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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


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I find the name to be stupid, the book should be good though considering it's the last one. I liked the 2nd through the fourth one myself. The First was slow to get into and the fifth just wasn't all that grand it dragged on and on. I enjoyed the 6th book for what it was. I'm still under the belief the boy will die.

I dunno, I just find the name to be dumb.

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I hate the movies myself. I absolutely hated the Goblet Of Fire (Movie version). I loved the GOF book, absolutely adored it and it's probably my favourite book of the series, and the movie ripped it apart in my opinion. It was boring, it lacked that magic appeal (no pun intended), it just generally came out very poor on screen, which is a shame as it was an amazing book.

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Guest Makegamesnotwar

Any good theories on the name yet? To me it seems that the Deathly Hallows sounds like a creature or a name for a group and it is likely that the author would go about swerving us with it not being a place as most I've read has theorized. Meh. Whatever, I'll most likely end up reading it anyway as I did the others, spending an afternoon polishing it off. I've read all of them and it seems to me that Emo Harry is going to be even more prevalent(I don't think that Harry would be written as having totally gone through the stages of grief by the next year or so when it picks up, if it follows the trend of the other books and the author seems to be writing Harry as a darker character to make the book more "mature", whatever that means.)

I don't hate Emo Harry as much as others seem to- it was a nice change of pace considering how death follows Harry around and one would crack a bit under the strain of having person after person killed because you are still alive and people are trying to get you. Emo Harry has his uses.

Well, that's just my little bit of thought on it.

I guess I'll go on to reading the books again around the time this one comes out, just to get the whole arc.

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I actually enjoyed the movies just as much as the books.

The first book was good, and the first movie was good.

Chamber of Secrets was an improvement, the book was better than the original, and this movie was quite a bit better.

With Prisoner of Azkaban, I felt the book was weaker than 1 and 2, but the film was better than 1 and 2.

With Goblet of Fire, it was the best book of the 4, and tied with 3 as the best movie of the 4.

I'll probably read Order of the Phoenix February, March at the latest. I'll read Half Blooded Prince around mid to late 2006. Oh, and anyone know when the 7th book is coming out? I swear, either J.K. Rowling is a slow writer, or she's doing this on purpose. There's like a couple years in between each bookm more so for the later ones.

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I found the 6th book entirely too predictable, and the ending completely ruined the entire buildup to Snape's character. The whole point was that he could be an asshole without having to be evil, yet Rowling took the cheap way out and made him kill Dumbly.

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I found the 6th book entirely too predictable, and the ending completely ruined the entire buildup to Snape's character. The whole point was that he could be an asshole without having to be evil, yet Rowling took the cheap way out and made him kill Dumbly.

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I found the books to be really badly written personally. They just remind me of a more elaborate Goosebumps in where at the end of the chapter it seemed like something shocking would happen, but no, it was something nice and harmless.

The last film however is a great film. That was the last Potter book I read, and the film was just more interesting for whatever reason, and I'm someone who'll generally prefer the books to their film adaptations (LOTR for example).

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I found the 6th book entirely too predictable, and the ending completely ruined the entire buildup to Snape's character. The whole point was that he could be an asshole without having to be evil, yet Rowling took the cheap way out and made him kill Dumbly.



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I found the 6th book entirely too predictable, and the ending completely ruined the entire buildup to Snape's character. The whole point was that he could be an asshole without having to be evil, yet Rowling took the cheap way out and made him kill Dumbly.



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