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The Terminal - 7/10

I really enjoyed this flick. A different and unique plot came out of something that I thought was gonna be generic. Hanks played his role well and so did Stanley Tucci, who is a very good actor.

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Guest Pulp

Spider-Man - 8/10

watched it for renew for 2. Seen it a bagillion times by now.

Spider-Man 2 - 7/10

Ehh. I guess I wasn't as excited for this one as the first one, still a good movie though. I gotta see it again to do it justice.

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The Bourne Identity - **** or (8/10) - (Y)

I have no clue why I hadn't seen this movie up until tonight....It almost is enough to piss me off, considering how awesome I thought it was. The sequel is now a must-see.


The Mighty Ducks - ***1/2 or (7/10) - (Y)

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Van Helsing again because we went to a cheap showing so we could see the parts that cracked us up. I noticed a couple of plot holes weren't actually plot holes, so it gets a .5 increase and is at 2.5/10.

Saw Spider-Man 2 yesterday, and it's a great movie, but for some reason, I didn't quite adore it. Maybe it's because Toby Macguire CANNOT MAKE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS 85% OF THE TIME ARRRRRGH. I wish Jake Gyllenhaal would've been Spidey.

EDIT: Forgot it's rating: 7.5/10, putting it on par with Hellboy, but above it because Hellboy's flaw was more major (bland villains).

Edited by GoGo Yubari
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Guest Pulp

Bloodsport - 4/10

It was on HBO today.

Van Damme Sucks. It's sad when the Japaneese antagonist can speak better english than him. But I give it 4 points for Van Damme's friend, the burly guy with a Harley Davidson Head Band.

"Even better, he made him say Matay(sp)."



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Guest Hurricane

*I didnt watch all of these today, it was more in the last couple weeks...*

Barbershop 2: Wasn't as funny as the first one, but I still laughed. At least Dinka finally gets a girl, and its not Terri. :o :thumbs-up:

BASEketball: There were some funny parts in it, but other than those it wasn't all that great. Squeak Scolari is my hero, however.

National Security: Martin Lawrence and Steve Zahn worked well together in this movie. :thumbs-up:

Bad Boys II: A lot of action, and Will Smith + Martin Lawrence = Ratings. Plus, I :wub: Gabrielle Union. :thumbs-up:

Domestic Disturbance: This movie was great. John Travolta really acted well. I'd advise watching this one. :thumbs-up:

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Secret Window - odd movie, but it's still pretty good, I thought. I was very confused at the ending, but oh well, what can ya' do when it's based on a Stephen King book? Exactly. nothing. Anyways, yeah that's the only movie I watched. I'd give it a 6 or so out of 10.

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I've been gone for a week and I mnaged to squeeze in a few movies.

Shrek 2:

I went in not expecting much at all, most people had advised me that if I went in there expecting a movie as good as the first I would be disappointed. It may of been the lowered expectations or it may have been the fact I never saw the first movie at the cinema, but I actually prefered the second Shrek to the original. It had zero character development which I was glad of. There was no need to further develop any of the characters as they had been perfectly explained in the first. The inclusion of Puss in Boots was an act of genius especially the scenes where Donkey and Puss are both competing for second in charge status.

Having said all that the movie did drag in a number of places and the plot was flimsy at best, I found Jennifer Saunders part as the fairy godmother particularly lacking which was due more to shit lines and the weak script rather than her actual performance.

In the end it was far from perfect but as a person who normally can't stand animated movies I actually really enjoyed it and in one or two places I lauged so much, a tiny amount of pee actually came out (okay that may be a lie but I like the line.)


Mean Girls:

I don't know how this movie got any good reviews, I found it as boring as watching paint dry. The whole story was two dimensional the character development was non existent, and for the most part the acting was appaling. I only went to see this in the hope that in return my fiancee would accompany me to see eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. (she ended up getting out of it however) After seeing the movie I thought I may have been somewhat jaded due to being forced into seeing it, however my fiancee shared my opinion that it was a very ordinary movie with little redemptive features. I must admit I normally get a kick out of movies made for a female teenage audience, I quite enjoyed Bring It On as well as a number of similar movies, I have also always been a big fan of movies revolving around high school and the problems students face. The only thing going for this movie is the fact it features a number of attractive females, however I have seen hotter attached to movies that actually have a half decent script.

Utter Shite


Bowling For Columbine:

I caught this on cable this morning, I found it rather disjointed. I had also heard so much about it I had high expectations, so high in fact that I think it would have taking a gargantuan movie to meet my expectations. Moore didn't manage this. In fact I thought it was fairly ordinary. The story jumped from A to B to A to C to E and it it grated hugely. It was also drawn out it runs for roughly 2 hours whereas his point could have been captured in half the time with better effect on the audience. To me it seemed as if Moore had placed in his movies as many shots at the mainstream as possible in a hope to get noticed. To this end I guess he was successful however it does make me question how much of the stuff he says is heart felt and how much is for ratings. If you haven't seen it watch it, if you have seen it you can probably agree with me on some oft he points I have made.


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