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In the Cut - 4/10 or (*1/2) Blantantly pornographic in the explicit sense, In The Cut tries to rely on Meg Ryan, Mark Ruffalo, and other talents to dig it out of its absurdity and crappy storyline. Unfortunately, Ryan's performance was probably the weakest of them all, as it seems she keeps trying to avoid cracking a smile (possibly because that's all she seems to do in her 10,000,000 rom-coms). Ruffalo wasn't that impressive either, but that seems co-writer/director Jane Campion (who really fell since her Miramax staple The Piano) and co-writer Susanna Moore just wanted to get him out of hus pants and banging even before an explanation. Just another weak effort from Screen Gems really.

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Cradle of Fear


-Before you say "I told you so"... I should let you know that I expected worse. The gore in this film was awesome, and the premise is one that I think I may steal and tweak for a short story. Filth did a good job playing the role of The Man, and had a character strong enough for his own film.

Had there been more money pushed behind this movie, I could have seen it succeeding, but being a b-rated film with a budget that probably barely made it to the five figure mark, I found this to be extremely entertaining, if not just completely awesome.

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Hero - 6/10

The soundtrack was good, and so was the action, but all I can really say for it otherwise is "Take that physics! Take that gravity!"

Everyone who fought seemed to have the ability to fly, run/walk on water, and one character could fend of hundreds of arrows with a silk cloth and twirling like a ballerina.

It also got a bit confusing with all of the alternate stories that are happening, with the same characters but different events. If you see the movie, you'll see what I mean.

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Two more films I saw that I didn't post before...


Bound - 8/10 or (***) With Bound, the Wachowski Brothers' first flick, they created a reputation for intelligence and a sharp style of directing not seen in a while. A solid cast, including Gina Gershon (at her 90s sexy peak here), Jennifer Tilly (also sexy and good at her role here), and Joe Pantiliano (who was plain awesome here), make the procedings more inviting. If you need any other clincher to watch this, I'll give you three letters: HLA. :pervert:


Daredevil - 7/10 or (**1/2) First, the number is down a half point as I honest feel that this is in no competition with Spidey, but anyways to the review.

Daredevil is a very dark superhero flick. Writer/director Mark Steven Johnson created the grim storyline with the idea that Daredevil's life was filled with darkness, death, and overall depresson. In fact, his original purpose for the film to be a R-rated flick with a moderate budget, but while the film was toned down in terms of violence and nudity, it still kept this tone. It helps Daredevil tick with the ambience of a flick different from Spidey's tale.

That said, most of the acting is pretty subpar with Affleck not doing a bad job, but just more going through the motions of it all than anything. Garner was also meh on the performance level. Still, it has solid cameos as Jon Favreau, Joe Pantiliano, and Kevin Smith liven the festivites (and giving fanboys something to cheer for).

Overall, it's a solid flick, held together by being different from the pack.

One small note: If you like R-ratings, the Director's Cut DVD (shown above, though, I didn't watch that cut) is now out in stores.

EDIT: Numbahs, just asking, does Portman have any nudity in Closer? I wanted to know that just to get that down once and for all.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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