else you've kissed run up to her and kick her in between the legs is a magnificent sight.

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Guest Grapehead

I've really considered getting this but don't really have the money. Would it be worth trading in Madden 07 and Hitman: Blood Money for, I feel like that could provide enough money for me to dish out the rest.

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Guest StylesClash86

It does get a bit repetitive at times, but overall it is a solid game that is fun from top to bottom. I've only been playing it for like 3 days now, and I enjoy the hell out of it.

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finally got my copy in the mail yesterday been playing since. Now I'm 25% complete and at the moment I've stopped doign the main misions working on side errands and etc. I'm in love with this game . most of the time I'm either on my skateboard or bike screwing around. One thing I don't like is I that you pass out if you are out at 2:00am but still this is greatness. Still trying to figure out how to do tricks on the bikes and skateboard . all I can do now is backflip/spins(on bike) and spins (sakteboard). Also still in search of the kick me signs , I've broke into countless lockers but no sign of them.

I laughed my ass off ealier today. I was walking down the hall(in school) and a fat nerd came up and pushed a big jock around. I grabbed the nerd and put him in a locker , sat back and laughed as the Jock let him out only to get mobbed by the nerd and 4 of his friends. doesn't take long for some more jocks to join the party and the nerds run lol.

currently having trouble with shop classes , art 3 and english 4 but I'll get them eventually.

Rockstar has shown that they can make a great game without resorting to crude violence and sex.

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lol true lol i walked in the boys bathroom earlier and one of the fat nerds was standing against the wall holding a ciagrette in the stall closest to him a jock is laying next to the toilet(the way they get after you give them a swirlie) I laughed for about 5 minutes after seeing that.

Food fights are good to start up as well. Go in the caffeteria and wait till it gets full. Pick up an apple or banana and throw it at a jock or someone else(no nerds they run away) they'll start throwing food and others will join in.

another funny moment. I was walking outside and found a text book just laying there. i picked it up and started walking. Soon I notice a group of 4 nerds the skinniest of the group runs up and snatches the book out of my hands. then one of the fat nerds yells " +5 Attack" all the nerds then throw itching powder and stink bombs at me. by the time i shrugged it all off they wer gone lol

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lol. Finally pulled off a double backflip the bad news is I landed on top of an old lady and bum who were talking . Quickly stole a moped and made my retreat back to the school with cops on my tail lol

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Bully's kinda bumming me out right now. I beat it in a little over a week and that with me taking my time. Right now I'm trying to find all the rubber bands and G&G cards, only needing two of each. The thing is I've found them all by wandering around so checking out a FAQ won't do me any good since I don't exactly know where I found everything. So I've been running around every possible inch of the map for the past couple days and not finding anything. The only good thing a FAQ has done for me right now is telling me where the last garden gnome is (on the boat at the docks in Townie...Town, you have to hit it with your slingshot to break it).

PS - My favorite thing a character says is during a fight, someone yells out "Figure Four Leglock!"

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