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United 93 - 8/10

I think the only real flaw is that they take a few liberties with the story, but other than that, it's a haunting expereience once it gets going. The film works because director/writer Paul Greengrass doesn't create any ridiculously cheesy moments. He just uses the events of Flight 93 and makes the story work.


Cry Wolf - 4/10

There isn't much to this movie persay. It's slasher horror and it's PG-13, ergo, it sucks. :thumbsdown:

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With Viewing Pleasure District Renovations Act of 2008, it was decided minor changes to be made to thread pinnage, and thusly. This thread is designed for telling us what you watched in movies, on TV, on DVD's no matter what may be on them.

Edited by Benji
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Your act sucks, you must be terribly bored.


Dead President - 8/10, fantastic film, I really liked how it drove at the point that war really fucks some people up not just mentally but inhibits their ability to work in the 'real' world.

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Survivor: Cook Islands: "I Can Forgive Her But I Don't Have To Because She Screwed With My Chickens" - 6.5/10

Better than expected. Of course, what will always tell the tale is weather or not the energy lasts when the four tribes eventually become two.

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The Office- Casino Night:9/10

I love this episode on so many levels. Its got my favorite office quote of all time "I hate so much about the things that you choose to be", and it has the big Jim/Pam moment. I watched it to get me excited for Season 3 next thursday, and it did.

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Accepted - 6/10

Justin Long is like a young Chevy Chase. A movie that's funny enough and says enough about the pressure we put on teenagers to succeed to be worthy of a watch.

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