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Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood (Za ginipiggu 2: Chiniku no hana)

It's cheap and sadistic torture-porn. Though it's so bad, it's actually enjoyable. From the camera angles, to the closeup of the Samurai, to the terrible effects, the head smacking the wall, this movie is quite funny. Though should only be watched by people who have a strong stomach.


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I finished the book earlier than expected, so took the opportunity to catch it in theater.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: 7.5/10

A very good movie, highly enjoyable. The pacing was well done. There are several scenes I was disappointed to see cut (like Harry and Cho at Hogsmeade), but that was only a minor fault. I rank this movie above Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber, but below Azkaban and Goblet.

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Download the Best of Tia Bella off of... well, where ever you can find it, it's everywhere. Hottest pornstar ever, IMO.

Even if you don't dig her from photos, she's ridiculously sexy on film.

Edited by seriouseffect
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Transformers 8/10

This was my first ever Transformers experience, and after an hour and a half, I had a 'meh' attitude to it. While it was a 7/10, and not wasn't bad at all, there wastoo much American teen drama, characters that seemed to get built up and disappear, a slightly clunky and disjointed plot and barely any Transformers!

After two hours it was a 7.5, because that action was picking up.

After two and a half hours, I've settled on an 8, because the last half an hour kicks ass! It's just all out action (it IS a Michael Bay film), but it's good!

The only major bad points are that it takes WAY too long to get going, at points it feels like the longest film ever - it needs cutting down a bit, a couple of the minor characters are pointless, while it tries to be funny ALL the time a lot of it isn't, and that would be it.

Transformers is a very good action film, once it get's on with it!

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Cashback (the short film version) - 8/10

Solid plotline, and great use of not going gratuitous on the female nudity, I mean, yes, there is a lot of it, but it does actually fit the artistic side quite well and all the characters fit fun roles.

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Live Free or Die Hard

Forget the Transformers hype, this is the action movie of the Summer. I'm just pissed it took me over a month to see it - I was convinced it was going to suck, and then even more worried every time I read a message board review of "OMG TIS IS NOT TEH DYE HARD!!!!!" This is why I'm never going to an IMDB message board ever again because it's really nothing but a bunch of fucking dorks. Die Hard 4 is exactly the kind of action movie we've needed - over the top, funny and packed full of the kind of moments that make you laugh and cheer because they're just so awesome. Yes it's silly, but again, anyone complaining about it is just another person looking through the rose-tinted glasses of their childhood and puts their memories on a pedestal. Newsflash, all the Die Hard movies are ridiculous, it's one guy killing entire squads of terrorists for over twenty years. If you haven't seen it yet, go... because it's awesome.

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Live Free or Die Hard

Forget the Transformers hype, this is the action movie of the Summer. I'm just pissed it took me over a month to see it - I was convinced it was going to suck, and then even more worried every time I read a message board review of "OMG TIS IS NOT TEH DYE HARD!!!!!" This is why I'm never going to an IMDB message board ever again because it's really nothing but a bunch of fucking dorks. Die Hard 4 is exactly the kind of action movie we've needed - over the top, funny and packed full of the kind of moments that make you laugh and cheer because they're just so awesome. Yes it's silly, but again, anyone complaining about it is just another person looking through the rose-tinted glasses of their childhood and puts their memories on a pedestal. Newsflash, all the Die Hard movies are ridiculous, it's one guy killing entire squads of terrorists for over twenty years. If you haven't seen it yet, go... because it's awesome.

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It really is a blast. Lately in these big blockbusters, the entire movie rests on one guy, that's not the case here. While it is of course Bruce's movie, Justin Long, Kevin Smith, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Maggie Q and especially Timothy Olyphant all shine. The comedy is mixed in well, the action is practically non-stop and the PG13 rating doesn't bring it down at all. Definitely a worth installment to the franchise.

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That Harry Potter Movie


Why were most of the people at this movie adults and why were they acting like children? My boyfriend dragged me to this movie and the only redeeming quality was that hot kid with the red hair. Otherwise, it was pretty fucking shitty.

Edited by PunkRockPete
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Little Giants - 40933850370572/10

I am in no room to review this movie objectively because it's one of my favorites as a kid, and I still like it now. Oh, it's predictable as crap now, but any line with this exchange by default is classic:

"Football is 80% mental and 40% physical."


Oh, and the chick who played Icebox in the movie is pretty hot now...and Ed O'Neill is awesome.

Now on to a movie I will review objectively...

Swimming Pool - 7.5/10

Charlotte Rampling gives one of the finest performances of her career by being a cold novelist in Swimming Pool, a movie where there seems to be no clear answer to much of anything, but not in a bad way. The film is engrossing throughout, whether it's by Rampling's titular nature or lead actress Ludavine Sagnier's sexy performance. A solid watch, and one that really gets you into the story, even if the premise seems like a bore.

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The Simpsons Movie 7.5/10

Funny. Not as good as The Simpsons was in it's prime, (its lacks the same level of humour and narrative) but miles better than the shit they've been churning out for years. Go and see, some good laughs to be had. Principal Skinner is barely in it though, only seen in crowd scenes, which is unforgiveable....

Edited by Mushiking timmayy
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The Simpsons Movie: 9/10

Surpassed my expectations. As good as any Season 1-9 episode. Hilarious all throughout, many laugh-out-loud moments, a solid plot, and AMAZING acting by the entire cast, especially Yeardly Smith.

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I've watched three films since Thursday...

The Simpsons Film - ****

I hate the "M" word so I'll use Film instead. I get the impression that if all the later episodes of The Simpsons were the same length as this, they'd all be awesome. Because there was a lot more room to breathe until in the series, there was time for many hilarious jokes and a decent plot. I've been waiting for this for years and it didn't disappoint.

Fahrenheit 9/11 - ***

Like I mentioned in the Donators, the wit and usual "I would have got away with it too if it weren't for that pesky Michael Moore" antics were gone in favour of conspiracy and sometimes complex politics. The subject areas covered have good ideas, if you aren't looking to drink more of the Liberal kool-aid, this is lacking. Personally I'm not a Liberal, I'm more of a Monster Raving Looney Party man myself.

Children of Men - ****

I'll admit that one aspect of the film of why they had to run away from the Fishes was lost on me. I came up with the logical answer, and hey, I was right. Apart from that it is a fantastic dystopian film, and flashier than the typical British film, which makes me suspect it was American funded. Also you have Michael Caine with strawberry flavoured weed, what more could you ask for?

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Stan Lee's Lightspeed: 5/10

Pretty good for a Sci-Fi Original, but pretty bad by all other standards.

The Contractor: 7/10

Not the best movie, but I'm a fan of Wesley Snipes, so this one was pretty good. For some reason, I absolutely loved his one hand-to-hand fight scene, even though it was over in only ten seconds or so.

The Host: 2.5/10

Ugh. Everything directly involving the monster or the little girl in the sewers was great. Everything else was just dreadful.

The White Dragon: 8/10

A lot wackier than I had expected, but the drama was good, too. Fun stuff, I'm glad I rented it.

Edited by Doc Funky
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