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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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I love the non-clicky strum bar, but the thing is pretty much impossible to use on songs that require fast strumming. When I was playing on medium and hard, the Strat was great, but for expert you gotta use the Les Paul.

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I like the Strat better. It's harder to get the timing right for the faster songs though. I'm like a monster when I play that thing with songs that have tons of notes in succession. I'm actually surprised I haven't broken it yet.

I like it better for Bass too. When I was learning to play my bass, I "strummed up", and I can do that with the Strat just fine. It feels better than the GH Guitars when I'm trying to stand and play so that I can sing at the same time. The smaller guitars just feel weird to me, so I prefer the Strat.

I really do wish they'd release some DLC that's more suitable for my voice though. Some Misfits, or Blitzkid... Calabrese... anything from the 50's... smooth and croonable.

In fact... they should do songs from the Walk Hard soundtrack. I'd be blissfully happy if they did.

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I love the non-clicky strum bar, but the thing is pretty much impossible to use on songs that require fast strumming. When I was playing on medium and hard, the Strat was great, but for expert you gotta use the Les Paul.

I agree. I love the Rock Band one for HO/PO, but fast strumming is a bitch with it.

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Is it just me or does the hub you get with the instruments not work? I mean, I have everything connected up but in order to turn the 360 on, I have to use the control pad, which means it's player one and the player signed into my profile. It's a hassle switching in and out of XBL, turning pads on and off just so I can use the guitar or drums, surely theres a way around this?

The only way I can get the guitar as player one is plugging it directly into the xbox, which kind of renders the whole thing moot, no?

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Is it just me or does the hub you get with the instruments not work? I mean, I have everything connected up but in order to turn the 360 on, I have to use the control pad, which means it's player one and the player signed into my profile. It's a hassle switching in and out of XBL, turning pads on and off just so I can use the guitar or drums, surely theres a way around this?

The only way I can get the guitar as player one is plugging it directly into the xbox, which kind of renders the whole thing moot, no?

Could you not turn the console on with the power button, plug the hub in and then turn the instrument(s) on?

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Is it just me or does the hub you get with the instruments not work? I mean, I have everything connected up but in order to turn the 360 on, I have to use the control pad, which means it's player one and the player signed into my profile. It's a hassle switching in and out of XBL, turning pads on and off just so I can use the guitar or drums, surely theres a way around this?

The only way I can get the guitar as player one is plugging it directly into the xbox, which kind of renders the whole thing moot, no?

Did you just plug in the usb hub and not the power adapter cord as well that is used to power the hub?

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Keyboard peripheral be damned! Seminal synth pop superstars Devo are coming to Rock Band, frontman Mark Mothersbaugh tells X-Play, and they've even re-recorded one synth-heavy song to do it. "They wanted 'Through Being Cool' for some reason," he says, "Which is kind of odd because it's all synth solos, so we re-recorded ... all my synth solos, synth leads, as guitar leads."

Mothersbaugh says there are two other songs coming in addition to "Through Being Cool" leading us to believe we'll see them all collected as a three-song track pack. In accordance with the "Devo Obligatory Whip It Mentioning Law of 1980" we'll note here that one of those songs is statistically likely to, in fact, be "Whip It." Check out the video clip after the break and see if you can't catch Mothersbaugh subconsciously mouthing out the names of other two songs ... or perhaps, unknowingly making furtive whip-cracking gestures.



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Man, towards the business end of the guitar tour those songs get quite long huh? That Green Grass and Higher Tides (or whatever it's called) solo has got to be double the length of some other songs in the game!

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So I felt pretty fucking good about getting my first five star on drums (on easy, shut up) then get destroyed when I join dragsy/snuks band. Fuck Fall Out Boy >_>

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Not only can I not really get the hub to work (it still has a tendency to drop connection with the instruments plugged in) but I can't get the microphone to work at all. Even when I plug the mic into the second controller port and the guitar in the first one, the mic isn's recognised and it says 'attach controller.' It doesn't work through the USB hub either, even when the guitar and drum decide to function. Does the mic have to be configured or plugged into something specifically?

I've tried using the adaptor clips with my normal headset, and that doesn't work either. WHAT'S GOING ON?

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Should I Stay Or Should I Go is so much fun on drums.

About the drum fills, does it matter how much you hit them? I know whammying energy notes gives you more, but I'm not sure if it works that way with drum fills. I know the green activation note doesn't appear unless you hit a few, but on some slow songs, thrashing the hell out of them seems wrong >_>

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