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Lucky Number Sleven


I read alot of negative reviews about this film, but I gotta say I actually enjoyed it. It was entertaining and the twist actually made sense. Plus Lucy Liu is fucking hot in the film. This reminded me that Josh Harnett is a very underrated actor.

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Kung Fu Panda 8/10

Meet Dave 7.5/10, although that score will go down dramatically with repeat viewings, as most of the laughs are at Eddie Murphy's facial experssions, and it isn't the sort of comedy where you could watch again and again and find new things to laugh at.

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X-Files: I Want to Believe AKA: X-Files: Most Poorly-Timed Release Ever.

Okay, so I loved the X-Files, I could watch reruns of it everyday and never get bored, it's just such a fun show. Even enjoyed the first movie in all its "let's just throw shit out there and see what happens" glory. So needless to say, I was thrilled when I heard they were making another movie, and extremely shocked when I found out it was coming out relatively quick after they made the announcement. Now I know why it came out so fast - this is a two-part X-Files episode.

I generally hate when people use that phrase to bash a movie based on a show (specifically EWBers and the South Park movie, which was absolutely nothing like an episode of the show), but it's completely justified here. How long has the show been off the air - six years? You would think after that long, they'd come up with something big to bring back the franchise... nope. What we get is a really good X-Files episode, but an extremely average movie. Couple that with 20th Century Fox completely forgetting to advertise the movie and releasing it one week after the biggest movie opening in history and you have a recipe for "meh." Go see Batman again; pick this one up on DVD and watch it on the small screen, which is where it will feel right.

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Lost Boys: The Tribe...

yep..its as bad as it looks

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Robocop 2 gets (Y).

I wonder if you'll say the same thing after seeing Robocop 3. :P

Recently I've seen Rear Window, The Dark Knight, Pan's Labyrinth and Pleasantville. All awesome stuff. In fact, I haven't seen a bad film in almost two weeks now. That's got to be some kind of record.

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Step Brothers is a good flick. Not laugh out loud funny at every turn, but a good film I think.

Better Off Dead with John Cusack from like the 80's I think was a good film as well. My uncle told me about it so I gave it a look. It isnt something you watch for the realism or anything since it's a comedy, and it has the two asians from that one Family Guy episode where Peter is going to race maids with. Should give it a look for no reason other than to see some nice suicide attempts go wrong in a humorous way.

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Step Brothers - 4/10

Oh God...I actually managed to think an Adam McKay movie outright sucked. This is a bad day. A few funny moments and I liked Adam Scott as the dick brother...but really, the only thing good about it is that it skated along. Dark comedies also tend to be funnier when they're mocking something and have no contempt for their characters, but the mother and father of the step-brothers here are compassionate and feel like they should be in a different movie than the wacky antics of Reilly and Ferrell. The "play it serious" nature of the parents just makes you feel miserable for them when it should be focused on how Ferrell and Reilly are childish OTT characters. And sadly, at the end of the day, it's just not funny.

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