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If the series does carry on beyond VI, and funnily enough I have a feeling it will - it will happen due to the final twist of SAW VI giving us the final accomplice and it coming across in such a way to create a new series of films minus the original Jigsaw character. But time will tell on that one.

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Had Eastern Promises on DVD for a good few monthes, finally got round to watching it. Think i would probably give around 7.5/10, i enjoyed it, wasn't to keen on the ending...

Did he have to get with the girl? There was an obvious relationship between Nikolai and Kirill. He helped the slave-girl so it would've made sense him just wanting to help Anna.

...other than that i thought it was really good. Some of the accents were a tad dodgy, but my love for Viggo grows, plus i got to see and compare with his penis, yay! I think i may be looking into some other Croneberg films after this and History of Violence.

Edited by Cabral_
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Just saw this down the Cinema and I've gotta say being a SAW fan I am not dissapointed.

That's odd. I went last night with some Sawmaniacs (?) and they were livid about it. I, on the other hand, rather enjoyed it myself. I thought the ending was really inspired. Just wish more emphasis was put on the subplot, really... and I could've lived without the stand-alone stuff that won't make sense until the next movie.

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Max Payne - 7/10

Not a bad way to spend a Tuesday afternoon. My friend Matt & I went to see the 4:35 show, and it was an empty theater. It honestly made me get into the movie more, because I could talk freely to him about the movie and the games. It was action packed, and honestly if you haven't played the games it's kind of hard to follow the movie. It jumps around from MP1 and MP2 settings a bunch, but it's still enjoyable. Mila Kunis is fucking awesome, as always. It could have utilized bullet-time alot more than it did, but I think the main reason they didn't was because to the average movie goer who doesn't know what Max Payne is, they might think they're ripping off the Matrix or something.

All in all, though, it was a fun little action movie that didn't require much thought. Storyline was simple, and the action was great. Hopefully there's a Directors Cut DVD where it has more action scenes and is alittle bit more violet.

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Quantum of Solace (just about a) 7/10

This is perfectly fine, or perfectly acceptable bonding if you will. Its basically a long sequence of very average action scenes with a plot wrapped round them, even for a Bond film it's a little empty of 'build'.

Performances are mixed. Craig is OK, Judy Dench phones it in, but Mathieu Amalric is a good Bond Villain.

Aside from some of the performances, there isn't much wrong with Quatum of Solace, there's just nothing, literally nothing praise-worthy about the script, the action, the direction or the plot.

While average and forgettable, it's by no means bad or boring.

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Since I'm bored with tenscale ratings (and frankly I'm just lazy and just wanna talk about if I hate or like something), I'm gonna go with a simple scale. Basically it's the Ebert thumbs up/thumbs down/thumbs to the side scale. All right, since I've bored ya, here's my review.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - (Y)

How it took me 19 years to see this amazingly campy musical is beyond me. Thankfully, I wasn't a video virgin as far as I didn't see it in one of the many Halloween screenings, but this is hilarious enough for me to really want to go. (Not dress up, but certainly go.) The real performance of the picture is easily Tim Curry as Dr. Frank N. Furter because Tim Curry is awesome, though, Susan Sarandon is wonderfully blank. Just a great film all around, and it had Meat Loaf singing! Thumbs up.

Edited by ROC
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Zack and Miri Make a Porno

Watching Kevin Smith's first truly post-Jersey film is a genuinely fascinating experience. We not only get to bear witness to his evolution from writer-who-directs to a fully balanced filmmaker, but also see a bit of the fruit of his influence as he shares the screen with Seth Rogen (who wrote Superbad with Evan Goldberg after seeing Clerks gave him a glimpse into a world of filmmaking they could relate to). This time the writing is as sharp if not moreso than before, and behind the directors chair he manages to craft one of the most powerful sex scenes I've ever seen on the big screen (seeing as the movie is called "Zack and Miri Make a Porno", I didn't feel I was spoiling anyone in saying this). In front of the camera Seth Rogen shares the lead with the absolutely flawless Elizabeth Banks, who gives probably the strongest performance of any performer in a View Askew film to date. The supporting cast includes hilarious performances by Craig Robinson, Jason Mewes and Jeff Anderson while Katie Morgan is a delightful surprise. This is just the next natural step in the career of Kevin Smith, who continues to prove his critics wrong. Hopefully someday they realise that.

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Zack and Miri Make a Porno

Watching Kevin Smith's first truly post-Jersey film is a genuinely fascinating experience. We not only get to bear witness to his evolution from writer-who-directs to a fully balanced filmmaker, but also see a bit of the fruit of his influence as he shares the screen with Seth Rogen (who wrote Superbad with Evan Goldberg after seeing Clerks gave him a glimpse into a world of filmmaking they could relate to). This time the writing is as sharp if not moreso than before, and behind the directors chair he manages to craft one of the most powerful sex scenes I've ever seen on the big screen (seeing as the movie is called "Zack and Miri Make a Porno", I didn't feel I was spoiling anyone in saying this). In front of the camera Seth Rogen shares the lead with the absolutely flawless Elizabeth Banks, who gives probably the strongest performance of any performer in a View Askew film to date. The supporting cast includes hilarious performances by Craig Robinson, Jason Mewes and Jeff Anderson while Katie Morgan is a delightful surprise. This is just the next natural step in the career of Kevin Smith, who continues to prove his critics wrong. Hopefully someday they realise that.

I have seen this labeled as a romantic comedy. Does it get really sappy at any points, or is only labeled that because of the obvious connection between the two leads?

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It's kind of similar to Clerks II in that regard. Far too raunchy to be a date movie, but too sweet to be considered a gross-out movie. But unlike other massively successful R-rated rom-coms (*cough*Knocked Up*cough*), it's totally believable and doesn't have to go silly to get sweet. Probably because he's always been so earnest in his storytelling and creates realistic characters (except for his farces like Jay and Bob, Mallrats and Dogma, which weren't meant to be grounded in the first place).

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Ghost Town 7.5/10

Just saw it tonight and I really enjoyed the film. It'll probally get crits because of the fact that Gervais plays a character that doesn't seem all the differant from his himself or more closely, Andy from Extras, but in all honesty how miserable the character is seems quite differant to how I've always seen Gervais to be. The story is... Well, it's alright. It's nothing ground breaking but it's not really meant to be. You'll enjoy it if you enjoy Gervais' type of humour, if not I'd probally steer cleer. Some of the lines in it were brilliant, I have to say.

"You're not a crowd person then?"

"Well, it's not really crowds I have a problem with so much as the indiviguals in them."

Edited by Commander TKz Brannigan
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Shoot 'Em Up: 7/10

Had this on Sky+ for a while and finally got round to watching. Was exactly what i was expecting, just a load of cool shooty action sequences and amusing one-liners. Sure, there wasnt much of a plot, something about a senator killing babies for their bonemarrow and something about a gun law, but when the action is as over-the-top and fun as this, you dont really give a shit. Just a great 'switch your brain off and enjoy the ride' flick.

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Role Models 3.5/10

Ugh, I was really disappointed. The first half hour is hilarious, after that the last hour was completely horrid, and just stopped being funny. The most enjoyment I got out of the entire film was then preview of "Fast and the Furious 4" at the begining... too bad it doesn't come out till next summer. I wouldn't recommend anyone watching this even on DVD.

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Really? I didn't have a problem with there not being as much humor really towards the last half because they did a good job developing Rudd and Mintz-Plasse...okay, McLovin's characters and their bond to one another. It was kind of cool to me to show the geek as just a normal kid, really, because most of the time that's how it is. Obviously, the movie's hardly going for realism when you have Seann William Scott being a horndog and banging a girl every 15 minutes, but there's a nice bit of sentiment there.

Of course, I enjoyed it because I love Paul Rudd simply being awesomely snarky Paul Rudd and we got that in spades here. Add in Jane Lynch, who's been awesome in small appearances in Judd Apatow's flicks (haven't seen the Chris Guest flicks she's in), and the kids who both have great moments, and Role Models was a great flick.

Thus, I give it a (Y) .

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Double post, but fuck it. It's not like anyone posts anything in here anyway.

Chris Rock: Kill The Messenger - very slight (N)

Something happened to me with this special...I didn't really find it funny. Any sort of insight that Rock had in the last 15 years seems to be really limited at best here. And I think it just goes down to the fact that racial comedy isn't edgy anymore. With pisspoor people like Katt Williams around, Rock seems to be pandering to that crowd. Actually, the funniest bit of this whole special is when Chris Rock admits that he loves Gwen Stefani because he's the type of person that can make mundanities like that extremely funny. Hell, I remember an episode of the Creative Screenwriting podcast where he was simply entertaining just talking about how he got the idea of remaking an Erich Rohmer movie. And there's just not enough of that sort of humor here. So eh, very slight thumbs down because I was disappointed.

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Fuck you, Katt Williams is great.


Which makes me not like the Chris Rock special because it sounds like regurgitated Katt Williams. :shifty:

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12 Angry Men 8/10

It's very good, the performances are very good, and to say it's 12 people shouting at each other in a room for ninety-six minutes it's very engaging.

There is the odd bit of "convenience" but there wouldn't be a film with out them so I can forgive the odd contrived moment, and while the ending is fine it could be a bit better.

But still, it's very enjoyable,

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