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Rocky III - 6.5/10 or (**1/2)


You Got Served - 2.5/10 or (*) Now here's a movie that is too predictable, weak, terribly acted , and is unintentionally funny; yet, it does feature some awesome dance sequences. I guess, this is softcore porn for breakdancers then...

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Coach Carter - 5.5/10

Two things I like about this movie: Samuel L. Jackson's delivers another good performance and that the actors are the ones actually playing basketball (although I'm not sure if it reigns true the entire movie).

Two Things I don't like: It's long and feels longer than it is...I felt like it could have delivered the message it was going for without making it as long as it was. And the other thing is that besides Jackson, the rest of the performces were meh at best, and in my opinion: Ashanti should stick to singing.

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Spanglish - 4/10 meh...

Blade I - 8/10 Awesomness, best of the trilogy.

Blade II - 6.5/10 Mutant Vampires, pretty ridiculous.

Blade Trinity - 6/10 Jessica Biel is a +, I love me some Mary Camden. Triple H is a fucking HORRIBLE actor, and I hate the guy who kinda looks like Jason Lee and says nothing serious the entire movie.

Mean Girls - 5.5/10 It was so so up until that whacky part at the end(don't wanna give it away). It got my attention tho.

Edited by Pulp
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The Haunting - 0/10

This "horror" movie doesn't even come close to any scares...in fact fear is most likely the only emotion you will not feel while watching it. Boredom? Yes. Your intelligence drop? Yes. And a feeling of wasting two hours of your day? Yes. I've seen it before, and I'm not quite sure why I even bothered to watch it again.

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Elf 7/10

Mostly for kids and christmas. Better than I expected, but the story's a bit flat in places. Some (few and far between) good laughs for adults, even if they are mostly (nearly totally in fact) based on physical humour (Buddy getting hit by a taxi, running into a locker, falling off a tree etc).

Not bad though, worth seeing the once, and like I said goos for kids and christmas.

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Jackass The Movie - 8.5/10

About the forth or fifth time I've watched this now. Great stuff and it had me entertained the whole way through. The version with the commentry from all the Jackass guys throughout the movie is awesome too.


I Spy - 8/10

Really liked this film. Murphy is so damn funny in every film I've seen of his, even the vampire one I watched the other week. This film has some really good laughs and at the same time some good action scenes.

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X2: X-Men United - 8/10 or (***)


Dogma - 8/10 or (***)


Mortal Kombat: Annihilation - 3/10 or (*) As many have heard before, sequels are doomed to fail if half the cast is gone and there are new people playing the same folks. This is true, as MK: Annihilation teaches us. Simply put, after seeing people like Christopher Lambert, Bridgette Wilson, and Linden Ashby pull off perfectly Raiden, Sonja, and Johnny Cage, it is hard to watch as other actors try to perform characters that were doomed to be pulled off weak from the start. Also, the effects aren't hardly as good as in MK1, even with the higher budget. All in all, this is a bad sequel to something that could've been at least cool to watch, had it gotten a better direction and the original cast.

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Team America: World Police 7.5/10

A very funny film in places, but is maybe 5/6 really very funny bits rather that continuous laughs, and some bits were just very unfunny, and missed the mark. But overall, A mostly very funny film with some great jokes that I fully recommend seeing.

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Garden State: I f*cking love this movie 8.5/10

Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind: 9/10 (The above sentence X2)

Oscar nominated or not, both are excellent films. And I don't need no awards to justify it.

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Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind - 10/10

Fucking amazing. Worth the damn wait. So many people on here went on about how great this is, I hoped it could be good. After just watching it I've got to say it's easily one of the best movies I've ever seen and by far one of my favourites, if not favourite. Kate Winslet is fucking awesome in this movie as is Jim Carrey. Easily the best movie of 2004 with nothing coming close to it. Just amazing scenes and colouring in this movie. The music rules as well. Perfect all around.

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Troy - 5/10. It didn't do much for me, can't explain why, whether it's Orlando Bloom's one-dimensional acting or just the fact that it could hardly hold my attention. 5/10 for some decent battle scenes in an otherwise poo movie.

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