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Halloween: 9.5/10

Freddy and Jason have nothing on Micheal Myers. Chilling score, and scary as shit. Instead of watching a horror film this year(god help us all and hope there will be more then Land of The Dead and The Devils Rejects in terms of decent horror films), wtach one of the most scariest of them all. Oh and I just bought the 25th anniversery addition DVD, and the quality of the film is top-notch.

Edited by Laice_
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Crash - 8.5/10

Crash is the first big screen directorial effort for Paul Haggis in over 10 years, and is a remarkable step forward for someone who only interupted a successful television career a few years ago to give the big screen another try. It tells several interweaving stories of strife, crime and devestation in Los Angeles, and make no mistake about it; this film is wrought with racial tension. The opening scene of the film, which includes a racial slur laden argument between Hispanic and Asian women after a car crash (I assume the film gets its title from this inciting incident), is only a small sign of things to come, as issues delt with include corrupt (and racist to boot) police officers, post 9/11 xenophobia and racial stereotypes. On one side of the coin we have Terrence Howard's Cameron, a successful film director who, along with his wife Christine (Thandie Newton), live amongst the predominantly white Hollywood community. On the other had we have Ryan Phillipe's Officer Hanson, who is shocked to see when his parter Seargent Ryan takes liberties while searching Christine during a routine stop. These are only two of several stories told in Crash, but the ultimate message is that everyone is on the surface disconnected, but the way the stories are presented subtly outline the connections that lie beneath. I honestly can't think of a better presentation of racial conflict in a modern film. Thumbs up.

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Independence Day - 8/10

This film is what War of the World should've been. It's explained much more what the Aliens what and the film in general is explaine much better. This also involves a few comical moments from Will Smith which also betters it when comparing to War of the Worlds. The final thing that makes this film greater than War of the Worlds is the way the get rid of the Aliens, it's much more complex.

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Guest John Kerry's Evil Twin

American Wedding: 8.5/10. A funny gross-out comedy is a true rarity these days.

Team America: 9.5/10. One of the best movies I have ever seen. "Look, Gary, I'm not from Hollywood, I'm not going to fuck your mouth, and my time is vital!"

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Fantastic Four 7/10

Decent film. Gets slightly worse as it gets to the end, and the ending itself is quite poor, but the rest is perfectly decent. Good to see, bang on 7/10.

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War of the Worlds - 5/10

It wasn't as bad as most reviews said it was, but it seriously didn't seem to ever pick up. And a friend of mine recently told me how Collateral has a rushed ending.. that shit got NOTHING on War of the Worlds.

Sin City - 8/10

Even better the second time watching it. I can't wait for the DVD to come out in 3-4 weeks. ^_^

Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas - 7/10

Definately not for everybody, and you either seem to love it, or hate it. The story's pretty simple as hell, a journalist and his attorney go to Las Vegas and try every drug imaginable, including the mythical Adrenacrome drug.

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Star Wars: Episode III: The Revenge of The Sith - 8/10

Those who would suggest that this is the best Star Wars film of the prequel trilogy are absolutely correct. Those who would suggest that this is the best of the Star Wars films since Empire Strikes Back might just be right. Even those who say this is the best film in the Star Wars series are not wrong by far, because Revenge Of the Sith makes up for every one of the prequel trilogy's lackings. Moving away from the glossy (some would say sterile) environment of the first two Episodes, this final saga in the billion dollar franchise is a dark, brooding adventure that creates complex characters and asks interesting moral questions. Hearing that statement one who hasn't seen the film yet would likely assume I had accidentally seen another movie but it's true; "Revenge of the Sith" is a really interesing, intelligent film. Sure the unbelievable visuals are there, but Lucas has toned down the flashy "Jar Jar Binks-esque" hijinks in order to tell a story that is perhaps more intriguing than any he's ever told before. The cast seems to have much more leeway with their characters this time around, and Hayden Christiansen stands out for the first time in his career. The Star Wars prequel is one which fans of the series knew the ending well in advance, but for the first time since Return of the Jedi, I can honestly say I was interested in the process of how we got to the end. Thumbs up.

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The Pacifier - 3/10

I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I decided to watch this.

Carandiru - 7/10

Eh, decent film, but I was expecting another City of God and that simply isn't what the movie is was going for. The plot is, simply, the lives of the men inside the Carandiru prison before the massacres that happened there. This portrayal may not be the most accurate, however, because the story is told solely from the criminals' POV, it even says so at the end.

Crow: Wicked Prayer - 4/10

As much as I wanted to like this movie, the cheesy script, pathetic acting, and awful editing prevented that. David Boreanaz was awesome as Luc Crash, the leader of a gang who dipped it's fingers into satanism. On their (Boreanaz & Tara Reid, his girlfriend) road to becoming the rulers of the underworld, they kill Jimmy Cuervo (played by Edward Furlong of Terminator 2/American History X fame) and his love interest, Lil (played by the beautiful Emmanuelle Chriqui). Of course, Cuervo turns out to be the next person to be reincarnated into the crow, and he goes after Crash and his goons (Played by Tito Ortiz, Marcus Chong, and Yuji Okumoto) before they can doom the world to seven years of damnation. Cameo appearances by Danny Trejo (Who's apparently trying to beat Samuel Jackson in the movies-per-year ratio) as Lily's father, and Dennis Hopper in one of his most unusual roles ever. (Some gangbanger/pimp mixture.. don't ask, you'll understand if you watch the movie.)

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Crash - 7/10

A good effort by Paul Haggis (writer of Million Dollar Baby), but maybe if he had dropped one of the stories and instead fleshed out the remaining characters, it could have been much, much better.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith - 6/10

An fun action-comedy which ended just as it was really picking up. Had they given the story more of a villain, or more of a conclusion other than just shooting all of the nameless, faceless stooges, it could have definately been better, but I guess they left that open for the inevitable sequel (assuming it actually did good enough at the theater, I forgot the actual number at the moment)

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