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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I've no problem with a tv show or a movie if the protagonist is clearly a definite criminal but the people he/she/they face are far worse. Also if the criminal is actually a decent person but is deemed a criminal for various reasons (like an oppressive government etc), or if the criminal is later redeemed by their actions, that's also fine. It's just shows and movies that feature total assholes who are no better than the horrible people they face, or a scenario where the antagonists are actually the good guys, that I sometimes struggle to get behind.

Specifically with Breaking Bad it's not just that. it's also that I'm lazy and have a backlog of shows that I haven't got around to watching yet, so I've not really gotten around to the point where I have a spot free to consider watching it anyway. <_<

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I've no problem with a tv show or a movie if the protagonist is clearly a definite criminal but the people he/she/they face are far worse. Also if the criminal is actually a decent person but is deemed a criminal for various reasons (like an oppressive government etc), or if the criminal is later redeemed by their actions, that's also fine. It's just shows and movies that feature total assholes who are no better than the horrible people they face, or a scenario where the antagonists are actually the good guys, that I sometimes struggle to get behind.

That's what makes Breaking Bad the show that it is.

It puts morality on a sliding scale. There are good people, good people who do bad things for good reasons, good people who do bad things for bad reasons, bad people and then even worse people. They all exist and everybody has a line that they can't conscionably cross and are forced to face that.

It's not as simple as "fuck the police" because law enforcement is represented and cast in a heroic light as well. That said, it's also not a show to watch if seeking a positive role model.

Do the people on breaking bad become heroes?

No, but they're certainly exposed as not being the heartless sociopaths they believe themselves to be. It's a game of inches. :P
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I really don't think I took the easiest way, but I'm not going to argue it. I try to play as honestly as possible, even as scum, so that's why I did what I did. I could have been a jackass and played like an ass, but I wanted to make it as painless as possible.

Plus, I really felt like the role wasn't well thought out (please don't take that the wrong way, Nick, it was kinda overpowered), so...

Also, Rider's wife using FOS is so cute. >_>

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I still feel he took the easiest way out, which is the shittiest one.

Any criticism of a jester needs to be directed at the game runner who thought it was a good idea to have a jester and not at the player. DMN had a win condition, he tried his best to fulfill it, and he succeeded. Why drag it out to avoid taking the easiest way out if you're going to be handed such an easy win?

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