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24 Season 6 ***Spoilers *** for episodes that have aired


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Especially the Walid subplot where he deftly pickpockets (?!?!?!?) the guy... and then walks back WITH THE PHONE ON HIM. Amazing strategy there guys.

God, that was agonizing, wasn't it? As though he didn't at least have the common sense to either drop the phone somewhere on the ground or go 'Hey, you dropped your phone over there. I didn't say anything because the guards were around. Here you go.' I'm really not enjoying that whole element of this season.

Jack's dad siding with him was a welcome surprise. Milo crossing Bill is interesting, and neo-con killbot Tom amuses me.

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The whole Walid think was really bad. Why the hell wouldn't he drop the phone and act as if nothing happened? Clearly he deserved a beating for being that stupid. But that whole storyline annoys me anyway. It just sucks due to him and the presidents sister being shit actors/actresses.

Jack and his dad getting captured by Graem was good. I liked that part. Good to see that his dad isn't an evil guy. Would have been way too cliche.

And Tom gets Karen to leave the White House and leave the President all to himself. I am starting to like Tom a lot more because of this due to me hating Karen. But this means she is going to CTU and we will have to see her and Bill together more often. UGH. And now we seem to have ANOTHER relationship at CTU. This time with Milo and the new Muslim girl. Ugh again. Stop with the relationships. It's not needed, at all.

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The only 24 relationship that ever worked was Tony and Michelle. And now they're both dead, so I'm never going to get emotionally invested in another relationship in the series again.

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Guest Rabid Wolveringo

That was awesome.

Good pick-up from last week. Glad to see Jack's dad is a complete motherfucking badass with motherfucking ice running through his veins.

I love Powers Booth as well. You just know he's gonna be evil.

Edited by Rabid Wolveringo
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Awesome episode. I initially groaned at "CTU member has a dying relative AGAIN" and "JACK'S DAD IS EVIL!!!!1!1" but both turned out GREAT. My only complaint is them seemingly doing Evil Neoconservative Vice President vs. Palmer again; everything else was fantastic this week and a wonderful turnaround from two very bad episodes.

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I don't know why, but I wasn't really into this episode at all. Jack's dad making us think he was evil a couple of episodes ago and turns out to be not evil, but then now he actually is evil? Meh. So cliche. But killing his own son was a good way to make you hate him. At least President Palmer actually didn't go through with Tom's proposal, I guess. And Morris better not turn out to be a mole in CTU somehow. That'd be even more cliche. Powers Boothe, however, will be an excellent addition to the cast as the evil VP.

Edited by Fitzy
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I hope we get information saying Morris used to be a field op, he's badass. At first I forgot that the pic was of the engineer that McCarthy found and worried that he turned bad :(. Jacks dad is a sly bastard but still a badass motherfucker.

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Once again I think it's very strange that there is no discussion for a new show, but I thought it was a fine episode. The woman shooting McCarthy was a bit obvious during the moment, but thats fine. Morris was fine in this and I didn't think he was un-badass. Fayad is also a sneaky bastard who SOMEHOW escaped, fuck him that dirty terrorist. Oh and fuck people with plots against the palmers.

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I'm surprised that Jack's father got away so easily and so quickly.

Especially since it's a completely empty room with no outside noise whatsoever, and Jack Bauer of all people couldn't POSSIBLY hear his father leave. And yes, clearly the sixtysomething at LEAST year old man can get away THAT simply. This season is taking plot-induced stupidity to new levels.

The conspiracy to kill the president subplot is very interesting. It's a pity everything else is so dumb. Points for Charles Logan looking like a guy who would work at a hardware store, though.

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Yeah, the ending with Philip getting away without making a single noise made absolutely no sense. Whatever. And the woman (not sure of the name still, Graem's widow), is beyond stupid. I think she just might top all the other women Jack has had a relationship with. Wow. I am liking the storyline on the murder of the President, probably the only interesting thing going on this season. But Charles Logan returning is great.

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