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Favourite live albums?


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Probably my favorite is the Offs "Live at the Mabuhay Gardens" (As it was, when it started) which is fucking fantastic. They are one of the early ska punk pioneers, though they focused more on a funky punk sound ala Black Randy and the Metrosquad. The whole band is sync for this one, and the quality is surprisingly good considering it's a pretty low key release.

Bad Brains "Live" is also a great live album, and as good as their studio albums. The sound is pretty close to the studio albums, but the point of owning the album is to get some sort of an idea of what the Bad Brains experience was like live. They bring the intensity full throttle, and I can only imagine the frenzy the crowd was in during this show.

The Gun Club's "Death Party" is absolutely incredible. Of course, everything these guys did was absolutely incredible. All of the old favorites can be found on this one, and Jeffrey Lee Pierce proves why he is one of the greatest vocalists to grace the art of music. The quality isn't quite that crisp, but who needs quality when the music is fantastic enough to compensate for the lack of quality?

The Dead Boys "Night of the living Dead Boys" has versions of their songs that I prefer to the studio recordings. This album is surprising in that it's not as low fi and raw as you'd expect from them. It's everything you'd expect from the Dead Boys, great rock and roll and Stiv Bators throwing out snarky quips toward the audience. It's also easy to see why the Dead Boys gained such notoriety throughout New York city due to their live shows.

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Hands down, "Infernal Eternal" by Marduk. Crisp choice cuts from their 2002 tour in Europe, it's just amazing pummeling track after track. Nothing sounds muddy or out of synch, but everything works just as beautifully as on the studio albums.

Plus it has THE best rendition of "Baptism By Fire" on it.

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There's a new candidate coming out next spring for all power metal fans:

Gamma Ray's live DVD will be called, not a joke, "Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome (And The Finnish Keyboarder Who Didn't Want To Wear His Donald Duck Costume) Live in Montreal"


Tell me that isn't the best name ever.

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This just came out, so it's not my favorite... but Children of Bodom's Stockholm Knockout Live is fucking ridiculous in how awesome it is. Laiho says a few things that make me cringe, but then he says something that punches me right in the fucking face and it's all good.

The favorite one that I've heard is probably Cradle of Filth's Live Bait for the Dead, or Johnny Cash's At Folsom Prison, as cliche as that is.

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Our Lady Peace-Live (Edmonton and Calgary)

Nirvana Unplugged In New York

Garth Brooks-Double Live

I'm not a huge fan of live albums because most of the time the background noise of the crowd can block out the actual music. I point to Pantera's 101 Proof which I have, and a lot of time it's just fans screaming that you hear. Another thing I really hate is when the band stops and let the fans sing. Now in concert that may rule, but if they're doing it for an album, I don't pay 20 bucks to hear the crowd sing. That's just me though

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