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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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Great TD pass to Ginn at the end, shame Jay Feely doesn't know what an onside kick is.

Also, what the hell is going on in Chicago? They were getting better week by week, and then Griese does his best Rex Grossman impression. Not one, but TWO endzone interceptions is inexcusable. May as well put Orton in now, the season's done, can't be expecting to make the playoffs losing winnable games against second-rate teams.

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Was anyone from this board going to the Giants-Dolphins game? I seem to remember a few people thinking about it way back when the game was first announced....

I'm gonna have some fun later; my father is a Washington fan and can't stand Dallas (my favorite team), and now its going to be my turn to gloat when the Patriots run over the Deadskins. New England is up by 7 right now.

(Actually, its a win-win for me, because at this point I want ANYONE to beat New England, so if a miracle happens and Washington manages to win, it'll be fine by me)

Edited by GhostMachine
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Was anyone from this board going to the Giants-Dolphins game? I seem to remember a few people thinking about it way back when the game was first announced....

I'm gonna have some fun later; my father is a Washington fan and can't stand Dallas (my favorite team), and now its going to be my turn to gloat when the Patriots run over the Deadskins. New England is up by 7 right now.

(Actually, its a win-win for me, because at this point I want ANYONE to beat New England, so if a miracle happens and Washington manages to win, it'll be fine by me)

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Another average day for the Pats and Brady. They lead the 'Skins 24-0 at the half, and Brady's 18 of 24 for 177 yds with 2 TD. He's now set a single season best with 29 TD passes, and only has 8 1/2 games remaining to add to it. Insane.

The Chargers are molesting the Texans 35-3 at the half. Isn't it amazing what teams can do when the best offensive players (LT & Gates) get touches on a regular basis?

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Fuck yeah. One more time, fuck yeah.

We doubted our Lions this week. We the fans doubted out Lions, a vast majority of the media outlets doubted our Lions, but maybe we're getting to a point to stop doubting the Lions?

They are winning close games, they are causing turnovers, they are simply finding ways to win. The running game continued off of it's momentum from last week, and Kitna played an efficient game this week. I really think the Lions should have blown the Bears out of the water because we outplayed them from start to finish. The score doesn't indicate that.

My one complaint this week is that the play calling was questionable more than a few times.

Still, 5-2 feels good. Only for now though, we can't be comfortable at 5-2. We can't become complacent, we have to go out week after week and continue to play like warriors. We need to kill, conquer, destroy, and mutilate all that oppose our team.

Go Lions!

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I was here before you. :P

But, there is no reason to downplay a solid victory from the Lions. Those INT's happened because our D-Line pressured the QB and caused him to throw the bad pass. Our defense stepped up and played a great game, simple as that. As I said before, the Lions simply outplayed the Bears and proved to be the better team.

Edit - And don't mistake me for an overly optimistic Lions fan. I'm still very cautiously optimistic about our Lions, and just hope they continue to make big plays at crucial times. If anybody is cynical about the Detroit Lions, it's us, we in Detroit are our harshest critic year after year, rightfully so. But this year, there is reason to at least think we have a chance.

And since I missed this, Kevin Jones played a good game but did fumble so we can't shower him with too much praise.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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