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Corner Gas - "Hair Comes The Judge" - 7/10

Solid start. The bits with Oscar and the car were ace.

How I Met Your Mother - "Where We Were" - 7.5/10

All sorts of solid TV this week. Barney's rant to start the show was classic, and it was great when Ted finally snapped on Marshall.

The Class - "Pilot" - 6/10

It was alright first time I saw it, still good. Lizzy Caplan is great. Hopefully it stays consistent.

Prison Break - "Map 1213" - 6/10

Better than last week. The Tancredi storyline needs to go somewhere fast though.

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The Last Kiss - 5.5/10

A very marginal fail from me. It's got some really interesting points, the cast is great and the ending is really strong. I just don't know that I can get behind a film that I hated for about 40 minutes. Tony Goldwyn's direction, as artsy as it may appear, is incredibly vapid and pretentious. Paul Haggis' script isn't an outright liability, but it's definitely less than the level of his other recent efforts. Braff should have directed; it might have gave the project what it needed to get over that hump, but it's just not here.

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Smith - "Pllot" - 9/10

I can't think of a one hour pilot that manages to entertain amazingly, create great characters, and just in general manages to create a strong fabric for a series in such an amazing way in a long, long time.

Edited by Number Twenty Five.
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Hard Candy 2/10

Suck, suck, suck. This movie sucks on land, it sucks at sea, and if we populate space, it will suck there, too.

I was walking by it in the video store when two different people who apparently couldn't find it on the rack were making the clerk call another store to see if they had it. I figured that if two people were clamoring for it at once, it must be something, so I grabbed it. My mistake. I really should have left it for them, or helpfully brought it to the counter so that they could have a nice night watching this lamefest together.

The two points I give it were: one for the lighting, which wasn't bad, and one point for readable font on the end credits. The rest of the film sucked, and not in the erotic way a 32 year old pedo sucks a 14 year old.

"Hard Candy" is the tale of a 32 year old photographer who meets a 14 year old girl on the internet and takes her home for a photo shoot... but she turns the tables on him and starts digging for proof of his pedophilia. But not in a fashion that remains believable for very long. In fact, that is the main problem with this entire movie, is that you cannot suspend your belief at all. Even loaded. So much of it is so ridiculously impossible, that it would be laughable if it weren't for the whole pedophilia notion that make it just not right to laugh at. Also, the girl is not even hot, even for a 14 year old. She looks like Malcom in the Middle, or that kid on Wonder Years. She looks even more like a boy than the chick from the Pirates of the Carribean movies, who at least looks like a somewhat pretty boy when wearing a dress. If you remember the 80's film "Just One of the Guys" where a girl dresses like a guy, imagine her, but 14 and not hot.

The girl is just 14, so obviously no nudity, no sex, and definitely not enough violence to warrant the R rating this film had, instead of what would be a much more appropriate PG13 (for occasional expletive language, like "bitch" or "balls"). I'm sure that the R was for marketing reasons, to make it seem like this 'suspense thriller' might be the least bit thrilling. Don't waste your three bucks renting this.

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Hard Candy 2/10

Suck, suck, suck. This movie sucks on land, it sucks at sea, and if we populate space, it will suck there, too.

For a second I thought you were going to quote a G.G. Allin song. He has this song called "Hard Candy Cock" and one of the lines is "Suck Suck Suck, HARD CANDY COCK!".

Anyway, I watched Trainspotting for probably 5637th time. It's definitely one of my all-time favorite flicks and I was in the mood after reading the book (again, probably read that book...647 times or so..:)).

Easy 10/10 from me. The movie has a place on my wall which solidifies it's status as one of the greatest movies I've ever seen.

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I just bought the Office (US) season 2 on DVD the other day and I'm trying to watch all the episodes before tomorrow's season premiere.

I just finished "The Injury" episode, probably one the best I've seen, though it seems as I'm watching all the episodes over again that each one is more hilarious than the next. But this one was fantasic. Without having rewatching the rest of episodes yet, I'd say the is my favorite. The start with Michael on speaker phone is gold, where he pleads for Dwight not to come pick him up. Or when Dwight is heavily concussed and Michael and Jim are taking him to the hospital (Michael: I'm so sick of Chuckie Cheese). Dwight tries to drink the alcohol and Jim is spraying Michael and Dwight with the spray bottle. I'll give it a solid 10 out of 10.

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Jericho - Pilot - 9.5/10

Watched the leaked pilot in July, just watched the TV pilot tonight, and it looks like it's gonna be a great show, The acting was good and it has an interesting premise. I just hope ratings are good enough for it not to get canned

Edited by Corizzle
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