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Boy Interrupted - 8.5/10

A pretty good HBO documentary. It's about a mother who documented the life of her son who battled with a constant fascination with killing himself until he finally did. She basically filmed everything including the funeral and even has pictures of the way the house looked on the night he died. If you have HBO on Demand, it's on there to watch all month.

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Gone Baby Gone - 9.0 out of 10

There is so much to love about this movie. First off, I'm a huge fan of Dennis Lahane, especially the Kenzie/Gennaro books so I was excited to see this but was unsure about how good it was going to be, as I hadn't ever seen Casey Affleck and act or Ben Affleck direct. I gave it a shot and I'm really glad I did because it turned out to be one of my favorite movies that came out in 2007.

The story is pretty straight forward to begin with; little girl gets kidnapped and the Private Investigators and Police try to find her. There are twists and turns all along the way and as they get closer and closer to finding out the truth about what happened to the missing girl, they realize that they cannot trust anybody.

I hope that in the future they decide to make a sequel, as there are more stories in the Kenzie/Gennaro line that could very easily be turned into movies. I'd also like to see Affleck behind the camera again, as he did a fantastic job. He's much better behind the camera than in front of it.

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Yeah, I'd like for them to do A Drink Before the War but since Gone Baby Gone takes place after that, I don't know how well that would work. But yeah, Lehane is definitely one of the best writers out there.

Also, Ben is directing a new movie but he's also starring in it with Jon Hamm and Jeremy Renner called "The Town".

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G.I Joe: Rise Of The Cobra **1/2

Yes this was pretty predictable, and the character development wasn't amazing. Yes, in some ways I found that it resembled X-Men, espicially one of the twists. But I have to say that I enjoyed this film. The whole thing looks damn amazing, and there's some really cool things about this film; Snake Eyes, for one of them. This isn't going to win any awards but I found this a fun action flick. Plus, it's good to see Christopher Eccleston on my screen. A fairly decent twist too, amongst some of the chaos.

Moon ****

Saw this as well today, and I really dug this film. I knew very little about the film before going in, other than it was meant to be pretty good. Sam Rockwell is really, really good in this film - which does so much with such a small cast. I wasn't really sure which way they were going to take it, but there's something very personal, surreal and home-hitting about this film. A fantastic job from Rockwell and a really enjoyable, though filled film. I'd really reccomend catching this one. (Y)

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Office Space - 7/10

Mike Judge's 'Idiocracy' is superior, but this is a nice film in itself. Don't fuck with Milton! :angry:

Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus - 14/10

American Psycho - 6/10

Very disappointing favourite of the typical A-Level Film student. This felt more like a quick cash-in of Fight Club's success than anything else to be honest.

EDIT: I forgot. On Thursday, I watched:

Man on Wire - 8/10

Excellent documentary about a crazy French man's high-wire walk of the World Trade Center in 1974. It's gripping anyway, but I have a lot of respect for the film as it didn't take the easy route by referring to 9/11.

Edited by The GAsterpiece
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The Man from Earth - 9 out of 10

The whole movie pretty much is a conversation between the characters, all in one room. Absolutely incredible though.

Run Fatboy Run - 5.5 out of 10

I like Simon Pegg, but this movie kinda fell flat. If it was a comedy, it wasn't very funny. If it was a drama, it wasn't very dramatic. It was a bit of both really, but not enough to make me really like it.

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I recently finished watching Prison Break and have to say, I enjoyed it so much more than I ever thought I would. I've not watched The Final Break just yet, but the regular series was great. The ending was a little depressing, but it worked I felt. I look forward to finding out what happened to Michael. Loved the scene with T-Bag at the end, with the bit about GATE. I have to say, Mahone was probably the best character next too T-Bag. In the second series as the goverment's own version of Michael, he was awesome, and I love when bad guys end up on the same team as the good guys. I could've cried when they killed his kid though, felt horrible. It was bad enough when they hurt his leg. :(

Also started to watch Six Feet Under, since I love True Blood and they're both made by Alan Ball. The series is obviously very different, but I do love the way Ball handles his shows and the feel of them, it all feels very real in the tense and dramatic parts, yet it always has the fantastic comedy segments that keep my laughing. Defintley a good show, it threw me a little when it turned out that Dexter was gay, simply for the fact that I'm so used to his much darker character.

As for films, I've got The Boat That Rocked downloaded and ready for another watch, as I enjoyed it when I saw it in the cinema, and Event Horizon because someone described it to me as pretty much the film version of Dead Space, which is an awesome game.

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The Taking Of Pelham 123 - 7.5/10

Loved this movie. John Travolta was hilarious in it, played his role brilliantly I thought. A million times better than I actually expected. Just a really good movie.

Silent Hill - 8/10

Gets better every time I watch this. The only word to describe it is brilliant.

Wolf Creek - 6.5/10

Not a bad little horror movie from the Aussies. Slightly over the top in places and not as good as some people have actually claimed it to be though. It's something at least slightly different to what's usually out there though. The worst person ended up surviving, but it was the least expected person to survive, so I guess that's a possible positive thing.

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12 Angry Men - *****

Simply, an amazing film. After watching To Kill A Mockingbird, my mind was opened up to older, black and white films, and this one is purely a masterpiece. I'd reccomend this to anyone as it's a really emotional, well-thought out drama.

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7/10 District 9

A bit underwhelmed, was expecting all the documentary style brilliance of Cloverfield, but instead got the bitter aftertaste of Blair Witch Project. What it lacked in a big payoff it made up for doubletime in character buildup, and yea made me and Mrs. Eo cry.

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was expecting all the documentary style brilliance of Cloverfield

That movie was fucking terrible. I can't totally rate it a 1/10 because it gave me some entertainment in the form of laughing, especially in the tunnell scene when everyone was "shocked" or "scared" in the theatre - and then I bust out laughing.

Cloverfield - a generous 3/10

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Inglorious Basterds - 9/10

I loved it to pieces. :) I'd probably rank it just below Reservoir Dogs & Kill Bill 2 as my favourite Tarintino. Surprised how little it featured Eli Roth and Brad Pitt, the film probably had a lot more of Christopher Waltz in it than either of them (especially Roth) which is in no way a bad thing, because he was one of the absolute gems of the film. Hilarious and terrifying all at once, but in a totally different way than The Joker for example.

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The Truman Show - 7/10

Apparently it's everyones favorite film. It's alright, nothing special. It gave me this weird Edward Scissorhands vibe where everything seems really fake and artificial. It was worth the ten bucks to grab it on Blu-Ray.

I've got a lot to watch coming up. Best Buy had loads of Blu-Ray on sale. I got Planet Terror, Death proof, Truman Show, Fargo, Boondock Saints, and Under Siege for 10-12 bucks apiece. Some of them were actually more expensive on DVD.

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Last night I saw District 9 - 8/10. I really really enjoyed this movie. It could've easily been a 9 if it wasn't for using a shaky camera when not necessary. I let it slide when using the documentary shots, but when using non-documentary shots where we see the South African Jesse Ventura yelling stuff out it's not a good idea. Didn't help that I had to sit in the second row cause the theater was packed. This movie is pretty clear to take the number 1 spot at the box office this weekend. And it damn well deserves it.

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