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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Was he? I just keep seeing posts about him not being around. If he's still around, I'm all ears. He's just not submitted any orders and only made a single post, so I assumed his net was down.

If I hear from him in the next 24 hours, he's welcome to keep playing.

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Was he? I just keep seeing posts about him not being around. If he's still around, I'm all ears. He's just not submitted any orders and only made a single post, so I assumed his net was down.

If I hear from him in the next 24 hours, he's welcome to keep playing.

According to his profile he was on at 4:30 this morning my time. I thought I saw him post yesterday or a few days ago though.. could be wrong.

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Speaking of Saw, I have no idea what I was supposed to do in that game. At least with Asylum, I figured it out midway through.

Yeah, it was definitely a mind fuck but I'm intrigued to see the mechanics of it once it's over.

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Guest strongarm85

Wow, there are some real douche bags on this forum. I'm glad I stayed for a couple days after my ban was over. I'll play by your rules for now, but I still see them as being inefficient, and ultimately pointless when you when you take the facts into account.

If you don't want mafia threads "creating clutter" on the 7th side sub-forum than the obvious solution would be to simply create a sub forum the Mafia Cube to so that it will stay seperate from the 7th side. That way even when you have an active mafia game you can keep the OOC chatter the sign-up thread far enough away from the 7th side that nothing ever shows up there again and the 7th side can become the deadest section of the forum where very few things are brought up and discussed.

There are two facts that I believe should really drive home the point of just how badly the over-reaction was to what I was doing and saying.

Of the 25 topics on the first page of the 7th side, 7 of them are Mafia sign-up threads

Also of the 25 Topics on the first page of the Seventh side, which go back to a full month ago, only 1 corresponds to an on-going in the diary Cube Section that isn't related to a mafia, and that's Supremacy.

In short, the argument that I was creating clutter on a mostly dead sub-forum because it pertained to a game, "That isn't happening now, and never will happen..." (Norro), is utter rubbish. 90% of the threads in that section pertain to games either aren't happening, or will never happen, with the only exceptions to that rule being big party games like Mafias and Supremacy.

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Not going to say I disagree with everything you've posted, but when you begin with "Wow, there are some real douche bags on this forum"... how the hell do you expect anyone to take your suggestions seriously?

You'll play by the rules "for now"? Newsflash... you're not going to get any of the protocol changed by yourself and, with that attitude, you're not likely to get any support in whatever revolution you've got in store for us either.

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Guest strongarm85

Did you read the comments about me, and the things that where said about me in this thread while I was gone for 24 that suddenly stopped after the ban was lifted even though I didn't come back for a few days.

Only a douche bag insults someone on a public forum when they're not around to read or respond to it. The only thing that really protects them for breaking the rules is the fact that I wasn't around at the time to see because if I where it would very obviously be flame baiting. So yeah, it is a fairly accurate, if derogatory, description of how those individuals where acting while I was gone.

Of course that's the way I do things. I'm just calling a spade a spade. If "spade" happens to be insult, than it's still a spade.

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Guest strongarm85

Well that would really depends on the connotation you where using for the word spade. The expression is as old as Methuselah and predates the popularity of card decks. A spade is just a small hand shovel used for gardening, which is what the expression refers to. The expression "calling a spade a spade" is really no different from "Telling it like it is."

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