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Girlfriends/partners and computer games?


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(...partners in case any girls/homos wanna post >_>)

So yeah, I don't know many girls who play computer games for whatever reason, and my last two long term girlfriends never went anywhere near whatever console I had at the time. My current girlfriend, however, has recently joined me for a bashing about on Pride Championship, or for the occasional game of doubles with Virtua Tennis 2. Oh, and she also enjoys watching me play Bully and Stuntman for whatever reason.

So, do your girlfriends/partners play computers with you? Are they even more into it than you are? Any particular games? Or do they avoid it just like my ex's did?

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No fun playing with a girlfriend. Mine does try video games if I persuade her enough (she does other things, too, with a little persuation (Y) ), but after like 10 minutes she's all "this is stupid".

I don't know if it's genetic that girls don't like video games, or if it's the environment telling them what a girl can't do, ie. they can't act like they like it, even if they do.

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None of my previous have... well near the end of my year and then some thing she bought a Gamecube, but that was the same time we broke up... so she only destroyed me at the Waveracer game that came with it.

On the other hand, the girl that I am seeing now plays SNES all the time, so I think I'm set.

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Occasionally. My last 'girlfriend' was more into computer games than I was (I admit, I don't spend a lot of time on games and the like, I only really seem to play PES and Football Manager semi-reguarly). She was also a crazy bitch, and totally frigid. I blame Nintendo.

When I was younger, girls seemed more interested in video games and the such. But as they got older, fuck no. But then again, it doesn't bother me much, as I'm more of a DVD man than a Videogame man.

I have a female friend though who plays Pro Evo. She always joins in when we have 'mass' tournaments and stuff, and is pretty good. She also tries to join in when we have a kick about and stuff, but she's not as good at actual football. It's weird, as I wouldn't call her a tomboy at all, she just seems to really like football. :shifty:

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My girlfriend generally thinks games are stupid, although she's played Hitman: Contracts and Dead Rising with me.

I went through the "Meat King" level of Contracts, and got a Silent Assassin rating, just to show her how to do it. She said she'd give it a go, went in, forgot to dump her guns, got shot at, and killed every single person in the warehouse, including all the innocents. So she got a good rating too, albeit a bit of a messy one.

She liked Dead Rising, but whenever a zombie grabbed hold of her, she'd scream and throw the control pad at me so I could do it.

On both games, she nor any other girl I have ever seen play a console can grasp the two analogue stick system. They can move, stop, then look around, but are incapable of doing both.

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My sortof-girlfriend-ish-but-not-really...yet woman thing plays RPGs, and the 'cute' games like Mario Kart and Crash Bandicoot. But she won't touch FPSes or strategy games. Although she does like watching me play Oblivion 'because it looks pretty, and the goblins die in cool poses when you shoot them in the head'.

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My girlfriend plays games, yeah. Not anywhere near the level I do, but still a fair amount. Her favourites are Soul Calibur 3 on the PS2 and Neverwinter Nights on the PC. She enjoys watching me play what she deems to be "cool games that she would just suck at" - i.e. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, GTA/Bully, etc.

I also have a number of friends-who-are-girls that partake in a sizeable level of gaming. Games played by them include: Final Fantasy, Civilization II, Monkey Island, Tomb Raider, Super Smash Bros, Tony Hawks Pro Skater, Neverwinter Nights/Balders Gate/Icewind Dale/all those types, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Sim City, and so on.

Then I have another friend who's still obsessed with her Sega Mega Drive and plays it regularly (but can't get past the second level of The Lion King, bless). In fact, I think a fair number of them have some old 8/16bit console experience that they look back on with nostalgic fondness.

I guess I just know more 'gamer' type girls. Eh.

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Then I have another friend who's still obsessed with her Sega Mega Drive and plays it regularly (but can't get past the second level of The Lion King, bless). In fact, I think a fair number of them have some old 8/16bit console experience that they look back on with nostalgic fondness.

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My ex ex (like two girlfriends ago) was into her N64 when I was with her, but rarely actually played it. We're still friends now, and she's into timesplitters and all that jazz, and is actually fairly good at it (I suck at FPS games, with the exception of goldeneye, where I am more Bond than Bond himself).

My ex used to like playing 'girly' or 'kiddie' games, but she also used to like watching me play Silent Hill and Manhunt. Sick bitch.

My current bird thinks I'd rather bang my Xbox than I would her (she's wrong...most of the time) and doesn't understand the appeal of gritty, realistic 'adult' games. She does kinda like games though, and plays a lot of emulated Mega Drive stuff on her laptop.

But she's better in bed than the last two. So it all evens out really

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last proper girlfriend was pretty into video games, but she only had a playstation. she liked the cutesy games like crash and spyro (which I admitedly like too) but was also pretty beastly on MGS, and loved Final Fantasy VII, we used to play FFIX co-op battles, which was pretty cool!

Then we broke up, and she got an X-Box 360. I am very jealous of her new boyfie, even if she is a psychowhore.

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all but one of my girlfriends were into gaming they'd play as much as me which I loved. So fun fraggin you girl but on the flip side its painful when she kicks your ass in virtual fighter 4 lol

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