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EWB's Top 50 Televison Shows


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I understand bitching, I bitched in lists here lately, but sometimes it goes beyond bitching and becomes plain stupid.

Lost's viewers dropped off so the show isn't any good and is clearly overrated? Really? That makes sense? Newsflash, most shows that start off as high as a Lost did in ratings will see the inevitable ratings dip after a short while. Guess what? This season's huge hit, Heroes, I will guarantee you will have a dip in the ratings by season three. Hell, I'll put a month's salary up that it will.

It's okay to hate Lost, Buffy, Scrubs, Angel, Family Guy, or any other show, but to say that this whole list sucks because of your own personal dislike for a show is a stupid comment to make. I hate Family Guy and American Dad, and yet I'm not saying that the whole list and everyone who voted suck because they placed.

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No, when (seemingly) the ratings drop to the extent that Channel 4 didn't see any value in renewing the contract to show the 3rd series, there is something a little off there. Ratings don't seem to be as big a deal in the UK as they are in the US, but when such a flagship show as Lost isn't picked up again by the channel that brought it to the UK, they seemingly see no value in forking out the money for it.

Add the fact that it has already been stated that they are dragging it out to 6,7 or however many more seasons, the quality is definitely affected. I loved the initial premise, thought the first few shows were ok and it went downhill big time. I've seen some of the 2nd series as well (girlfriend doesn't mind it), but I know so few people personally who still enjoy Lost....most people seem to have burnt out on it early in the 2nd series (if they even perservered with the 1st).

Note, I'm not bitching about the list being crap (it has most shows I like in it), but Lost being 2nd is criminal. There seem to be two crowds for Lost, either love it or hate it, and sorry, but I hate it, and I've given it more than it's fair chance.

So yeah, my actual opinions on Lost being not very good and over-rated span directly from the fact that I've watched enough of it to comment, so seems fair enough to me. The drop in ratings and the dropping from the TV schedule just seems to show that I'm not the only person who doesn't think much about it over the long run.

Edited by Liam Byrne
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No, when (seemingly) the ratings drop to the extent that Channel 4 didn't see any value in renewing the contract to show the 3rd series, there is something a little off there. Ratings don't seem to be as big a deal in the UK as they are in the US, but when such a flagship show as Lost isn't picked up again by the channel that brought it to the UK, they seemingly see no value in forking out the money for it.

So it's not airing in the UK anywhere? I mean it's not on any channel?

Add the fact that it has already been stated that they are dragging it out to 6,7 or however many more seasons, the quality is definitely affected. I loved the initial premise, thought the first few shows were ok and it went downhill big time. I've seen some of the 2nd series as well (girlfriend doesn't mind it), but I know so few people personally who still enjoy Lost....most people seem to have burnt out on it early in the 2nd series (if they even perservered with the 1st).
The creators say five seasons. They always have. That's Carlton Cuse, Damon Lindelof, and that Alias guy who's name escapes me. ABC has said 6 or 7. The creators and the main actors are only contracted to do five though.

Note, I'm not bitching about the list being crap (it has most shows I like in it), but Lost being 2nd is criminal. There seem to be two crowds for Lost, either love it or hate it, and sorry, but I hate it, and I've given it more than it's fair chance.

So yeah, my actual opinions on Lost being not very good and over-rated span directly from the fact that I've watched enough of it to comment, so seems fair enough to me. The drop in ratings and the dropping from the TV schedule just seems to show that I'm not the only person who doesn't think much about it over the long run.

I dunno why I even went off on your Lost comments to be fair. It wasn't even you that annoyed me. It was more Dirty Johnny and Timmay Rave who made me comment in the first place, but you had actual arguments I could attack and debate. Oh well. Liam's a nondouchebag. The rest of you.....

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Scrubs					131

Lost					93

24					92

The Simpsons				76

Buffy					69

Family Guy				65

Futurama				64

Angel					63

House MD				59

Prison Break				57

Firefly					54

The Office US				51

Arrested Development		45

South Park				45

Neighbours				43

Friends				38

Blackadder				37

Battlestar Gallactica			35

Dr Who				35

Seinfield				34

Just for those curious how many points the shows got.

If/When I do this list again theres two things I will change.

1) Leave voting open longer. The lack of a whole heap of votes really DID hurt the rankings. The 30 - 50th shows were in the 11 - 20 point range for instance.

2) Not drag it out. This hurt the thread in a major way, but in all honesty it was something I couldn't help.

Edited by EbenAcer Scrooge
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I wasn't just bitching because a couple of shows placed high that I didn't like, or because my favourites didn't place high (as much as they deserved too :D), I 'bitched', because The Simpsons aside, the top 5 is bad, most of the top 10 is very bad, there is no way Scrubs is the best TV show ever, and Lost is NOT a second placed show.

There's a few shows in there I don't like, but can accept as being realy high (Buffy for instance), but some placings were just crazy.

Edited by timmayy rave
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No, when (seemingly) the ratings drop to the extent that Channel 4 didn't see any value in renewing the contract to show the 3rd series, there is something a little off there. Ratings don't seem to be as big a deal in the UK as they are in the US, but when such a flagship show as Lost isn't picked up again by the channel that brought it to the UK, they seemingly see no value in forking out the money for it.

So it's not airing in the UK anywhere? I mean it's not on any channel?

Add the fact that it has already been stated that they are dragging it out to 6,7 or however many more seasons, the quality is definitely affected. I loved the initial premise, thought the first few shows were ok and it went downhill big time. I've seen some of the 2nd series as well (girlfriend doesn't mind it), but I know so few people personally who still enjoy Lost....most people seem to have burnt out on it early in the 2nd series (if they even perservered with the 1st).
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Not enough EWB members are anime fans.

Some of the best shows I've ever watched are anime. DB/Z, Gundam Wing, Digmon (seasons 1+2 only), Death Note.

Of course, even those of us who ARE anime fans would be more likely to cut our own toes off than list those shows anyway. :shifty: Though Death Note is at least semi-decent.

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Scrubs					131

Lost 93

24 92

The Simpsons 76

Buffy 69

Family Guy 65

Futurama 64

Angel 63

House MD 59

Prison Break 57

Firefly 54

The Office US 51

Arrested Development 45

South Park 45

Neighbours 43

Friends 38

Blackadder 37

Battlestar Gallactica 35

Dr Who 35

Seinfield 34

Just for those curious how many points the shows got.

If/When I do this list again theres two things I will change.

1) Leave voting open longer. The lack of a whole heap of votes really DID hurt the rankings. The 30 - 50th shows were in the 11 - 20 point range for instance.

2) Not drag it out. This hurt the thread in a major way, but in all honesty it was something I couldn't help.

I've forgotten exactly how the shows were voted for, but I've got the feeling that Scrubs only won due to it being in many lists (but not necessarily at the top). It seems extremely odd that 1) It won over all and 2) It won by so much.

I've only just started watching Lost (I'm halfway through season 1) and I can see why people both like it and hate it. Currently, I'm enjoying it. Not sure it should be as high as 2nd, but I can accept it making a "list".

I like 24, and agree with it's high placing.

Ditto for The Simpsons, but would have a few others above it.

Buffy is one of those shows that I really enjoyed on-and-off, but wouldn't say it was a top 5 anything. Still, I'm not exactly offended by it's inclusion.

Further down the list, I agree with Family Guy, Prison Break, Firefly, Neightbours, Blackadder and Battlestar being in. And Angel, to an extent (see Buffy, but not quite as good overall). Not seen House or Arrested Development. I find Futurama grossly over rated. Same goes with South Park. (Not to say I don't like them. I think Futurama is 'averagely' funny, with not many lol moments. South Park seems to be at more extreme ends of the spectrum - either really fucking funny, or just plain shit). Friends was ok. Some episodes rocked, and others were just the drizzling shits. And, from what little (odd episode) I've seen of Seinfeld, it's MAJORLY over rated.

Thus endeth my two cents.

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Not enough EWB members are anime fans.

Some of the best shows I've ever watched are anime. DB/Z, Gundam Wing, Digmon (seasons 1+2 only), Death Note.

Of course, even those of us who ARE anime fans would be more likely to cut our own toes off than list those shows anyway. :shifty: Though Death Note is at least semi-decent.

Word. Death Note is pretty cool until

L dies in the most anticlimactic manner possible.

I'm still questioning the overall quality after that point going from the one volume I've read since then.

Speaking personally, I think Cowboy Bebop deserves a spot but I don't think I nominated it, if memory serves, mostly because it would be a hopeless cause.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dislike both Lost and 24 hugely, so I'm glad Scrubs beat them both, and I'm amused by the huge margin of victory, because I didn't think it stood a chance of getting any higher than third place.

Though I don't think it's worthy of #1.

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Not enough EWB members are anime fans.

Some of the best shows I've ever watched are anime. DB/Z, Gundam Wing, Digmon (seasons 1+2 only), Death Note.

Of course, even those of us who ARE anime fans would be more likely to cut our own toes off than list those shows anyway. :shifty: Though Death Note is at least semi-decent.

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