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Rent - 9/10

My favorite movie of the year...not the movie I think is the best mind you. But my favorite. The reason being the high rewatch value. I can watch this over and over for the songs.

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And Now For Something Completely Different - 8/10

Call it a hilarious whim of fancy that seems to keep the Monty Python boys a-brewing with humor, as seen in what could be defined as a stepped up anthology of their best skits from the first two years of the television series. Most of the skits still hold the TV series's humor and then some and if you're looking for a way to break into Python past Holy Grail, this is the way to do it.


Walk The Line - 8/10

Joaquin Phoenix turns from solid young actor to brilliant actor in a solid turn as the Man in Black in the Johnny Cash/June Carter Cash biopic Walk the Line. Reese Witherspoon also does an extremely solid job as the apple in Johnny's eye, June, and the couple's chemistry is just electric. The singing work in the film is also quite fantastic, especially from Phoenix. Overall, Mangold makes a film that shows the life of the Cashes and also reminds us all of the great music that came out of it.

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Domino - 6.5/10

Tony Scott's biopic/action film/character study Domino is a film that is wildly entertaining yet incredibly strange. There's very solid performances by the cast, including Ms. Keira Knightley as the woman herself and a solid comeback by Mickey Rourke, who continues the comeback trail he paved with another 2005 release, Sin City. I'll give some love to a supporting cast which also includes Kou's male lover Tom Waits, Monique (in a role that's at least much better than most of the shit she seems to find herself in), and of course, Christopher Walken. I also love the nature of the story and how it is set up. It's just...sometimes the substance just isn't there. Don't get me wrong, the film is highly entertaining, but it seems odd that a film which seems to show a person who is quite anti-Hollywood has to end how it does. Sure, I get the whole action movie and appeasing studio aspect of it, but it doesn't quite fit. Also, it wasn't so much a problem with me, but Tony Scott's direction is a bit of an acquired taste. If you hated the look of Man on Fire, you might just hate all of this movie. Still, I liked it.

Edited by just ROC...
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Havoc - 7/10

Havoc is a film that runs a bit too short, despite having both style and substance. It would be easy to dismiss a film like this as an R-rated vehicle for Anne Hathaway as a "serious actress" (read: she does nudity now), but that would dismiss all the bite that this dramatic satire has. This is the best skewering of suburban Los Angeles since Malibu's Most Wanted, only with this film comes some actual gravitas. It runs short, yes, but it's a perfectly self-contained story that rises consistently and peaks at the right time. The characters are off the wall without being one dimensional, the direction is consistent without being stagnant and the script is snarky without being preachy. The message is clear: white suburban rich kids should find something better to do than courting desparity. And in all honesty, what the film is is great; there's just not enough of it to be memorable. Thumbs up.

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I had my cousing over the other night (he's 13) I'm flipping through the channels to find him something to watch . So i stop on Starz and see a movie with Anne hathaway in it and I was cool this movie should be bad this is the chick from that Disney movie . Few minutes later its the scene where she's on the couch and her friend is filming and she's like "Fuck Me" . I quickly tell my cousin to go play ps2 in the other room lol

first time I heard about her doing that movie , it was good and damn she was sexy

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Rudy - 8/10

Director David Anspaugh's 1993 film about Notre Dame walk-on senior Daniel Ruettiger (or "Rudy") is hard to resist as one of the more motivational sports films of the 90s if not of all time. The film focuses on the grit and determination of more than the man himself, but of teamwork and the like. At the end of the day, it's about proving what you are by overcoming everything. Sure, this theme has been buried to death in the modern age in the thousands of sports-related films seen almost weekly at the box office, but at the time the story was fresh and makes the film work (as well as acting from a solid core of stars, including pre-Elf-directing Jon Favreau and the quintessential Ned Beatty). Anspaugh achieves in making a film with grit yet doesn't sell out his message and the film just makes you feel for Rudy. It is the good shit, kids.

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Napoleon Dynamite 2/10

I went into this with hot anticipation, the one huge cult film I haven't seen in the last couple of years (that I cared about), everyone loves it. After having watched it I realised something, it didn't even begin. A lame attempt at being unfunny to be funny. The only highlight is Pedro whose bumbling only serves to make you realise that a film can be just watchable even for one character, but then two marks out of ten probably isn't a good thing.

:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

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The Dream Team: 7/10

Michael Keaton, Christopher Lloyd, Michael Boyle, and Stephen Furst are 4 New York mental patients. Keaton suffers from delusions, Lloyd is a schizophrenic that believes he is a doctor, Boyle thinks he's Jesus Christ, and Furst only talks in phrases that a baseball commentator would use. The movie is pretty funny and everytime that Michael Boyle reminds you he is Jesus makes you laugh.

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