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Jericho - Pilot Episode

I saw that alot of people were making a fuss about this show, so I downloaded it to see what it was all about, and to say, I was impressed. The directing was one of the most brilliant things I have ever seen, although why the kid was crying when he saw a big explosion is still a void to me...


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Yes Prime Minister, 'Man Overboard' - 9.5/10

The first episode of YPM's second season (the last season of the franchise) is one of the best of the lot. Sir Humphrey is at the top of his game of being magnificantly devious, Jim Hacker is as clueless as ever, while Bernard flutters naively about inbetween. Plus, just when you think Humphrey has pulled the whole scheme off flawlessly, it all blows up in his face in literally the last 30 seconds of the episode. Brilliance.

One of the quotes that keeps me amused even now:

Bernard Wooley: "Sir Humphrey, I didn't know the Employment Secretary was going to resign."

Humphrey Appleby: "Was he?"

BW: "You just said he was."

HA: "No, I said that I 'understood' the rumours to be true. I may have misunderstood."

BW: "So they weren't true?"

HA: "They might have been, for all I know."

BW: "Anything MIGHT be true."

HA: "Precisely. Well done Bernard."

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Jackass Number Two - 8/10

Wow. They seriously raised the bar with the stunts this time around, and it's awesome. The first 10 minutes or so are about the funniest thing I've seen in a theatre in years. Definitely recommended.

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Midnight Express

Just to get this out of the way, this isn't related to Dennis Condrey, Randy Rose, Stane Lane, Bobby Eaton, or Jim Cornette. Sorry.

Anyway, the name of the movie is derived from prison nomenclature. Midnight Express is a metaphor for a prison break. The movie tells the story of Billy Hayes (true story by the way), an American busted for hash smuggling at the Turkish border. The movie details the horrors he faces as he lives life in this Turkish prison and it's corrupt authority figures. The movie takes liberties with the actual story (what movie doesn't though?) but does remain fairly true to the actual story.

Honestly, I'm surprised that I don't see this movie mentioned in the lists of classics. It's a brilliant film with excellent acting. In fact, as far as prison movies go, I think it's much better than the Shawshank Redemption.

10/10. As always.

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Wire - Soft Eyes - 7/10

Decent enough stuff to continue to story. Herc walking in on the mayor and his reaction was good stuff. Carver is always cool as is Freamon. Good to see Wee-Bay make a return, too. I thought the stuff with all the mothers/other women giving Cutty food was funny.

Prison Break - Subdivision - 8/10

This was pretty good with them all back together again in the house in the one room like it was the guards room all over again. Tweener getting caught is great. He sucks. Haywire was awesome as usual. Great to finally see him make his first apperance. Him making a mess of himself with all the food and drink was great as was his reaction to the girl freaking out about seeing him and he turns around and thinks it is someone else she is freaked about. T-Bag was great as always.

Smith - Two - 7/10

I actually liked that episode more so than the pilot (6/10 for that). The pilot dragged for me. This seemed better. Maybe it was because it was like 10 minutes shorter than the pilot. I liked the motorcycle chase. That was cool. And Amy Smart's character having her own group is interesting, especially considering she is the only one they have an ID on so I am sure it'll lead to her getting caught. She is running her own plus being part of Bobby's crew. Not smart. Bobby's wife knowing what's going on is going to lead to some interesting stuff, too.

Standoff - Partners in Crime - 7/10

Good enough episode. I am not expecting anything great from this show or anything. It kept me interested throughout, so that is always good. I liked the tactical practice part at the beginning. They should show more of that kind of stuff.

Nip/Tuck - Shari Noble - 7/10

Another episode that kept my interesting. I liked seeing Robert LaSardo return as Escobar even if it was just him dreaming. LaSardo was great on this show. The storyline with the woman using peanut butter on herself for her dog to lick it off (and bite off more than just that) was just crazy (then her military husband returns with a bag of the dead dog). The midget guy is starting to be an interesting character. I didn't care for it at first, but he is starting to be somewhat usefull to the show it seems.

And that did it for my viewing today.

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School for Scoundrels


I liked it better the first time I saw it...you know, back when it was called "Anger Management". Some nice spots, some dragging moments, the funniest moment of the movie seems to be what will happen tomorrow when the box office rankings come in (especially since it's the film's opening weekend- yet the only people in the theatre for the show I went to were me and my mother.)

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Mallrats: 8/10

Very funny movie. I loved Brodie, he made the movie for me. Of the 6 movies in the series, I rank this one 4th.

1: Clerks. (9/10)

2: Clerks 2 (8.5/10)

3: Chasing Amy (8.5/10)

4: Mallrats (8/10)

5: Dogma (8/10)

6: 'Strikes Back (7.5/10)

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Children Of Men

This is one of the best new drama films I've seen in years, really gritty realism, and a great premise, which is really all a good sci-fi story needs, but so many sci-fi writers go totally over the top and change up everything they can. Not so here, though. Tremendously acted by everyone too, the only problem I have with is that the ending was a little too abrupt, and maybe even a little too open (I like open endings, but something irked me about this one)

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I watch too much TV to go over everything I watch, but over the past few days...

One Tree Hill - "The Same Deep Water As You" - 8/10

One of the sharpest, most well written episodes of One Tree Hill to date. It successfully navigates the momentum of a big cliffhanger and turns it into the successful kick off to a new season. Now hopefully they'll transition this into a better season than last.

Prison Break - "Subdivision" - 7/10

Definitely a T-Bag fueled episode, but nothing special. It's not as intense as the first season, but season 2 should run solid just for the number of payoff moments that were built from the start.

Smallville - "Zod" - 7/10

As usual it's rife with overwraught performances and not terribly inspired writing, but hey, this show bottomed out in season 4 and there's no way they let it that low again. Exciting enough, but there's not a lot introduced in the premiere, so only time will tell how the rest of the year goes.

My Name Is Earl - "Jump For Joy" - 8/10

Great stuff, and a big step forward from the season premiere. Joy is still > Catalina though. >_>

The Office - "The Convention" - 7.5/10

More great stuff. Michael as a character has improved leaps and bounds since the first season, and these last few episodes have really gone a long way to make him a relatable and entertaining contributor to the show. They kinda rushed into bringing Jim back together with the rest, unless he comes back to the Scranton branch in the next few episodes, and if that's the case then I'm cool with that. :P

Jericho - "Fallout" - 7/10

I will say this, Jericho at 8, Lost at 9 and The Nine at 10 will make Wednesday a great night of TV. Jericho isn't spectacular, but it hasn't begun to lose it's charm yet, and for most mediocre shows that generally begins in the second episode. But man, that lame "It's never safe around you" line is the worst thing I've heard in a TV series since Kyle XY.

Bones - "The Truth In the Lye" - 6.5/10

The first samey episode of the season so far. Still better than most of season 1 though.

House - "Lines In the Sand" - 7/10

House is awesome. Moving on.

Boston Legal - "Pro Ana Bo Bana" - 8/10

Jeffrey Coho is the greatest thing to ever happen to this show. Having him, Shore and Crane on the show at the same time is enough to restore my interest in Boston Legal completely. Finally a casting choice on this show that doesn't suck!

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The Wires - "Refugees" - 7/10

Pretty enjoyable, better than last week's, in my opinion. MCU is practically dead now, and it was fun seeing Greggs get ribbed at her new job, and any episode with Omar, much less Omar jacking Marlo, is great. Next week's episode looks like a good one, too. And the wheels are being put in motion for what'll likely end up being Marlo vs. The Co-Op. Oh, yeah, Snoop needs more air time. She's seriously my favorite character this season so far, which is weird considering her limited amount of airtime, and her even more limited amount of lines.

Edited by Mysterio2000X
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Dexter - Dexter - 7/10

Pretty interesting show. The whole serial killer serial killer deal is odd but I liked it. I thought the way the serial killer killed his victims was strange by leaving absolutely no blood around and cutting the body parts in perfect cuts.

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The Fog of War - 10/10

I'm always a little confused where the line between 'movie' and 'really long documentary' is supposed to lie, but apparently this IS a film so who am I to argue. Alright, so I'm the kind of person who reacted to this film with "Wait, McNamara? THE McNamara?"...because that's what a degree in War Studies will do to you...but nonetheless, this docu-film is thoroughly enthralling and provides insight into US Cold War strategy that even I'd never come across before - and all from the man himself. Highly recommended to absolutely anyone with an interest in 20th Century history and/or military affairs.

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