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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Oh god, Gold artist? I thought we had our route to riding the coatails achivement. :shifty:

Since I FINALLY beat Green Grass (with a bassist :shifty: ), I'll probably have the platinum artist achievement by next week, so feel free to ride me.

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Gah fuck the drums. I am 15 songs through the medium solo tour and at this point I am ready to throw my footpedal out the window and do the rest of the songs without it.

Hard I might be able to do if someone else takes control of the footpedal.

Expert can go take a running jump.

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Persevere with drums, seriously. I hate the footpedal for the first month or so, but I can more or less pass most songs on hard at 95% or more. Some of the songs have off-beat kicks that just don't go in time with what you do with your hands, which is really fucking annoying, but it comes with practice.

Also, I am convinced I could easily drum in a punk band, having seen a few last night and knowing that one of them stepped in for the normal drummer who was injured - he had 6 hours to practice.

Oh, and the NCA only accept singers who have the balls to, y'know, actually sing, not hum without broadcasting to the rest of us.

Edited by Dragsy
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Punk is one of the easiest to drum for, especially if it's a simplistic one. The same can be said for butt rock, as I am the drummer for a butt rock band back at home.

And I would subject people to my actual voice, but for the most part I just want to know if I should continue Expert vocals or go for the Expert Vocals/Bass on World Tour so I can have people ride coattails.

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Oh, and the NCA only accept singers who have the balls to, y'know, actually sing, not hum without broadcasting to the rest of us.

Speaking of the NCA, when was the last time we actually, you know, played? :shifty:

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Ekin, I'd say go through vocals first then the setlist, because that ensures you won't get stuck on the setlist.

Oh and according to this video from VH1 Classic, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M0U0Lb4z6c, we have next weeks DLC. Rush's Moving Pictures Album including Tom Sawyer, and YYZ.

Edit: Officially confirmed through the rock band newsletter.

Edited by ragbag
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Oh come on, we have Rush already.


As much as I love singing Tom Sawyer in my best woman voice to rack up the points... I'd rather have had something else. Who knows though, maybe something else will be released next week as well though. Won't be able to know for sure until the official announcement tomorrow.

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