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The Replacement Killers : 9/10 - a great action flick can't ask for more than that

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind : 10/10 - One of the greatest movies ever while watching there were parts that had me scratching my head trying to figure it out but the end cleared it all up for me

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Jack Nicholson and Greg Kinnear star as unlike neighbors, brought together by unlikely circumstances, who find that their lives may be AS GOOD AS IT GETS. Nicholson won an Oscar for his role as an insufferable, self-centered, obsessive-compulsive writer who tortures his sensitive, gay neighbor (Kinnear) for kicks. Despite his endless put-downs and coarse exterior, Nicholson demonstrates a generous streak, paying the medical bills for the son of his favorite waitress (Helen Hunt) and helping Kinnear when he is down and out. Although the movie settles into romantic-comedy mode, tracking the on-again, off-again relationship between Nicholson and Hunt, the real story to watch is the reluctant friendship between Nicholson and Kinnear. Nicholson is in his usual form here, playing the obnoxious eccentric with almost unrelenting bravado. But, Kinnear manages to steal some of Nicholson's thunder with his stirring portrayal of a gay man reacting with dignity to his mean neighbor's taunts, while coping with misfortune after he is attacked and robbed. Hunt, who won an Oscar for playing the martyred mom, is largely overshadowed.

As callous as Nicholson's character may be, everyone is plagued by some degree of neurosis in AS GOOD AS IT GETS. For instance, Hunt, who has the courage to stand up to Nicholson's bullying, ends up exhibiting an unusual dose of meanness towards Nicholson in the latter part of the film, and it is Nicholson who struggles, with humanity, to overcome his psychological impairment. Walking out of his psychiatrist's office one day, Nicholson taunts the waiting room patients, "What if this is as good as it gets?" The merit in this pathos-laced comedy is that it does not reduce its characters' pain to that one-liner. Their pain is real. For Hunt, it is the heart-break of caring for a sick child with limited means and trying to have a life, left over. For Kinnear, it is the struggle for identity and for acceptance as a gay man. For Nicholson, it is admitting pain and allowing himself to be vulnerable. Someone once said that comedy is our way to cope with life's suffering. AS GOOD AS IT GETS exemplifies the balance.

One minor complaint is that this movie is AS GOOD AS IT GETS at the end of act two, but loses ground with an ending too GOOD to be satisfying. I liked it yes, but it was typical. The film developed the characters realistically enough that we know that Nicholson and Hunt would not be long-term compatible. So, its storybook ending is suspect. Midway through the film, Nicholson tells Hunt, "You make me want to be a better man." That could have been the last line of the movie.


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Reefer Madness (2005) - 7/10

It makes perfect sense that on the unofficial weed smoking holiday that I'd watch the spoof musical mockup of the 1936 anti-drug propaganda film. A positive from the getgo is the casting, including great talents like Alan Cumming, Kristen Bell, Ana Gasteyer, and Steven Weber, who turn in nice and of course, cheeky performances here. The musical numbers are mesmerizing, especially the title track's reprise and the S&M track. Either way, if you've seen the original and enjoyed its "so bad it's good" demeanor, join the madness of this new, self aware, and delightfully campy version.

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Envy - 3/10

In Hollywood, all the time we see good concepts fall down the drain. This is not one of them. It's hard to say what got any of the major talent attached to Envy, a film devoid of anything conceptually funny and good. Let's start with Ben Stiller, who isn't the best talent out there, but certainly isn't bad. His effort in the film is just weak (but that may be a reflection of the reported hate he had for the film and the idea). Jack Black isn't allowed to be as funny as he should be, with even his usually funny stuff failing badly. And let's not forget the unfunny performances turned in by usually solid talents like Rachel Weisz, Amy Poehler, and (GASP!) Christpoher Walken. Simply on the fact that Walken couldn't save it, something he even nearly did with a crappy movie like Kangaroo Jack, shows you just how awful and cliche Envy is. Please, Mr. Levinson, leave the crappy comedies to Dennis Dugan. Please.

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9 / 10

I'm watching this movie in one of my classes in school, which makes it kick that much more ass. The begining of the movie had people nearly break out in crying from laughing so hard. We're only about half an hour in, but its great so far.

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All in all a decent film, I've watched it a few times now and still see new things each time. The look and feel of the film is fantastic, drawing together near future and 50s inspiration. Uma and Jude Law act well and even Ethan Hawke puts in a decent performance.

An enjoyable film and an interesting look at the possbilities of genetic class in the future. Veeery Brave New World (in that way at least)

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - 7/10

My friends came away from this film proclaiming it to be "genius", and in one case even went to the extent of calling their family members to tell them that they have to watch this film... I for one, was not convinced. The good bits were very good. The lame bits were very lame. Not all the 'new' parts were lame, but most of them were - especially the tacked-on romance subplot between Arthur and Trillion and all that surrounded it.

Stephen Fry and Alan Rickman as The Book and Marvin respectively were indeed brilliant at what they did, and Martin Freeman was also pretty good as Arthur Dent. Mos Def as Ford was acceptable. Sam Rockwell had his moments but didn't seem to quite fit Zaphod. Zooey Deschanel had an achievement in making me care even less about Trillian than I had in the radio version.

It did however remind me just how much the HHGG theme tune rocks, and I have consequently downloaded a super-extended 6.2mb version of it. Superb.

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Terminator 9/10

I'm still amazed on how Cameron outdid himself when he made T2. Who would of thought the sequal to the classic would be just as good(or better) then the original.

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