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The Matrix 9/10 And I still dont fully understand it to this day


The Matrix Reloaded 6.5/10 Kinda felt like they were meshing the first and third together and not making a good sequel


The Matrix Revolutions 8/10 It's finally over!!!!!

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Jonah: A Veggietales Movie - 7/10 or (**1/2) Hmmm, Veggietales is pretty funny at times, so I liked the movie.


Risky Business - 8.5/10 or (***1/2) Moving from one genre to a complete 180 from that genre is Risky Business. The film has a great sexiness thanks to the great Rebecca DeMornay, who is only really hot but a good actress. (Shame she never got another real success to show that off) Tom Cruise does a good job as well holding up his character's story throughout. The direction style is also excellent and all of that makes up for a great flick. This film is truly one of the classics of the teen film genre (with Fast Time at Ridgemont High and The Breakfast Club following not too far behind).

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Psycho (Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh) - 7.5/10

This was on AMC a few days ago and I decided to watch it, since I hadn't seen the whole movie before. Loved the premise of the movie even though I knew what was going on the whole time from everyone and their mother talking about the movie. Just classic Hitchcock.

Psycho* (Anne Heche, Vince Vaughn) - 8/10

I noticed this movie was on the Sci-Fi channel at 3 am this morning and since I'm an insomniac, I decided to watch it. It's a 'remake' where lots of things are the same but the movie is different. Vince Vaughn was perfect as Norman Bates and I mean, perfect. The last scene with his big smile was fuckin' eerie and great. I enjoyed this more than the original just because of Vaughn.

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A weekend of watching things I've seen many times before:


Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - 8/10 or (***) It's take on Hollywood is even funnier than its stoner humor from everybody's favorite stoners.


Dogma - 8/10 or (***) Another one of Smith's great satires.


Bruce Almighty - 7.5/10 or (***) Jim Carrey has always managed to be funny, whether it be a pure silly comedy (Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber) or a morality comedy (this and Liar Liar).

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Tokyo 10+01



Written and filmed by a guy who loved Battle Royale. A similar idea, 11 criminals (A fatty, a card shark, a Yakuza wannabe, a tranny, twin Chinese gymnasts, A man-hating assassin, an art forger, a smart kid, a loser and a 'cool' biker) are captured, bracelets attached and have eleven hours to make their way to a building or the bracelets will inject a lethal poison.

Of course only one can survive....

Incredibly funny, fantastic stereotyping, light-hearted music and an attention to detail (from references to Battle Royale, it's director and Beat Takeshi, to the intro video with the girl welcoming them, scarily similar to BR "Fight with gusto!").

The characters are amusing, the 'baddie' is pure glowering pantomime villain complete with dodgy teeth.

There is a plot and it's actually pretty decent, explored rapidly in this 82 minute film.

I think this is better for those who have seen BR to pick up all the references but amusing nonetheless!

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Resident Evil : Apocalypse

Rating: 7/10

The story is very sound before the seemingly very rushed conclusion while the directing work is at times a lot to be desired. Despite these two negatives the overall look of the movie alongside the characters and storyline is very good. Sure it sparks debate with some of the ways that the storyline develops but in my own view it works out very well.

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