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Gears of War


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Ugh, I just saved over my single player game with a co-op campaign by accident. Im not sure I have the drive to get to act 4 all over again.

I love the Old Bones map, not so much for group play but when it's one on one its perfect for those columns next to the frag grenades. Column duels>you. I hate the map with the train, I cant have any fun with the torque bow/being squashed by a train. And I cant get over how little the Raven Down map is, in a 4 on 4 game its just a big clusterfuck of frags/shotgun blasts.

I hate chainsawing, it just seems like a cheap way to kill sometimes, other times when your opponents just running into you from aorund a corner...you just ahve to take advantage.

If anybody wants a game Im currently using MrEkoRIP as my tag, if ever I'm online and you need another player just message me and I'll play.

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Ugh, I just saved over my single player game with a co-op campaign by accident. Im not sure I have the drive to get to act 4 all over again.

I love the Old Bones map, not so much for group play but when it's one on one its perfect for those columns next to the frag grenades. Column duels>you. I hate the map with the train, I cant have any fun with the torque bow/being squashed by a train. And I cant get over how little the Raven Down map is, in a 4 on 4 game its just a big clusterfuck of frags/shotgun blasts.

I hate chainsawing, it just seems like a cheap way to kill sometimes, other times when your opponents just running into you from aorund a corner...you just ahve to take advantage.

If anybody wants a game Im currently using MrEkoRIP as my tag, if ever I'm online and you need another player just message me and I'll play.

Edited by Gongsun Zan
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  • 3 weeks later...

There's one where people can run insanely fast somehow, which someone else on my team informed me can only happen on that map. They run at almost double speed, I reckon. There's another where they can get up on top of the concrete walls of the two towers facing the boomshot. Not entirely sure what the use of that one is, but they were doing it anyway. Then the ever-fun 'run and rev your chainsaw at the same time' one, and the one where they can fire at you despite facing in another direction.

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The infamous "crab walk" glitch on Gridlock is pretty much a permanent sprint, but players can still use weapons, meaning they can run up to you incredibly fast and shotgun you to death before you even have the sense of mind of kill them. It used to really be a nuisance for me at first, but the amount of people using this glitch seems to have seriously died down the past week. In fact, I don't think I've run into ANYBODY using the crab walk.

The most annoying glitch, for me, is the one on Mansion in which you can get outside of the map, behind the map, and end up in a little crawlspace that is practically impossible to either strike your opponents from (since they can easily dodge) or get struck (since you can easily hide). It usually just leads to a draw but, thankfully, not a lot of people seem to know how to do this one.

*shrug* The only glitch I've ever used is the long jump one, and that's only when I'm not in combat, and because I think it looks cool. :shifty

There seriously needs to be a new update that directly addresses all these glitches, though. Just take a quick look at youtube to see how many of them there actually are. It's pretty ridiculous, actually.

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If you can tap cover and the hold down the weapon pick-up button, you should slide into cover and still pick up a weapon as you skid across the floor.

They really need to rename the game Glitches Of War. Sometimes you might get a game where everyone plays and dies fairly. Without lag. And that makes up for all the shit you've been going through with the massive invisible chainsaw killing you through a wall, getting stuck on a bit of soil, and so on and so forth.

Basically I've found when it's crap, it's crap. But when it's good, it's soooooo good. ^-^

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I still say me and my elite team can take on anyone in a first to 5 execution game and come out victorious.

Krauser knows the greatness of the AwesomeBot All Star team

Anyone dare challenge us?

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I still say me and my elite team can take on anyone in a first to 5 execution game and come out victorious.

Krauser knows the greatness of the AwesomeBot All Star team

Anyone dare challenge us?

Edited by Jack Krauser III
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