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Best gaming moments.


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My best friend and I, when we were like 15 were addicted to WWF Warzone, and then Attitude. We had memory card after memory card filled with created wrestlers. We created our own feds and storylines through all this. We always had fun with making them. We made The Ultimate Warrior, and put his real moveset on him. It took us like an hour to get everything just right, we had him wrestle half a match then promptly fired(deleted) his ass from existence. Sure, it was a waste of time, but we had so much fun doing it.

Another good one was playing Parasite Eve, the original, and I had never seen the game. My friend was at the final boss fight, and all the CGI's before it were cool and I was like "She's so gonna kick your.,.....A FUCKING BABY? You've gotta fight a baby? You gotta be kidding me"...so he handed me the controller and said you take him then. That baby kicked my ass in seconds.

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Follow that up with MGS2 when you're playing as Raiden, running around naked and the Colonel suddenly goes totally random. "Seriously, you have been playing this game a long time now".

That and if you die in the room where all the men keep coming at you, and it makes it look like you're dead but in the small square of action in the corner the game is continuing.

Very smart.

When he told me to turn the console off, I was leaning forward to do when my brother asked me what the fuck I was doing. I was too conditioned. :(

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Guest clintcasey

Owning my older brother at Halo 2 without even trying has to be one of best all time gaming momments. In my early gaming days my brother was like an insurmountable wall that I just couldn't beat.

Picture a 5 year old playing against a 16 year old. While I had trouble just getting the last level of Super Mario Brother's using the warp pipes trying to beat him to the end of game.

Well right after Halo 2 comes out he comes over for Christmas, and while we both had expierence playing Halo 1, we've each only been playing Halo 2 for a couple days. Anyhow the map was Battle creak, and the weapon was rockets I believe, winner was the first reach 50 points. At first I took this match verry seriously, after all this was my big brother I was playing up against. So I grabbed the rocket launcher and went to work. Before within a few minutes I was up 10 points to 0 and figured out. At that point I stopped looking for more rockets, and not only I just stopped hitting the trigger for the rest of the game and literally spent the rest of the game just bashing meleeing him with the rocket launcher. Eventually I won the game 50 to 2.

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Follow that up with MGS2 when you're playing as Raiden, running around naked and the Colonel suddenly goes totally random. "Seriously, you have been playing this game a long time now".

That and if you die in the room where all the men keep coming at you, and it makes it look like you're dead but in the small square of action in the corner the game is continuing.

Very smart.

Edited by YI
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Playing MGS3:Substinence (because of the rotatable camera) last night made me late for work. I dunno if that was the best moment, but it sure was a different moment :P First time I beat it was last night and because I wanted to save at the end and you can't skip the cut scenes (and I also wanted to see them) I was late for work :P It's sad.

But I'd have to say one of my favorite recent moments was playing Smackdown vs Raw, the original one, and beating Randy Orton in the elimination chamber; not because I beat him, but because right after I did, he somehow got up, and RKO'd me before disappearing from the chamber, causing me to lose the match. I dunno, for some reason that amused me.

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My mate's brother bought Pro Evo 6 a couple of days early and came in as me and my friend were playing 5 like the lesser mortals we were, all cocky. We stuck that on and he played his brother first and proceeded to absolutely slaughter him, 6 or 7-0. He then beat the other brother (my mate) 4-0. He's got a reputation as being the best Pro Evo player in town, and I'd never beaten him before, but I took him on, going with a frighteningly attacking 3-2-5 formation. 2-0 down at half time, I won 7-2. Fucking glorious.

Also, on Football Manager 2007 keeping Sheffield United in the Premiership on the last day of the season, coming from 3-1 down to win 4-3. I was providing commentary (don't we all), and it went "Howard's come out - oh, Horsfield's tackled him - NADE! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Yup. Good times.

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Follow that up with MGS2 when you're playing as Raiden, running around naked and the Colonel suddenly goes totally random. "Seriously, you have been playing this game a long time now".

That and if you die in the room where all the men keep coming at you, and it makes it look like you're dead but in the small square of action in the corner the game is continuing.

Very smart.

MAN...that freaked me the fuck out. I'd literally played MGS2 all night, it was like 5 in the morning and that message came on, I'd played it non-stop from about 10 (I completed it in about 7-8 hours) and that message comes on, and I totally shit myself.

Yeah, first time it was 2 in the morning for me. I sat up confused and went alittle of the way to turning it off. Lushness.

Also as far as killing bosses goes, I wish I knew how to kill the first boss in MGS: Portable Ops. Stupid man.

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On Silent Scope in an arcade, got to the first end of level boss (woman with a flame thrower who never stops moving) with a single round left in the magazine, so I looked away from the scope and fired the spare round off as to reload...

straight into the bosses head, instant kill.

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With the MGS2 bit with "Seriously, you have been playing this game a long time now". This happened at the part where the radio goes all funny and Colonel's face turns in to a pig and that, I actually thought that was part of the game at first before reading somewhere a few weeks later it was what happened when you played too long.

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True, but it just seemed really crowbarred in to get a naff pop culture reference in, rather than come up with a decent cohesive ending.

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What, the Vader reference? If you took all the Star Wars references out of MI, you'd lose so much of the content. >_>

Besides, on the basis that the ending's going to be "and Guybrush is stuck in the Carnival of the Damned, wait for the sequel!", it's about as cohesive an ending as it needs to be.

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But doesn't it not even explain how he escaped? You just start the next game with him drifting through the sea in a bumper car, don't you?

I might be wrong, I never really liked MI2 and as such haven't played it nearly as much as the rest.

And, yeah, the whole Vader thing. Most of the other Star Wars references are genuinely funny, but that one seemed so desperate.

Edited by Skummy Least Likely To
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MI2 has the best puzzles, though MI3 is the best all-round package.

I forget whether Guybrush may have given an off-the-cuff explanation of his escape towards the end of MI3 where LeChuck is interrogating him back in the Carnival (just before he gets turned into a child). But really, even if we were told the particulars it wouldn't add that much.

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