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The Butterfly Effect - 6.5/10 or (**1/2) This movie has the strangest first 20 minutes I may have ever seen in a non-indy film. The film's has an immensely dark nature that, at times, seems to get too dark. Either way, it was pretty good but after watching it, I needed to watch a not-so-dark film (that film is below).


The Big Green - 6/10 or (**1/2) This was made during Disney's sports movie overflow in the early to mid-90s. Among the cast is Steve Guttenberg, a kinda hot British woman, and the announcer from Angels In The Outfield (I'll probably edit this with their real names as imdb is calling). It's pretty decent for a Disney movie (but not the level of Heavyweights or the first Mighty Ducks movie).

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I don't care what anyone says, I really enjoyed this movie (as you can see by my ranking it higher than The Village, which I also liked.)

The acting was okay, and I actually cared about a few of the characters. The Predators looked really good, as did the Aliens (especially the Queen).

I liked how they followed some of the comic book storylines. Fans clamor for those to be included, but everyone I've seen talking about the end of the film said that they hated it and blah blah this and blech that...even though they're the ones who whine for CBC (Comic Book Continuity) in films. So I say fuck them.

The story was decent to good, the action was great, and the intaglement of world history into the history of the Aliens and Predators was well done and interesting.

The only thing, in my eyes, that could have made this work better, aside from the Predators (minus Scar) not being pussies, would have been an 18-A/R rating, and a little more intensity in the death scenes/battles.

One last thing... there had better be a sequel, because the cliffhanger at the end would really piss me off if there aren't any plans for one at this time.

Edited by Gabriel
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The Rundown - ***1/2:

At first I thought they only would show the good parts of the movie in the previews, including one of the monkey scenes. But that scene definitely wasn't the funniest and the movie actually surprised me with a decent enough storyline and an odd but workable pairing of Seann William Scott and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson added good comedy moments to the movie. The only negative thing I will say is that the whole "I don't like guns" part of the story didn't really need to be used because it didn't have a big backdrop for anything. Otherwise, this is a movie I'd rent and enjoy.

Edited by Mr. X
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Cradle 2 The Grave - 5/10 or (**) Somehow, I'm now interested to see what a Anthony Anderson/Tom Arnold buddy comedy would look like. Oh yeah, the movie? It sucked.


The Rules of Attraction - 9/10 or (***1/2) A film that is shocking, crazy, and brilliant. It manages drama (a scene of tragic suicide), comedy (Paul and Dick's Faith romp and Dick's speech afterwards), and tips the hat to the original novel, too. Also, I love how Kate Bosworth is in the film for only afew minutes but is on the box.


Private Lessons - 3.5/10 or (*1/2) I can't believe the crap I watch sometimes. This movie was halfway porn-halfway dramedy and it went to hell when a key character is killed. If you see it, you'll know why, too.

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Guest John Kerry's Evil Twin

Young Frankenstein: 8/10 Great movie! Would any of the ladies on this board like to have an intellectual discussion with me?

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