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Mean Girls - 8.5/10

I was waiting to see this for a while and well I've been a little ill as of late so I managed to get one of my parents to rent this out for me. The movie turned out to be really funny in parts and I enjoyed pretty much the entire film. All women in this are damn hot, well all the main ones should I say. Lohan is just pure fine. Also 'Fetch' is such a cool word that I'm going to use all the time now :blush:


Saved By The Bell - Hawaiian Style - 8/10

Yeah so it's a little childish, but you cant help liking stuff that you liked when you was younger. I found the DVD going for £3 in the HMV saled the other day so I picked it up. Pretty good stuff and a good laugh.

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Spider-Man 2 - 8.5/10 or (***1/2) Rarely do superhero movies get everything right. However, this nearly got everything right. Anyways, the film paces along with, guess what, character development. It was quite enjoyable because of this during the first 45 minutes. Also, Raimi gives the film more an indy-film style than the last one and makes his direction quite noticable. The acting is also better as all three leads (Maguire, Dunst, and Franco) improve their performance and show some good acting moments. (Not to mention, Molina is great as the villain.) The action scenes are also mind-blowing, given a peak by the amazing train sequence in act 3. Overall, it is a great movie and I think even eclipses X2 as the best superhero movie.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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Welcome to Mooseport - 4/10 or (*1/2) When you watch a film such as this, you might get insomnia's cure. That's right, if you've got a rough time going to sleep, this'll put you right out. The film seems to have no humor whatsoever, which is sad considering it's a COMEDY. It also really doesn't have much redeeming it. I only really feel bad for Hackman in all this, especially considering how great he was in his last film Runaway Jury.

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Great, I mean, Great Flim. 9.5/10

It should at 10 but I knocked .5 off for not showing the gore when the people got riped apart.

Edited by EWFan2004
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The Merchant of Venice - **1/2 (5/10)

Only one week after Joel Schumacher brought Andrew Loyd Webber's "The Phantom of the Opera" to the screen, Michael Radford has debuted "The Merchant of Venice", the first English language big screen version of the classic and contraversial play by William Shakespeare. While Shakespeare presented the events in a rye, humourous fashion, Radford's version is much darker, choosing to concentrate the most on the theme of religious discrimination. His Shylock (played by Al Pacino) is seen as more of a hero than a villain (which, all things considered, isn't really a fair presentation) because of this discrimination, despite his blood lust. I'm not sure if this is unintentional or not, but all of the leading "good guy" (in the play) characters come off as being really villainous. If this is a sign of Radford wanting to present the play with more of a modern interpretation (which completely rips it out of Shakesperean context), he ought to have adapted the characters to fit. Jeremy Irons' portrayal of Antonio is bleak and boring, and the same goes for Joseph Fiennes as Bassanio. This is really just Shakespeare minus the all of the charm, and the drama is inconsistent, one sided and dull. Thumbs down.

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