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Catwoman - 2/10

The worst music, one-liners, and villain so far this year....combine that with an almost idiotic performance from an Oscar winner and you get a movie that should have never been made.  I need a shower.

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While you're on Numbahs, how much better is The Girl Next Door's unrated version than the original? Or have you even watched it yet?

IIRC(without popping it into my laptop), the only real difference is more T&A in the strip club scene. That doesn't really make it any better or worse. I haven't watched the whole thing unrated, so I don't know if I missed something.

I did watch most of the DVD extras though, there's nothing special about them. Although I should point out that the unrated version has more extras.

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X-Men - 7/10

Comic book movies have completely saved the high budget movie genre. Combine a kick ass cast (Anna Paquin, Halle Berry, Ian Mackellen, Hugh Jackman) with a daring director and a little bit of money, and a movie can be wholly entertaining. I think what really succeeds about the movie is that it doesn't try to follow the comic too closely. Courage to challenge the comic traditions is why this movie, the following sequel and the Spiderman movies all suceeded. Thumbs up.

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Still, We Believe(The Boston Red Sox Movie)- No rating/10. Well, I'm a Red Sox fan and my mom came home with this so yea, I watched it. I enjoyed it because I can obviously relate to most of it. I can't really put a rating on it, but it was enjoyable to me, although some people might find it hilarious. I must say though, there is a lot of irony in this movie, and if your a Red Sox fan or a sports fan for that matter, you will laugh at how ironic this movie is.

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The Girl Next Door


-Easily better than the last two American Pie efforts (which is what many of my friends were comparing this too.)

Elish Cuthbert is amazingly sexy, and tonight was the first time in the months that we've been dating, that I've told my girlfriend that another woman turned me on.

For some reason, Timothy Olyphant really stood out in this movie, which is good because I like him. He seems to stand out in a lot of his films, while always playing a supporting character. Kudos for that Timothy, kudos for that.

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