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Shrek 2 - 9/10

Funny but got really good when The Little Ginger Bread Man and the Pigs came into it. I'm still undecided yet whether they should do a number 3. Oh well time will tell on that one.

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Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo da Emp is all up in dis hea' reviewin' hizz'ouse!

Strangers on a Train

Picking up where we left off whenever I last reviewed a Hitchcock film, here's a review of a Hitchcock film. This is the relatively famous story of two men 'criss-crossing' murders, and doing-in the object of the other's kill-fantasies, avoiding suspicion due to percieved lack of motive. However, whilst the crazy douchebag character Bruno Anthony goes through with killing Tennis star Guy Haynes' unwanted wife, Haynes is reluctant to commit murder. And stuff. Really great film, with excellent performances from the male co-stars (the guy playing Bruno in particular). Plenty of suspene, and, you know, stuff. Great ending. Good...film. There was more I wanted to say, but fuck me if I can remember it now.

Score: 8/10

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

This film recieved rave reviewes upon release, and, for the most part, I can see why. However, I can't help but feel this film is overrated by Western audiences. The thrilling tale of betrayal, love, and a big sword is pretty engaging, and reasonably light. The script is decent, and filled with pearls of Chinese pseudo-wisdom. It lives by its atmosphere, creating the old-world, noble, honourable feel of ancient China nicely. It was praised for its invention in Britain, but it's really just a Westernization of standard Chinese / Taiwanese dramas of this sort (there's a name for them -- if I was less lazy I would check). It's true that CTHD is captivating, but behind the aura of classic civilization and nobility, lies a fairly standard film. The performances are OK, but its flaws annoying. For example, the twenty minutes of tenuous exposition randomly inserted half-way through the film feels exasperatingly out-of-place. I'm bored with this review now.

Score: 7/10


It's a big Vietnam war, with action and Charlie Sheen is good, and there's tense action action action. This is probably THE war film. Not as graphic as SPR (although it had its bloodshed) it relies rather on getting inside the frail psyches of front-line soldiers. The most famous 'affecting' scene in the film (the caving in of a Vietnamese teenager's skull with a rifle butt) is rather tame these days, and despite the soldiers' talk of 'the brains' its not at all graphic. However, this film is better than SPR by some distance. Sheen's ocassional descent into nihilistic madness 'DIE MOTHERFUCKERS! DIE MOTHERFUCKERS! DIE!' are well acted and believable. The feud between warring commanders Barnes and The Other Guy is very well played out, and the village scene is one of the best war-film scenes EVER!

Score: 8.5/10

North by Northwest

Hitchcock! Suspense! Swerves! Mistaken Identity Shit! Good Acting! Witty Dialogue! It's all in the hat, Mr. Kennedy.

Score: 9/10

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Spider-Man 2 : 8/10

Better than the first movie, but lacking that special something that made me love Spider-Man... Molina did a good job as Dr. Octopus, but he just didn't seem as evil as Otto Octavious should be. I'm now anxiously awaiting the third movie and the return of a really evil antagonist for Spidey to do battle with.

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Made - 7.5/10 or (***) Vaughn and Favreau's chemsitry makes for some often hilarious scenes. This is definitely good.


The Nutty Professor 7/10 or (**1/2) Pretty good for Eddie Murphy. The dinner scene is easily the funniest scene in the movie.

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Old School - 8/10

This movie deserves 8/10 for the scene where he gets a dart in his neck alone.

"You got a fucking dart in your neck"

"What? You're crazy man. I like you, but your crazy."


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Martin Lawrence Live: Runteldat - 6/10

This was a pretty funny movie. I never understood why they just didn't make it into a Comedy Special but eh. I found it cleaning my room and never watched it. Lawrence is still funny but he's lost some of his appeal.

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The Order 5.5/10 or (**) Another strange film that seems inunderstandable without any knowledge of Catholic doctrine. The film itself is not too bad but my ignorance in Catholicism took away from the experience.

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The Punisher - 5/10

In the realm of comics, I've always liked the realism of Daredevil and The Punisher. Instead of some dainty teenager who is gifted with magical/super powers, The Punisher and Daredevil both were forced to make something of nothing. They were both motivated by revenge; Daredevil by the loss of his father and Punisher by the massacre of his family. However, where Daredevil succeeds and Punisher fails in the movie world is emotion. The Daredevil film makes strides to cast the lead as a sympathetic hero. We feel sorry as he loses his vision, and saddened by the loss of his father. We also understand the underlying revenge motive, and feel his anger. Jonathan Hensleigh's "The Punisher" is void of emotion; it's a heartless action film that relies far too much on archetypical dialogue and violence. Thomas Jane is actually competent as a stoic hero, but at times it goes from stoic to unrealistic. The action sequences are extremely well strung together, and there is a hint of sadness towards the end, but the style that the movie was made in is ultimately it's undoing. An unfortunate thumbs down.

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Adaptation. - 8.5/10 or (***1/2) Brilliant and very well done in the Charlie Kaufman sense of the word.


Catch Me If You Can - 8/10 or (***) A funny and great 60s style slick flick.


Kangaroo Jack - 5/10 or (**) Better than I expected, but certainly not great.


Goldeneye - 8/10 or (***) My favorite of the Brosnan Bond films and great when it comes to characters with Alec Trevelyan, Xenia Onatopp, and especially Boris Grisenko done well. Plus, the classic innuendos and the Bond girls being pretty hot in this one and you have a great Bond film.

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