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The Hangover - 8/10

Loved most of it. Bradley Cooper played a much better role than I EVER thought he would. He just has the face of a villain to me, so I wasn't too sure how much I'd like him in this, but he was pretty damn awesome. Plus, anything with Heather Graham in is an automatic win. Talking of her though, it really needed more of her. Oh and the end credits may just be the best EVER.

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Knowing - 8/10

Right, I come back last night and decide I was very bored so I put Knowing on the TV (pirate DVD's ftw). It has an interesting storyline that keeps you in suspense. In some parts it may have been over the top and halfway through I got frustrated at Nicholas Cage's voice but all in all it is a very good watch and I'd recommended that you'd watch it. The ending is very unexpected but it's a very good film.

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Underworld 3: 8.5/10.... I love this series, and this movie was no different, only qualm would be that it didn't tell as much of a story as the first two, which in theory, I was expecting the complete opposite.

Yes Man:6.5/10.... This is actually the highest I've rated a Jim Carey movie in forever. He toned down the ADD rant, nor did he try and prove he could act. He was just funny, and it was a nice little story.

Ice Age 1: 7/10 Fun little kid movie....disappointed slightly since I was expecting it to be more like Shrek.

Waiting: 8.5/10.... I didn't realize it had as many people in it as the movie did. Dane Cook had what? Four or Five lines in the movie, tops? Oh well, it had Ryan Reynolds. That's all I care about.

Carey proved in ESOTSM The Truman Show that he could act damn brilliantly, which Yes Man doesn't even come close to.

FIX'D! Though he is brilliant in ESOTSM too.

Films I've seen since Friday.. Not that many sadly.

Clive Barker's Nightbreed - 5/10... Controversies about editing aside, Barker thinking this would take off as a Star Wars style franchise is laughable. "Mummy, I don't want the Darth Vader action figure, I want the thing that resembles a chicken with a head stuck on."

Aguirre, the Wrath of God - 9/10... A great reminder of why European storytelling is far superior to American.

12 Rounds 9/10

Wait. What? Really?

I'd give it a strong 7. It's quite a brainless but fun film with no delusions of grandeur. See also: Punisher War Zone.

I also disagree with the good reviews of Knowing. The ending may be surprisingly ballsy, but nothing else works.

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Adventureland - 8/10

Pretty awesome film and probably better than I was expecting. Kristen Stewart is a million miles ahead as my favourite actress right now. She just seems to be fantastic every time I watch her, plus she's straight up beautiful. Margarita Levieva (and what an awesome name) looked gorgeous as well. Outside of the hotness though, great film overall. Just had a nice old school feel to it, good summer movie really. This is the first time I've hated Ryan Reynolds though, his character was just a cock. And I thought Jesse did an awesome job in the lead role, first time I've really seen him properly, great job. Just a really cool and good to watch movie.

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City of Ember = 6.5 out of 10 - I like post apocalyptic stuff, and although this never actually came out and said what happened, its an interesting movie and has some fun stuff to it. Nothing earth shattering, but a good movie with likable main characters.

Crank 2: High Voltage = 7 out of 10 - You know pretty much what you're getting when you see a Jason Statham movie. I don't think I've ever seen a terrible movie by him and everything has been worth watching but don't expect something dramatic and a plot that will blow you away. The original Crank was better, but this definitely had fun moments and I look forward to how ridiculous they go on the next movie.

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Blood: The Last Vampire (Movie, not animated) - 8/10

Really good film that I couldn't wait to watch. Some of the story was a little weird in places, but it all worked out in the end. I'm highly doubting of a second one, but I'd love them to do so.

Talking of this film, does anybody know any good films similar to this and in English? Doesn't really have to be vampire wise, just something slightly resembling this film.

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Cloverfield = 6.5 out of 10 - I'm usually not a fan of the shaky cam or monster movies, but this was done pretty well. There was a reason for the hand held camera and the creature (which looked kinda lame to be honest) only appearing for seconds made the buildup to its reveal even better. I'm kinda bummed out they offed all the main characters (or not, everything pretty much was off screen) but with a movie like this, you don't need the same actors for sequels, in fact it may be better to switch it up, tell different stories about what happened and such.

Anyways, decent movie, shaky cam is a bit much at times but overall it works and actors did a good job of not really making me hate them. If you have some time to kill, its worth it.

Wristcutters: A Love Story = 8.5 out of 10 - A really cute, interesting and fun movie about suicide! Really, it's something that is definitely worth watching, a fun movie with characters that you really get invested in and care about.

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Cloverfield = 6.5 out of 10 - I'm usually not a fan of the shaky cam or monster movies, but this was done pretty well. There was a reason for the hand held camera and the creature (which looked kinda lame to be honest) only appearing for seconds made the buildup to its reveal even better. I'm kinda bummed out they offed all the main characters (or not, everything pretty much was off screen) but with a movie like this, you don't need the same actors for sequels, in fact it may be better to switch it up, tell different stories about what happened and such.

Anyways, decent movie, shaky cam is a bit much at times but overall it works and actors did a good job of not really making me hate them. If you have some time to kill, its worth it.

6.5/10 is probably a fair score.

The shakiness of the camera definitely worked well. It was almost as if you were there experiencing it with them at times. My main gripe with the movie was how long it took to get going. Yes, I know they needed a background on the main character's story, but without spoiling anything, you'd realise that they took 20 minutes to build up something that could've been done in half of that. Considering it was only an hour and twenty long, it took a lot out of the movie.

The quick camera cuts to him and the girl, then back to the survival mode/getting away from that "thing" were a nice touch.

Oh, and one other gripe was that this "thing" was in no way explained. I'm not sure if a second film has been confirmed, and if it is I would hope for more clarity in that one. I kind of thought during the film that "I have no idea what this is, but I'll know later" - That moment never come.

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Marley & Me - 7.5/10

Fuck this film. I expected it to be basically all comedy, how wrong I was by the end. I felt like the biggest pussy ever by the end, because I felt like crying my eyes out when Marley slowly began to die. Seriously, I can watch films with people dying in them in tragic ways and be fine, but they decided to kill the dog and that fucking got me. I enjoyed the film, it had some good comedy in there, but I didn't enjoy the sadness at the end. Marley! :(

Edited by JohnnyPerfect
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Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince: 7.5/10

- A good film, beautiful cinematography, and great acting from the trio and the actoor who plays Professor Slughorn

Terminator: Salvation: 6/10

I thought I'd hate this, but I actually enjoyed it until the cop-out ending.

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Frozen River: 6 out of 10 - A pretty interesting story and good acting by everyone. A bit slow paced for my tastes but it works for a movie like this.

Death Race: 7 out of 10 - I'm a sucker for Jason Statham movies and I'm not ashamed to admit it. When this first came out, I thought for sure that it was going to be terrible. I was surprised then and still am now. I mean, the plot is simple enough, there is some great action sequences, the auto violence is pretty fantastic and Statham is great. Tyrese Gibson's character is one of the only problems in my opinion. His change from foe to friend was way too quick and sticking around afterward to become best friends in Mexico just seems dumb. Other than that, some pretty good mindless entertainment right here.

I actually was going to watch Marley & Me a couple days ago, but when I heard that he dies I just couldn't and deleted it. Too sad for me, I love dogs and the previews reminded me of my own. I don't want to watch my dog die. :(

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GA reviews - now with stricter ratings!

This weekend, I watched...

Changeling - 7/10 Mildly disappointed by this one. It is better than 90% of films that came out in 2008, but I had few problems with the film. The 'good vs. bad' dynamic was too obvious. It lost a lot of momentum after Jolie went into the mental asylum. The final third meandered, with the ending about how her child saved another felt like something shoehorned in to satisfy American audiences, true story or not. I am hard to please. :P

Gremlins - 6/10 I think I gave this film a '7' originally. The replay value is a bit like Jurassic Park for me, revisiting it too soon (I only watched it at Christmas) lessens the experience. Still a perfectly good if surprisingly mean spirited film.

Gremlins 2 - 7/10 I gave this one an '8' originally. This is funnier than the first one, reflecting the anarchic nature of the gremlins more. Again, the replay value isn't really there, but anything that has Hulk Hogan in is infinitely awesome. Actually, I take that back...

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Fracture: 6.5 out of 10 - A neat little murder/suspense movie right here. Everyone knows that Anthony Hopkins can play a great psychopath but he does it a bit different here, as his character seems like a smug old bastard that thinks he's smarter than everyone around him. I like Ryan Gosling although I haven't seen him in many movies before, he does a pretty good job as the district attorney. Its a bit different than most murder movies because everyone knows who did it to begin the movie, its just a matter of finding out how he's trying to get away from it. The reveal is pretty decent too, nothing over the top and the ending of the movie was pretty obvious, but wrapped things up nicely.

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I just got done watching the Directors Cut of Watchmen on DVD. I sort of wish I had a Blue-Ray Player so I could see some of the neat things they did for it. The extra footage adds to the movie and I'd certainly rather watch this version than the theatrical version. I enjoyed it at home watching it by myself in a quiet dark room much more than a somewhat quiet dark room full of people in it. It's a damn good movie but lots of things from the book still aren't in the movie with the director's cut. After watching it now for a second time I'd have to say it's right with Dark Knight for being my favorite super hero movie. I could never like one more than the other since they're both about different things with the super hero as the centre point. Much better than the Spider Man and X-Men crap we've been force fed for the past decade now. 9.5/10

Also I found this funny. Inside the DVD case was a coupon for 10$ off the ultimate edition coming out at the end of the year. Basically they just want you to buy the movie twice because they couldn't be bothered to give you all the extras now. Apparently the ultimate edition will be five discs including Tales From the Black Freighter and the motion comic. Hopefully it's fucking packed with behind the scenes stuff and commentaries. I really want a director commentary, just him, and then a cast commentary.

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I just got done watching the Directors Cut of Watchmen on DVD. I sort of wish I had a Blue-Ray Player so I could see some of the neat things they did for it. The extra footage adds to the movie and I'd certainly rather watch this version than the theatrical version. I enjoyed it at home watching it by myself in a quiet dark room much more than a somewhat quiet dark room full of people in it. It's a damn good movie but lots of things from the book still aren't in the movie with the director's cut. After watching it now for a second time I'd have to say it's right with Dark Knight for being my favorite super hero movie. I could never like one more than the other since they're both about different things with the super hero as the centre point. Much better than the Spider Man and X-Men crap we've been force fed for the past decade now. 9.5/10

Also I found this funny. Inside the DVD case was a coupon for 10$ off the ultimate edition coming out at the end of the year. Basically they just want you to buy the movie twice because they couldn't be bothered to give you all the extras now. Apparently the ultimate edition will be five discs including Tales From the Black Freighter and the motion comic. Hopefully it's fucking packed with behind the scenes stuff and commentaries. I really want a director commentary, just him, and then a cast commentary.

Quite a few movies are treated that way and with how big of a following that it has, it was inevitable.

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I just finished watching the third season of Friday Night Lights. Really good stuff, I keep forgetting how much I actually like this show. They're slowly phasing out the main characters, as a high school drama should (nobody stays in high school forever), which is kind of sad at the same time because they are characters that you actually care about.

I'm really curious to see what happens next season. Two or three more main characters are going to be leaving, but they've already brought one kid in and there should be some interesting storylines going on with the Dillon/East Dillon rivalry and Coach Taylor getting revenge for being fucked over.

War, Inc.: 5.5 out of 10 - A decent little political satire movie with a pretty nice cast taking place in a fictional country in the middle east. John Cusack, Hilary Duff and Marisa Tomei all did a good job here. Nothing too special but if you really like one of those or political satire, give it a shot.

Rambo First Blood: 9 out of 10 - A classic action movie, one of my favorites of all time. Stallone is awesome and the action wasn't over the top which is nice as many movies have things that are just ridiculous at times. I'm sure everyone has seen this by now, but if you haven't you definately should find a copy.

In fact, I think i'm going on a Rambo movie marathon, it just feels right. Away we go!

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