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Daybreakers 8/10

I'll maybe edit in my full thoughts later on, but anyone that see's this and use the complaint 'too many vampire films' or 'children of men with vampires' needs to get of their high horse. :/ I really enjoyed it and felt everyone gave a strong performance, probably the best Vampire flick I've seen in a long time. It's not really up there with Interview, but I'd say it'd be hovering around slightly below it if I were to make a 'best vampire films' list. Which I'm not going too. A refreshing change of direction to Vampires in film after we had to suffer through Twilight.

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Eraserhead - 6/10

And here's why. The movie itself, visually, is striking. It gives you an uncomfortable presence and what David Lynch is trying to portray is there. Given that, the story is very haphazard and all the little intricacies are there to confuse. I get surrealist film making, I do. I enjoy it. I enjoyed the hell out of this movie, but I can't give it a higher rating due to the fact that it's a complete mindfuck. Bravo, David Lynch. You marvelous bastard.

Star Trek - 7/10

I really had a lot of fun watching this movie, as well. The visuals were fantastic and the 2 hours flew by like nothing. I really was craving more and it felt like there should be more. That's part of the reason why it lost points for me. It's a great experience overall and one of the better 2009 movies, though.

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Star Trek - 7/10

I really had a lot of fun watching this movie, as well. The visuals were fantastic and the 2 hours flew by like nothing. I really was craving more and it felt like there should be more. That's part of the reason why it lost points for me. It's a great experience overall and one of the better 2009 movies, though.

I felt the exact same way, and a big reason why it's only my second favorite movie in the Star Trek series(my favorite is Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.)

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The Invention Of Lying - *** out of *****

My score, too. But enough of this.

500 Days of Summer - 5/10

One big pile of bah. The characters are bland (but it's on purpose because it's Tom's story!). The filmmaking techniques are cool, but seem to only distract from the pure cliche that the story is. JGL and Zooey are a decent couple, to their credit, but lord, it takes a while to get out of painting every character with a dumb broad stroke before we get to that. Oh, and the soundtrack was cool, but it didn't seem to really fit at all. At least when Garden State did the "we play Frou Frou and etc." pitch, it felt like an integral part of the story. This is more that some suburban white kid likes The Smiths and music that was cool for hipsters to like in 2007. So maybe Garden State ruined the "manic hot girl inexplicable romance" for everyone. Good work, Zach Braff.

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The Hangover

I didn't find it to be as great as some of the LOVEFiLM reviews suggested.

The funny moments just seemed too few and far between, and when they came it mostly involved a baby being abused in some way. shifty.gif

And it went on about 15/20 minutes longer than it needed to, as well. Ugh, it was OK, but I wouldn't watch it again.

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I started watching How I met your Mother before Christmas and I was instantly hooked. So all I'm watching at the moment is that, almost finished season 3 now, so powering through. I've never been addicted to a show as much as this, not even Scrubs which I love. Barney is the most consistantly funny character in sitcom history. Every character just works so well and I don't find myself disliking anyone and every episode feels new and different, it's magnificent. I don't think I've ever laughed as much at anything than the 'Slap Bet' episode. Another favourite of mine was Barney's one-man play, that was insanely funny. 'Moist......moist......moist' :lol:

Can't praise it enough. 10/10

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Please tell me Alec Baldwin wasn't good enough to take the Supporting Actor award from Christoph Waltz. The man deserves it.

Away We Go - 9/10

What a pleasure to watch this movie was. The story was serious, but didn't take itself too seriously. Sam Mendes is great at portraying tragedy in different ways and it shows here. It's a sweet movie and enjoyable throughout.

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I was kind of on the fence with the movie.

Meryl Streep, the main storyline, and the subplot with Steve Martin were enough to sway me in the positive direction.

Most veteran actors could have played Alec Baldwin's role with the same results.

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Zack and Miri make a Porno


I'm a total Kevin Smith mark , and I just love the movie.Watched it in German with a couple of friends, not nearly as good as in English but I remembered a lots of awesome quotes in the original and reminded me how awesome the movie is (Y)

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Went to see "The Road" last night. Nowhere near as boring as I thought it'd be. I'd be lying if I said it didn't tug viciously at my heartstrings too. :( Although I did break into unnecessary giggling during the "They're gonna rape me and then they're gonna rape your son...are you happy?" bit. Great to know Charlize Theron will still be very, very pretty when the world ends, only slightly more grey scale.

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Looooooove Hudsucker Proxy. One of my favorite Coens movies.

Two nights ago I saw A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints - 7/10.

I enjoyed the movie for story purposes and Robert Downey Jr. being fantastic as always. There's not doubt, to me, that the story is interesting and told in a very interesting way, but the camera work for first time director Dito (this is an autobiography of his life) was pretty sub-par. He tried to do too much with it and it showed. That and Channing Tatum. Given this is Channing Tatum's best performance, it's still not saying much. Good movie, though.

And then last night I saw Pink Flamingos - ???/10.

Okay.. Umm, the movie is hysterical. There's no doubt about it. I just don't think I can say that he movie is good in any way. A lot of the funny came from the terrible performances by the actors. Pushing that aside the production value was crap (where did the $10,000 go anyway?) and the story is really dumb. However, this is John Waters' breakout film and it goes to show why. Sometimes you gotta show some disgusting shit to get attention, and that's how he got his.

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Love that I got neg repped for saying that Alec Baldwin isn't anything special.

Who gave me that one?

The same ones that can't comprehend that 500 Days of Summer isn't a good movie. You can't throw JGL being cute and and Zooey being cute into a great movie when everything else is so mainstream Hollywood and the characters are horribly un-fleshed out. OH MY GOD, MARC WEBB DID A SPLIT SCREEN. THIS IS SO INDIE. Bullshit.

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