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Kill Bill volume 2

Not as good as vol.1 but still a great top notch movie. I'd rank it in my top 30 favorite movies. Great acting, and really a fasinating story. That movie had less action and focused more on story which was alright with me. The score was great, just not as good as the one in volume 2. the last kill/fight scene really lacked, and was too anticlimatic.


Phantom of 10,000 Leagues

A cheesy B horror movie from the 50's. Bought it at Wal-Mart for $50. I got what I paid for. Kinda boring at times and stiff acting. Somewhat enjoyable though.


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Sorry typo, I meant 50cents, or $0.50. I can't find the cents symbol on my keyboard.


The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari

This 1920 silent horror movie can be found for $1 at Wal-Mart along with Dr.Blood's Coffin. This is one of the best horror movies I've ever seen in my life. Very spooky, great acting, and an interesting story. it's too bad that it's only 67minutes long.


Freddy vs Jason

As a fan of both Friday The 13th and Nightmare On Elm Street, I really like this movie. Out of the 18 Freddy/Jason movies, I rank this as the 10th best. I also felt this movie really redeemed the series' as Friday The 13th parts 7,8,9 and 10 were far from good. Nightmare On Elm Street parts 5 and 6 were just as bad. However this movie really does lack in the horror aspect. it's more action based. And it is odd watching a movie where Jason is the "good guy".


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Full Metal Jacket - 9/10: Finally watched it after hearing so much about it, the first 20 or so minutes is the best part of the film though.

Snakes on a Plane - 8/10: I loved it, ridiculous film, but it is great. I hated the part when the guy got trampled on and got heel stuck in his ear.

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - 9/10: The best of the first 3 films by far.

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Little Miss Sunshine: 9/10

Best film of the year so far.

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Nosferatu (1922)

A classic horror movie from the silent era. Great acting, and I loved the audio score. Really helped make the movie creepy. And I must say great makeup too. This would rank among my top 10 favorite horror movies.


Recently watched

Pirtaes of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

A great movie, one of the best movies of 2003. Johnny Depp was at his best, and the supporting cast did very good as well. A great mix of comedy and action. I used to prefer Dead Man's Chest, but after rewatching this, I consider them equal.


Note: My movie ratings used to be like 5.6, 7.8, 9.4, 4.4, etc.. But for now on, I'll only use ratings like 7, 8, 6.5, 9, 4.5, etc.. I also went back at past movie I've reviewed and slightly changed the ratings to what I agree with.

Kill Bill volume 1: 9.5/10

Scarface: 9.5/10

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back: 9.5/10

Clerks. :9/10

Clockwork Orange: 9/10

Sin City: 9/10

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope: 9/10

National Lampoon's Animal House: 9/10

Nosferatu: 9/10

The Warriors: 8.5/10

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi: 8.5/10

Kill Bill volume 2: 8.5/10

Clerks 2: 8.5/10

Chasing Amy: 8.5/10

Fearless: 8.5/10

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl: 8.5/10

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest: 8.5/10

What's Eating Gilbert Grape: 8/10

V For Vendetta: 8/10

Ali: 8/10

The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari: 8/10

Dogma: 8.0/10

Ong-Bak: 8/10

Super Size Me: 7.5/10

Freddy vs Jason: 7.5/10

The Libertine: 7.5/10

Black Mask: 7/10

The Exorcist 3: 7/10

Star Wars Episode 1: Phantom Menace: 6/10

Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday: 5.5/10

The Ring: 5.5/10

Troy: 5.0/10

Phantom of 10,000 Leagues: 5/10

Freddy's Dead: The Final Night Nigmtare: 4.5/10

The Hills Have Eyes (remake): 3/10

The Benchwarmers: 2.5/10


Doctor Blood's Coffin

A horror movie from the 50-60's. Not very good at all. Bad acting, and quite boring in several scenes.


Phantom of the Opera (1925)

I heard that the 1925 PotO is the best version, and it probably is. I also saw the 2004 version, but hated it. This movie has great acting, and audio is excellent. Story is very interesting. And the movie itself has very good quality for a 80+ year old movie.


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AntiTrust - 4/10

It seems surprisingly the biggest problem in the 2001 suspense flick AntiTrust is not the casting but how uninterested that someone could really be about the storyline. So there's a little corruption in a software corporation, who cares? This effort comes from director Peter Howitt, who obviously forgot that thrillers where people are just banging on a keyboard for two hours are not that interesting. The cast itself is alright, but Ryan Philippe typing a lot, Rachael Leigh Cook being underused, and Claire Forlani being hot but vapid is not thriller action. Worse yet, the film had so many chances to satirize events like the Mircosoft antitrust case it takes the plot from but doesn't do enough with it. It's just not enough of a thriller to really thrill.

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Little Shop of Horrors

This is the original, not the remake. Pretty good movie, very funny. I really liked Jack Nicholson's cameo.


Pulp Fiction

Saw it for the first time today, and it was awesome. Loved the story. It was really interesting, exciting, and just plain awesome.



The Shawshank Redemption

A great movie. The best "jail movie" I've ever seen. Superb acting, and lots of drama.


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Before Sunset - 8/10

Still just an amazingly real film. Hawke and Delpy manage to immerse themselves so well into the characters of Jesse and Celine yet again that it's hard to know when they're acting and when they're being natural. It's a lovely film that works because everybody brings their ideas to the table and know how to create something realistic out of art.

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One Night In Mongkok - 7.5/10

A HK Film that is very stylishly shot and tells the tale of a mainland country boy coming to Hong Kong by order of a criminal gang. This film follows that one day and night in the Mongkok area of Hong Kong. The acting is good with some great casting especially the greedy husband and wife that own a mobile phone shop. The film tends to drag a little towards the end and the ending could've been better but you can't help but feel sympathy for the protagonist.

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