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Rat Race - 5/10

Mildly entertaining, but overall is a bit crap. Rowan Atkinson is the only thing that really saves this movie, his character is very entertaining and played well.

There's Something About Mary - 3/10

Another negative viewing today as this movie fails to deliver. It's not funny, the story is absolute rubbish - and I couldn't stand any of the characters.

Frasier: The Entire First Season - 10/10

Sure its not a proper movie as such, but its 12 hours worth of Frasier. I needed to also have something positive to say after two awful movies. All the characters are awesome in this sitcom, while Niles' connection with Daffney in this first season makes it top notch entertainment.

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The Hole - 4/10

In around the 2000/2001 era, British cinema faced a high abundance of trapped in a place films. Films like The Beach, My Little Eye, and The Hole all became the major entires in this genre and all coming out within two years of each other. However, in the case of all three, the flicks have been very ho-hum. The thing that classifies this flick as ho-hum is the meh story, which just doesn't feel that new or enlightening. The performances are also meh with even lead Thora Birch, normally an actress who works perfectly off-the-page, not proving to be groundbreaking in performance. Another weak spot is the overabundance of twists added to the story that tries to cover up the story's weaknesses but still fails. The film also tries to cater to the psychological thinking crowd, but you're not given enough to care about Birch's character, or rather caricature. All in all, The Hole is a ho-hum flick that tries to be something better and just can't do it.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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The epic continues and the final battle ensues...and he’s back and in black!

James Cameron takes his inspiration from "2001: A Space Odyssey" and brings it so much more further by taking us on a grim trip into our devastating future. The interesting storyline, truly awesome special-effects, and compellingly sensitive acting surpass the first by far.

To draw the audience's attention, the beginning is similar to the first movie's...still cringing from the bone snaps and crackles. But instead, Arnold gives it a much more cool look and we have the infamous George Thorogood's "Bad to the Bone" for an ultra-stylish beginning. But this time around, he is not the real danger which lurks in a more angelic faced and nearly invincible T-1000, sent back as well from post-apocalyptic 2029 A.D. Primary target: young John Conner, future leader of the human resistance. Two androids, two missions, one target. One is a Terminator, one a protector. Who is who and who will reach John first? Meanwhile, as the trio of John, Sarah, and the protector are endlessly hunted by the Terminator and constantly pursued by the authorities, can humanity’s disastrous fate be prevented?

Arnold Schwarzenegger looks and acts so much better in this film. Even if he is good as a bad guy, he is great as a good one. He truly is humanly-robotic WITHOUT looking cheesy as such as Peter Weller in “RoboCop”. His acting stuck out from all the rest and all eyes are on him. The T-800 is the perfect part for him and his best acting out of all 30 of his starred roles. Linda Hamilton goes for a complete transformation from an innocent young woman to a stone cold criminal, half-crazed from held within a mental institution. Just as in Silence of the Lambs, she is considered a most interesting pawn for publicity from an executive psychiatrist, whose stubborn inability to trust Sarah drives her mad. Furlong makes his debut as young John Conner and does a decent job as well for a 12-year-old, even if his voice is a bit squeaky from hitting puberty. Many may recognize his later role in "American History X". Robert Patrick's impression of the advanced prototype T-1000 is the only popular role he has achieved in his career. The best acting, of course, goes to Arnold for his number one performance of his career. A two-thumbs way up for the governor of California!

The special-effects are dazzling and amazing, as they always are in all James Cameron films. From Arnold being shot up revealing his inner-metal skeleton to shape-shifting metal characters. And who could ever forget Arnold and his mini-gun. You even see the grenade propel from the launcher into it’s target if you watch closely.

Cameron has crafted, in my opinion, one of the best sequels ever released. Nothing could match it’s revolutionary effects, techniques, and ideas in its time. The directing, script, acting, soundtrack, cinematography, sound, and special-effects ALL mix together for an amazing result. All action and sci-fi directors get their cues and techniques from 3 people: George Lucas, Stanley Kubrick and James Cameron. But what truly staggered me was the conclusion of this film. This is one of the few movies that did leave me in tears. Even to this day, it will get me every time. He connects you with the machine and John, which never knew his father, embraced him as his own. You grow quite attached the machine and Cameron always had his quirks for dramatic endings. His films are best known for his exceptionally human journeys with many given messages presented throughout the films.

Many questions and points are raised in this particular movie. Will our future’s economy and defenses rely solely upon Artificial Intelligence? Could any A.I., given the chance, become self-aware and attempt to destroy us? Could machines ever “feel”? If we knew our destiny, do we have the power to change it? Which do you believe in more, fate or choice? The main message that James Cameron points to us all, in all of his films, is that human life is more valuable than we treat it...Because in the end, it will be us who will bring upon our ultimate downfall.

Terminator 2 - Judgment Day is one of my favorite films(almost as equal as my others(see sig :P ) and I believe it to be pne of the best sequels ever made...despite T3's disappointment and let-down to all. I am a huge fan of Arnold Shwarzenegger and James Cameron. I would encourage every single living person to buy the special edition on DVD. (Which I just bought) It is one of the best of the Action/Sci-Fi genres with some of the best special-effects of its time. It is also the winner of Best Sound, Best Sound Effects, Best Visual-Effects, and Best Makeup in the Academy Awards of ‘92. I watched this almost every week in my childhood and it is a landmark in the history film, a cult classic. Arnold wasn’t kidding when he said, “I’ll be back!”


Edited by Laice_
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sex, lies, and videotape - 9/10

Five years before Clerks made sexual discussion one of its many arcs of discussion, Steven Soderbergh took a very fresh approach to the subject of sex in his independent opus, sex, lies, and videotape. Soderbergh makes the film drawing by going against the normal curtain of films about sex focusing on the act and rather focuses on the dialogue, which is very well done. The work from lead James Spader is definitely up to his usual level of strong acting, as he, Peter Gallagher, and Andie McDowell all turn in great performances. With the cast, dialogue, and style Soderbergh creates, it's easy to see why this flick won the Palme d'Or in 1989.

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Not being funny here but after watching it for a second time I have to say this is one of the greatest examples of film making in the last twenty years, even if it is a Hollywood remake.

The soundtrack is phenomial, the shooting and editing superb, the vaguely twisty storyline (which makes more sense second time around and is very clear) is classy and Tom Cruise once again leaves me wondering why the hell awards givers resolutely refuse to recognise him as a serious actor.


Vanilla Sky, Minority Report, Born On The Fourth Of July, Magnolia, Last Samurai, Collateral...Even Jerry Maguire.

Forget all his 80s macho posturing as a sexy young starlet. Cruise deserves greater respect!

Anyway back to the film, the supporting cast is perfect (Diaz, Cruz, Russell, Lee) and when it threatens to get sentimental it's either cos it's meant to be or direction drags it back from that brink.

I know loads of people who hate this but myself and my wife love it.

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Not being funny here but after watching it for a second time I have to say this is one of the greatest examples of film making in the last twenty years, even if it is a Hollywood remake.

The soundtrack is phenomial, the shooting and editing superb, the vaguely twisty storyline (which makes more sense second time around and is very clear) is classy and Tom Cruise once again leaves me wondering why the hell awards givers resolutely refuse to recognise him as a serious actor.


Vanilla Sky, Minority Report, Born On The Fourth Of July, Magnolia, Last Samurai, Collateral...Even Jerry Maguire.

Forget all his 80s macho posturing as a sexy young starlet. Cruise deserves greater respect!

Anyway back to the film, the supporting cast is perfect (Diaz, Cruz, Russell, Lee) and when it threatens to get sentimental it's either cos it's meant to be  or direction drags it back from that brink.

I know loads of people who hate this but myself and my wife love it.

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T3 falls far short of it's counterparts in Story, Action, Direction and Visuals. There is no story really, after getting home I was asked by a friend how there is a third Terminator movie if Judgement Day has been averted. "I don't know" was my response as it was never really disclosed, other than, "It's supposed to happen." Also there were dozens of plot holes. Basic things that were taken from T2 such as the Terminator's inability to self-terminate are ignored. To make matters worse it was mentioned in this movie. Also, the terminator has some aversion to killing humans even though earlier in the movie it's pointed out that this isn't the same terminator from T2. In fact he should have killed every last human he saw, and done it with a golly grin on his face. When it comes to acting it wasn't there. I didn't give a care in the world about John Connor. In fact I hoped that the T-X would kill him and spend the rest of the movie just walking around without any clothes on as she was in the first few minutes of the movie. Where the hell is Edward Furlong and Linda Hamilton when you need them. Or even better where the hell is James Cameron :(

Direction was also another sore spot. The director didn't take advantage of a close up profile shot anywhere in the movie as Cameron did in the first two installments to show personality traits of the characters. Instead you get horrific shots of Arnold walking around carring some giant gun rambling on about the nonsenseical plot. I'm not even sure that the director even knew were he was going with the film. One minute I'm laughing while the next I'm supposed to be worried about the survival of the human race. Bah! The Visuals are probobly the only thing in this film worth watching. There's just someting about watching things blow up and people being thrown around like rag dolls that just puts a grin on my face. However these visuals aren't any better than you would get in any other film and no creative action sequences that would even hold a canlde to "The Matrix." or T2: Judgement Day. This movie was a waste of 8 dollars, 1hour and 48 minutes of my life, and I hope James Cameron is pissed about a series he guided from infacy hijacked by writer(s) that are second rate hacks.

The movie is dumbed down for the general crowd. I really hated this movie in retrospect and wish it was never made. Someone get good script writers who care more about the quality of the movie than their paycheck, or don't make a movie, especially something like T3 which should have been nothing as silly, uncreative, lacking in good characters, and as empty as this. Not even the female villain was close to the fear and menacing T-1000. Besides cool visuals, someone really needs to, should have focused on why T2 is so great, in stead of trying to emulate, copy it the whole time. Thsi was like a shallow version of T2 with no feeling, and what the hell happened to all the good classic Terminator music?! Forget it, I tryed to give an honest review from a true fan. I wish the makers of this film took it to heart. T3 will never be close to the originals. The only thing better is the visuals, and not nearly as creative and cool as those found in the unforgettable Terminator 2.

Now why did I see it again you ask. I didn't, my cousins were watching it, and well emotions just swept through me and what best way to rant about something then to do it on the message boards.


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The Core - 5/10

Yes, it's ridiculous. Yes, it's unintentionally funny at points. Yes, Aaron Eckhart is overacting. But at the same time, The Core has some entertainment hiding behind its ridiculousness (if you really go far enough, you might even consider the ridiculousness part of the fun). The casting is also good for the most part, as everyone from Stanley Tucci to Hilary Swank seems to fit right in to their roles. Even DJ Qualls doesn't do bad with his role. Overall, it's ridiculous, but might be good if you go in with low expectations.

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The Punisher: 7.5/10

Very, very enjoyable film. Thomas Jane was perfect for the role of The Punisher, and Travolta played a very good bad guy. All the more better when you consider it was made in 50 days and on a budget of $28 million. Here's to The Punisher 2.

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Layer Cake - 8/10.

Very good British film, and I prefer over Snatch and Lock Stock. Very well put together plot, and the ending was just awesome.


The Punisher - 7/10.

Good film, but it seemed to be lacking overall. There was a lot of stuff that didn't really need to be there to tell the story, but I suppose I was glad not to watch another film that seemed unfinished.


Constantine - 9/10.

Very well put together as well, Keanu Reaves actually did a really good job, which I wasn't expecting. The special effects played a huge part of this film, and made it awesome. It was great to watch with friends as well, due to some of the funny elements.

I can do all that poster and text shit too. (¬_¬)

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Spider-Man 2 - 8/10

It's time to bring out the pros/cons system again for this feature.


1. The story.

I liked the story as it gave more emphasis on Peter Parker and his development as a character, something done in the first Spider-Man, but not as well as in S2. The story also makes characters like Parker and Otto Octavius much more human than most superhero tales go for, and that deserves credit upon itself.

2. Alfred Molina.

As he has in most of his roles, even in films that weren't great or even good, Alfred Molina's presence livens the festivities and inspires some great scenes and exchanges between him and Tobey Maguire. If you didn't know it in films like Frida and Boogie Nights, you'll know now that Alfred Molina is a very suitable person to have replaced the awesome villain Dafoe was in part 1.

3. The action.

With a good $200 million budget, it's easy to see why the action scenes are done very well. The stunts are done well and the scenes do provide the excitement wanted in an action film like this.

4. The homages.

Sure, it's not much but the re-appearance of Sam Raimi's go to man, Bruce Campbell, and the Evil Dead homage scene, was tight.


1. Not enough use of the budget.

For a film budgeted more than flicks like The Matrix Reloaded and Terminator 2, the flick doesn't do as much with the massive budget as those flicks did with theirs, especially in comparsion to Reloaded's mere $150 million budget. For those expecting breakthrough special effects, sadly this is not where to go.

2. Reminding me for a brief second of Batman and Robin.

One of the final twists in the movie almost reminded me of the twist in Batman and Robin. Fortunately, the scene in question didn't play out as such, but seeing as I need some cons for this list, and considering Batman and Robin was one big con of a movie, I just had to include it.

Overall, Spider-Man 2 is a solid character study of sorts, made better by great talents and a worthwhile story. If you like more story in your action, you'll enjoy Spider-Man 2.

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