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Schindlers List: 9/10

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Man on Fire - 7 out of 10. Really enjoyable piece of action, superbly acted by Washington and Fanning

Helter Skelter - 7 out of 10. Interesting 'documentary' on the Manson Family murders. Brilliantly cast

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The Brothers Grimm - 6/10

Terry Gilliam tickles his action-fantasy tingling in his Matt Damon/Heath Ledger starring The Brothers Grimm. Long delayed for God knows what reason, the film has finally found its release this week...and its quite of an odd duck of an action movie. You wanna know how Gilliam rolls with it? Horses eating children...Kou would so love this movie... The odd freaky stuff actually makes the movie a welcome, albeit odd, take on old fairy tales. And it also makes sense to cast Monica Bellucci as Queen Mirror, "the fairest one of them all".

Unfortunately, this suffers from ordinary average action movie syndrome. There's gonna be a conflict between the brothers, as well as the cleavage laden heroine (and while we're at it, villain). You also know...well...the other shit that will happen.

But what makes the film stand out is how the film gets there. It doesn't go the average route all the time with it but rather keeps the audience on its toes with its odd humor and freaky behavior. This isn't Van Helsing, it's something better.

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Anchorman: 10/10

One of the funniest films I have ever seen. Brick Tamland is the greatest character ever and there needs to be a film based on him, there just needs to be. The fight scene should not be missed. Brick + Hand grenade = Ratings.

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E.T.: 9/10

It gets me every time :crying:

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Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story - 6/10

While not hardly as consistant in laughs as another big comedy release of that year, Anchorman, it does have some funny bits, mostly from the ESPN 8 announcers played by Gary Cole and Jason Bateman. Sadly, Ben Stiller, attempting to take a page from his great character in Heavyweights, wasn't hardly as funny as I expected. Still, it is a decently funny movie, if a bit too weak at many points.

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Wedding Crashers: 8/10

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Guest Sesame Seed


Not gonna go into a full length rant or whatnot. But it is a decent superhero movies. A few gags, a few romantic moments. Jessica Alba is hot too, as always. A little bit boring in some points. And in today's world of special effects taking up half the budget, they don't add anything to the film- infact they take away from it IMHO. Basically it goes laugh, special effect, laugh, special effect, sad bit, and it rotates like that until the end- which by the time it comes is very good. Passable I suppose, but a weak cast, as well as average special effects (compared to what else is out there) make this an average movie on a good day- and today wasn't THAT good of a day. **


As a big Roald Dahl fan, I was pleased when I saw this the other day (Monday to be exact). A very, very good movie. Possibly the best kids movie of the year, which doesn't seem like much on the surface, but it is a compliment. Depp is wonderful as Wonka, the soundtrack is awesome, the kids are good overall, not bland, but not too bouncy. The Ooompa-Loompa(s) crack me up, and it is beautifully shot in that gothic style that only Tim Burton can properly master. This film is a turning point in kid's films, and should be appreciated by kids and adults alike. ****

THE MIGHTY CELT (Couldn't find a poster)

I saw this film yesterday, and was quite impressed with it. It is a low-budget (they rented an Irish farm for fucks sake!) Irish movie by the BBC. However to it seems more like a BBC TV movie. The kid is a very good actor, and I discovered that he is a junior boxing champion too. Some very strong language for it's 12A certificate. Some good stuff, but then again, it just seems too much like a BBC TV movie/drama at best. **1/2

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