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Avatar - 5/5

Saw it in 3D IMAX. First movie since Jurassic Park where I sat there with my jaw open without realizing it. There won't be a more visual spectacle of a movie... I guess until Cameron does his next one.

I also cried a bit towards the end too. But I'm a big whimp.

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Avatar - 10/10 - Amazing. I really enjoyed the whole thing; it looked terrific. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to give this a 9 or 10, but the visuals are just, as Pesci said, jaw-dropping. It was a real cinema experience in a very well-weaved creative world. Go see this.

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Avatar - 8/10

Alright, let me just say that the 8/10 was for the story, which I really enjoyed. The 3D, I thought was just okay. Ten minutes into the film I could tell that the glasses and the strain they put on your eyes was going to be really fucking distracting. I like what they did with the 3D, but it just wasn't for me at all. I really liked the subtle uses of it (stuff like the monitors and windows in the walkers) but it just didn't work for me. Maybe in a few years time when they've really perfected it, but there was just too much going on at once in some scenes for it to work (talking mainly about the massive dog chase scene).

The film itself was really quite good, everything I was expecting from Cameron who made my all time favourite film (Aliens). I really dug the characters (Hell, I liked Michelle Rodriguez in this. That's like trying to turn Churchill into a fan of Hitler.), the dialogue, loved the imagery and the setting. The whole thing felt more like I was watching the story of a RPG turned into a film, which I dug. And man, apart from when the 3D made it a bit too hectic, the battles were awesome. Trust Cameron to throw in a fight with a fucking Walker in there, I love that machine. Highly overrated District 9, eat your fucking heart out. Overall, it was awesome and I enjoyed it, but the 3D just isn't working for me. Hopefully they stop using it in every fucking film and try and upgrade it some more. It's come a long way, but still just not quite far enough in my opinion.

I actually laughed at the fact that

Sigourney Weaver died in a film directed by Cameron. I guess battling Aliens for the majority of your life takes its toll after a while.

I liked Sam Worthington as well, but the guy needs to put in some more hours on his accent. Slipped into Australian a few too many times for it to not be obvious.

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Can't believe you didn't like the 3D. I thought it was amazing and really brought the movie to another level. It wasn't just thrown in there so stuff could fly at the screen, it was more in there so you feel like you are actually on Pandora. I personally don't know how much more they could upgrade it after this, it was just downright perfect for me.

Slipped into Australian a few too many times for it to not be obvious.

Also, I don't think they ever mention that he might not actually be Australian. I mean you could easily just figure maybe he spent some of his childhood in Australia and then moved to the US and so his accent is kind of both. Just saying, it's never said in the movie he's from New York or anything.

Edited by Pepsi
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Really? I thought that movie was really quite good. It was totally different and had some genuine funny moments in it. Though, I didn't pay complete attention because of a certain girl sitting beside me - but I still thought it was a fun movie. What was your problem with it?

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Can't believe you didn't like the 3D. I thought it was amazing and really brought the movie to another level. It wasn't just thrown in there so stuff could fly at the screen, it was more in there so you feel like you are actually on Pandora. I personally don't know how much more they could upgrade it after this, it was just downright perfect for me.

Slipped into Australian a few too many times for it to not be obvious.

Also, I don't think they ever mention that he might not actually be Australian. I mean you could easily just figure maybe he spent some of his childhood in Australia and then moved to the US and so his accent is kind of both. Just saying, it's never said in the movie he's from New York or anything.

I thought it was good and obviously apart from one or two instances where it was kind of "It looks like dirts flying at us, wow." very well used, but it really didn't do it for me. At least not to the extent it has everyone else. My eyes felt strained, it was hard to focus on more than one thing and sometimes it just made everything very confusing (the chase scene). I enjoyed it where it worked, I just didn't think it worked as well in certain parts. It's not like I went in with all the hype either, I actually went in expecting it to be a let down and was presently surprised, but at the moment it still feels like they need to polish off the 3D. Like it's almost there, but some of it's still just really blurry or flickery.

I certainly enjoyed the film, I just didn't think the 3D was all it could be. The potential is definitely there and almost reached, it just feels like it's got a step or more to go before it's complete.


When Rodriguez turned up in that copter painted with Na'vi symbols I was shitting myself, that was awesome. The film had some genuinely funny moments as well as touching ones. Like I said, the story was solid.

As for the Australian Accent part... well yeah, but it's still sloppy. That's a pretty cheap excuse for it, that they didn't mention where he was from, so he could've been raised in Australia but live in New York. If that was the case they can't really get away with that without mentioning it. If the guys going to put on an American accent for his character, I expect the accent to be solid and stick, you can't just lose it halfway through at certain intervals. Apart from that I like Sam Worthington as an actor, he's not ground breaking or anything but he's a solid action star. And he's also apparently this decades Michael Biehn. :P

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Shaft - 7.5/10 - This was on Sky1 yesterday and I recorded it because I'd flicked onto it once before, plus Samuel L Jackson and Christian Bale bring awesome name value. This film wasn't filled with a lot of logic; but I really thought it was fun. Bale, Jackson and Toni Collette are really good in their roles. Basically, the film is Jackson kicking a whole deal of ass, which, all in all, is a lot of fun.

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Really? I thought that movie was really quite good. It was totally different and had some genuine funny moments in it. Though, I didn't pay complete attention because of a certain girl sitting beside me - but I still thought it was a fun movie. What was your problem with it?

The movie seemed to think it was doing us a service by making each wild thing represent something in the main character's life. None of it is easy to peg down, which makes the film more irritating than fun. I've even looked up different interpretations written on the internet by people who idolize the film. Every explanation I've seen lists some good, noticeable details and then trails off with "I don't know about these characters, but this is what I think..."

With a film like this, a children's movie, you need to be make everyone realize what is actually happening in the imagination world. Kids should be able to get it. Adults should be able to get it. EVERYONE should be able to get it. The way it comes off, I don't think the filmmakers even got it.

The effects were wonderful. The scope of the film was fan-dabi-dozi. Anyone who tackled this idea would have come at much differently than this outcome. Jonze should be commended for that. He just didn't have a bead on what this film was trying to accomplish.

I do wonder if he was forced to cut a substantial amount from the version we saw though, knowing how troubled the movie was in production...

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Avatar - 5/5

Quite a spectacular visual feast, and emotional film to boot. The 3D was fan-dabi-dozi, but did nothing to enhance the storyline or filmic world to be honest. I would've been as amazed as I was if I saw it in 2D. One of the best films of 2009, easily.

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I thought it was good and obviously apart from one or two instances where it was kind of "It looks like dirts flying at us, wow." very well used, but it really didn't do it for me. At least not to the extent it has everyone else. My eyes felt strained, it was hard to focus on more than one thing and sometimes it just made everything very confusing (the chase scene). I enjoyed it where it worked, I just didn't think it worked as well in certain parts. It's not like I went in with all the hype either, I actually went in expecting it to be a let down and was presently surprised, but at the moment it still feels like they need to polish off the 3D. Like it's almost there, but some of it's still just really blurry or flickery.

Did you see it in IMAX 3D or just on a regular screen in 3D? I saw it at an IMAX so I wonder if the screen size made the difference in clarity because I didn't notice any fuzziness.

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I thought it was good and obviously apart from one or two instances where it was kind of "It looks like dirts flying at us, wow." very well used, but it really didn't do it for me. At least not to the extent it has everyone else. My eyes felt strained, it was hard to focus on more than one thing and sometimes it just made everything very confusing (the chase scene). I enjoyed it where it worked, I just didn't think it worked as well in certain parts. It's not like I went in with all the hype either, I actually went in expecting it to be a let down and was presently surprised, but at the moment it still feels like they need to polish off the 3D. Like it's almost there, but some of it's still just really blurry or flickery.

Did you see it in IMAX 3D or just on a regular screen in 3D? I saw it at an IMAX so I wonder if the screen size made the difference in clarity because I didn't notice any fuzziness.

Well my nearest IMAX is London (I think), so regular 3D.

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Avatar - 9/10

First, I'm gonna say this movie was fantastic. It's definitely one of the best films of the year and one of the better films of the past few years. James Cameron showed he still has quite the touch and brings us a tremendous effort on his part. There are 2 factors that bring the movie down from a 10 and that's that the character models on the Na'avi could've been sharper and more lifelike much like the atmosphere and the fact that it's kind of a story we've already seen 2498247x. The fact is James Cameron gives us quite a few elements to work with and separate from those former stories. My friend said it best when he said he hadn't seen a good movie with so many cliches. The good thing is the cliches don't bring it down the least bit.

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500 Days of Summer

Not sure what to make of it. I downloaded it because I was absolutely buzzing from Avatar still at 4AM and needed something to do before I could even think about sleeping. I think I kind of hyped it up in my head too much because I have a big thing for Zooey Deschanel and I've really liked all the indie rom-coms I've seen over the past year or so, so I just assumed I'd love it beforehand. I liked it, but I dunno how much. And I like measuring these things to the exact point :shifty:

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