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Nevermind the Buzzcocks


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Sadly I feel sorry for Preston even though I don't like the guy. You could tell from the first few minutes that Amstell had overstepped his personal "line". Problem is, Lamarr know how far to take things while Amstell keeps pushing like a little kid with a stick. It can be funny but he tends to overdo things sometimes.
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He doesn't suck.

And he's not trying to fit into anyones mould, that is Amstell, that's what he's like and that's why they got him. They got him because he's sarcastic like he is, they needed someone like that for the show and that's why they got him. Bill and Phill aren't suffering to be honest, Bill is still as funny as he's always been and Phill was never comedic gold with Lamarr anyways, to be honest Phill isn't even that funny at all in my opinion and isn't anymore funny or less funny than what he used to be. I've seen Phill have one good show and that was with Ricky Wilson of all people as host, and I'll be damned if he ever comes back to host.

Amstell isn't as good as Lamarr, but that's because Lamarr possibly is the son of Satan, more or less Amstell is being punished because Lamarr is as amazing as he is.

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Amstell is ok, but he lacks a bit of Lamarr's tagent, when Bill or Phil go off on a tangent, Lamarr would follow them as part of the comedy, whereas Amstell just seems to keep to quiz. He can be funny though don't get me wrong.

I think that's probably more because Amstell's the "new boy", and it'll be someone higher than him keeping him in line, rather than him not being willing to go off on one, because if you see most of his other stuff, tangents are very much his thing. He's a damn good presenter, probably the best logical replacement for Lamarr, and while it'll still take time to get used to, as by the end of his stint it had basically become "The Mark Lamarr Show", to go back to a more controlled quiz environment is a little awkward, but give it another couple of series and Amstell will really come into his own, I'm sure.

And Amstell isn't trying to "fit the Mark Lamarr role" at all, he's doing what he did on Popworld, he's doing what he does in his stand-up, he's doing what he did in his festival coverage for Channel 4, just a little toned down because he's the "new boy" still, and he can't act as if the show's all about him.

I think what Buzzcocks really needs is to replace Jupitus now, it'll be the best way to freshen it up now they've lost Hughes and Lamarr, and Phil hasn't been consistently funny in years anyway.

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"What's the one thing that really gets on your nerves?"

"The jews."

EDIT: That episode just served to increase my already ample love for Simon Amstell and Midge Ure <3

Edited by Rowdy Rodimus Prime-r
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  • 1 year later...

They haven't had good guests since Amstell started. Amstell and Bill are usually the only highlights, and Noel was good when he was in charge.

I don't find Phill Jupitus funny in the slightest, and the guests are usually terrible. I mean, they seem to constantly get people on from McFly, Busted, Blue and that sort of thing. And then random guests for no reason, comedians I obviously understand - as it's a comedy show as well, but when they had Bill Oddie on once - fucking hell.

I really hate what the show has become and as much as I like Simon Amstell, he isn't going to save that show. At least when Lamarr was hosting it was usually guests of musicians and comedians, not just everybody and anybody who is willing to show up for a paycheck. I don't really know what age groups they're trying to appeal to with some of the guest combination's they get on but it never seems to make any sense.

Shame, it used to be a good show - but it's just failing now due to the fact the guests are so poor. What other comedy panel shows do we know of that have a funny host and one funny team captain followed by a load of shit? Oh yes, 8 out of 10 cats - that's it. Do Never Mind The Buzzcocks really want to be the next 8 out of 10 cats? Surely not.

I am actually expecting Jamie Oliver to be a guest soon. Someone like that anyways.

EDIT: So Bill has left entirely then? Scrap the one good host and one good captain thing I had, now it's just Amstell on his own trying to save it. It's doomed to fail.

Edited by IAceI
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Buzzcocks went down the exact same route when Mark Lamar left the whole of that season was piss poor and thankfully short. Notably they didn't do that when Sean Hughes left they actually got a replacement the guest person works on HIGNFY because Paul Merton and Ian Hislop (mostly Merton who can carry a show on his own, though Hislop's got an excellent barbed wit about him) and the occasional other guest make the show fantastically entertaining and the people involved can turn a bad guest host (say Boris Johnson or Anne Widecomb (sp)) into tremendously entertaining television.

But Buzzocks can't really do it, hopefully they'll find someone in the course of this season to replace Bill Bailey in one of the guests, it's what they did when they got Amstell on board and it revamped the show.

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Whats right with?

Jimmy Carr and Sean Lock are good. Shame James Manford is shit and they just bring on guests for Carr to mock face-to-face. That being said I did like the Big Brother one for some reason, which is a bit odd but Danny Wallace being included probably helped.

Greg Davies was probably the best guest on last night, and he wasn't very funny anyways. Peter Andre is shit, the Scottish woman or whatever was absolutely God awful and I can't bring myself to remember the other guest. It's just... like watching comedy for stupid people sometimes. I mean the following could sum it up;

"The credit crunch won't affect me if I put my money abroad."

"You mean... the global credit crunch, yeah I think it will."

"...Well I don't think it's really going to affect Cyprus is it."

"...Yeah, it will."

I mean.. that's now what we expect for late night comedy? That? Really?

Like I say, I like Jimmy Carr and I think Sean Lock is good because he pushes the boundries of what's acceptable and isn't. But the rest is always, always, always bad. James Manford isn't funny, and I seem to remember thinking a lot of his jokes yesterday I'd heard from other comedians over the past couple of months as well - not entirely sure, but that sticks in my head for some reason.

It's just... bad, but I will occasionally watch it if there's nowt else on and Lock and Carr are on form.

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Yeah, 8 out of 10 cats has dropped off considerably since Dave Spikey left. I'm a big Sean Lock fan which is the main reason I watch, moreso when Vic Reeves is on. I didn't know Danny Wallace had been on though, is it on youtube or anywhere? I've loved pretty much anything the guy has ever done.

Bill has left Buzzcocks permanently if anyones interested, it's here.

Only kidding but seriously it's here
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