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Ready to Rumble - 6/10

I loved this movie, just because it had parts that would probably actually really happen in WCW. And Oliver Platt was great as a Lawler ripoff.

I was watching that last night too. We are too much alike :shifty:

I, however, wouldn't give it a 6/10. 5/10 from me.

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Marci X - Yes, I regret this...

Cat In The Hat - It was actually okay.

XXX - Only because I woke up in the middle of the night and couldnt get back to sleep and this just happen to be on.

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Spiderman 2 - 8/10

Leading up to the release of this film, comic book movies have not been great. In fact, the only comic book movie I've actually liked so far was Daredevil, mainly because it broke away from the sugarcoated films of old. The first Spiderman was an out and out disappointment, despite the fact that everyone and their pet went to see it. It was a lame, tween action film that focused more on the special effect of seeing Spidy fly than anything worthy of mention. This time around, the filmakers brought in Alvin Sargent to write the screenplay, replacing David Koepp. The result is a film filled with more humour, more fun, and more importantly, a better sense of bang for you buck oriented filmmaking. The special effects are obviously superb as usual, Tobey Macguire and Kirsten Dunst are great, and the film doesn't seem to lag at all. Not the best movie of the year, but perhaps the most fun so far.

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Terminator III: 2/10

It really wasn't very good...in fact, it was so not good, that I regret spending the $2 to rent it, when I could have grabbed something else. The movie was boring, and the action scenes were just okay.

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Bubba Ho Tep - 6.5/10

Movies like 3000 Miles to Graceland don't exactly give credibility to Elvis themed films. Neither does the opening 25 minutes to this one. However, once the theme of the movie itself (not to mention Ossie Davis) is introduced, the movie gets good. Really, really good. As for originality, I don't think I've ever seen a movie about mummies attacking a senior citizen's home which houses Elvis Presley and JFK before. Thumbs up, even if the opening makes you want to turn away.

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Empire Records - 7.5/10

I've always loved this movie for some reason.. starring a young Renee Zellweger, who was good in her part but Rory Cochrane as Lucas, was the one that really made this film go.

Edited by CM Punk
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Ella Enchanted - 5/10

I suppose to rag on a movie like this is a little unneccessary, since just about everyone in their right mind knows that this wasn't about to blow the hardcore movie fan away, but I likes bad movies, so I reviews bad movies. As far as the cream of the crap this year, you can do much worse. There are periods where the movie is charming, others where I'd even go as far as saying it's funny. Unfortunately, most of the pleasure I take from the film is in it's lesser points, which as always, amuse me. Anne Hathaway is charming, but if you promise Parminder Nagra, why only include her in 5 minutes? It seems counterproductive. As for the plot, how do you make a movie out of a girl that is overobedient? Ella Enchanted is full of promise, but next to none of it pans out. Thumbs down.

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Interview with the Vampire - 7.5/10

I initially didn't think I would like the movie whilst watching it. Brad Pitt, as Louis, has a tendency to overpronounce every word he says, which I suppose could fit into his character, but is irking. And I didn't like Tom Cruise as Lestat... until the movie progressed and he got more beautifully smarmy and devilish. Kirsten Dunst is also great as Claudia. They made the character older for this, but that's good because, as a review on IMDb says, no six-year old could possibly play a role like that. Stephen Rea is great fun as Santiago as well, taking a character I didn't care for in the books and making him very fun to watch. The only person I don't like in his role is Antonio Banderas as Armand. It's not that he himself was all that awful, but something about him didn't fit. It's water under the bridge. The ending surprised me as it's so different from the book's, but I suppose they knew there wouldn't be a movie version of the Vampire Lestat (but, of course, there ended up being one anyway mushed in with Queen of the Damned, which I do NOT intend to watch), so they wanted to give it a cool-looking ending, and that they did. A bit contrived, but cool. Good movie, recommended. You might want to read the book before doing so. It doesn't actually HURT the movie, which is VERY rare for movie adaptations, but it's interesting to note where they changed things.

Edited by GoGo Yubari
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Feardotcom - 3/10 or (*) An unscary film indeed, not to mention that the director seemed to have a bondage fetish. And this ain't even mentioning the ripping off and minorly changing the story of Ringu. In any way, this isn't a watchable film, in fact, it seems its only purpose to be made is to knock Juwanna Mann off of My Ten Worst Movies List and is the only thing successful about this film.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy - 7/10

I really enjoyed this movie. Will Ferrell looks to be the first comic to leave SNL to have any real success since Farley/Spade/Sandler. Lots of funny lines and some cool cameos.

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The Street Fighter 7/10 for pure cheesy martial arts goodness. Half the points come just from having Sonny Chiba as a star.

I picked up a 4 pack of old martial arts movies for $5.50. I am a very happy boy.

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The Little Rascals - 6/10 or (**1/2) One of those movies that I watched as a kid and has decent appeal today. Also, since it's been 10 years since the films release, I'm pretty sure the girl who played Darla is pretty hot now. Also, in any medium, Buckwheat = BEST.CHARACTER.EVER.

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Fahrenheit 9/11 - 7/10

This film was definately anti-Bush. Moore ripped Bush about 4 new assholes with this film. But I still question a lot of the credibility of this movie.

Shallow Hal - 7/10

Ehh. I liked it sort of. A comedy, with a message. Still kind of degrading to women of the fat and ugly type.

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