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2006/07 NBA Thread


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, clearly everyone is as interested in the finals as I am.

Now the hot topic is restructuring the NBA finals, if not the entire NBA.

There's some solid theories out there

Bill Simmons

Bob Fitzgerald

I feel both could potentially work, but I would also like to see the NBA switch to an AL/NL, AFC/NFC kind of set up. You'd have the Lakers in one league and the Clippers in another, San Antonio in one, Phoenix in the other and so on. That way, a Suns/Spurs championship game could be played and we stop having the best 5 teams play each other on one side of the playoff tree and then play the 7th or 8th best team for the championship.

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I think the blunt of the problems is that San Antonio is a god awful boring team to watch, which is why they'll have the two lowest ratings for the Finals. They're a good team, but there's nothing marketable on them. Duncan's going to go down as a great player, but when you don't have anything on the team to market to the casual audience, it's not going to work. People could market around LeBron, yes, but he's not ready to win a championship. The problem isn't necessarily the talent level because every major sports league will go through a time where one is dominant over the other. Hell, the AL is by far better than the NL in most seasons.

That's not say that the idea of two conferences split up like the others would work or that it would add new life to the NBA, but you don't need to drastically change the game just because they're getting low ratings. There's bound to be low ratings some times, because everything has to have a lowest and it's not always going to go up.

It's an interesting idea, but I don't think it's time to pull out shit like that yet, because it's not like the ratings are lower than an all-time low from the previous season. They're lower than the last time the Spurs were in the Finals and I don't think that's a coincidence, they just don't have enough marketability and while LeBron does, like I said, everyone knows that Spurs are the better team right now, so it's not like it's two even teams. I think it would best for the NBA if a team like the Warriors was able to reach the Finals because they're about due for the lowest seed to come in and win it all.

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Is it just me, or are the Spurs trying not to mention the word "team" ever as if not to offend King James & his peons "teammates"?

And I still think Donovan's a fucking douche, even if it's not contributive to say so <_< He could've gone back to college at any time and barring the hiring of about....3, maybe 4 guys, UF would've reassigned whoever they had & taken him with open arms (as would 95% of the other colleges out there).

I hope Florida sucks for the next half-decade.

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And I still think Donovan's a fucking douche, even if it's not contributive to say so <_ he could gone back to college at any time and barring the hiring of about....3 maybe guys uf would reassigned whoever they had taken him with open arms other colleges out there>

I hope Florida sucks for the next half-decade.

See, that contributed...kind of. At least there was some point to go with the mindless name-calling, dubious a point as it might have been.

As for whether Florida would take him back, sure, it would be possible, but not likely unless the program simply got ridden into the toilet. No power program that is still winning is going to take a chance on a guy who just flopped in the NBA, no matter what he did before that. Look at Rick Pitino. Louisville was 12-19 the year before he showed up. Tim Floyd? USC hadn't made the tournament since 2002, and it took another year for him to get them there. UNLV had made just two tournaments in 13 years before Lon Kruger arrived from winning a third of his games in Atlanta.

Point is, programs that are winning don't need to reach out for a guy returning from the NBA unless someone else leaves them high and dry. And who the hell "reassigns" their head coach? Most just get shitcanned.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:blink: That's not really anything like the Bobcats. Well maybe the style a little bit, but the colors are different considering the Bobcats' blue is a lot bluer and they have orange, not red.

That being said, I like the new stuff. I don't know if it was entirely necessary, but it looks nonetheless. The NBA's new looks are better than the NFL's new looks the past couple seasons.

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Look at the Bobcats secondary away uniform, the blue one.


New Hawks stuff is just a darker version of that, although in that link, the blues look almost identical.

Its far to similar to the jerseys of another team in their division.

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Close to their secondary away jersey. Now, I don't know exactly, but how often do they wear that jersey?

And it's not like it matters a great deal as they would never wear the similar colored ones at the same time anyways.

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Bobcats were favoring the blue last year.

I know they'll never wear the similar unis at the same time, but come on, that uniform is clearly influenced by a team thats in their division, they could have looked a little further.

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I think that if Billups does indeed leave Detroit that will probably be a big blow altough he seemed to be "shaken" for most of the series against Cavs. That said I will be kinda suprised if he does leave since he will probably get a good sized contract and there may not be many teams out there that he wants to play for that could pay him.

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It was a known fact that Billups would opt out of his contract. It was known before last year started, and chances are he'll be back in Detroit. His playoff performance probably hurt his standing with other teams, and the Pistons will not find a better replacement for him as it is.

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Chauncey will go back to Detroit with a big contract that in a few years will be something the Pistons will regret. But hey, when you're one of the best teams in the NBA you might as well pull out all the stops to try and win a championship as opposed to looking towards the future.

Also, the new Hawks jerseys are ugly. The lettering reminds me of those AWFUL Rockets jerseys from a few years back.

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