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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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I got rid of GH2 ages ago though. The bundle here for the game, guitar, drums, and mic is $170... but if I just get the game and the guitar it's $110 or so, $120 if Walmart doesn't play nice and uphold their website prices in the store. I have every intention on getting Rock Band 2 as well IF I get Rock Band 1 first and play it.

The fact that with the RB1 soundtrack, all the DLC, plus the RB2 soundtrack and it's DLC there will be over 500 songs available is what's really pushing me to buy it. I mean, like I said Medium is about as hard as I can go on those games, so they get old real fast, but 500+ songs would keep be busy for fucking ages.

This decision would be SOOO much easier if Rock Band offered a package like what Guitar Hero often offers. The game and the guitar for like $90... but no, Rock Band is $60 for the game itself, and then the guitar is another $50 to $60, with no bundle other than everything... which I don't want. Ugh. If only I didn't need new tires on my car and new shoes and new clothes for work... fucking eh...

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You can actually sing without having the microphone, you can use the 360 headset plugged into the control pad and it works the same way. So the only thing you'd get with the bundle is the drums.

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I think it just came out in the last few weeks, which makes me wonder if we'll ever see the end of these delays. You can argue that if they say that RB2 is coming out here shortly then no one will go out and buy the first one. I heard that Australian stores have basically given up on the thing and aren't gonna sell it if/when it finally arrives.

I figure they should just say fuck it and do simaltaneous releases from here on out, it's only going to get more complicated if they keep doing it the way they are. Then again, i'm biased. :shifty:

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The reason they staggered the releases for the first game was the peripheral manufacturing. They can keep up a steady stream of production if they have a US 'release rush' first, then a European rush alongside diminishing US sales, then an Asian rush alongside the other two. Constant stream of production means it's efficient and cost-effective. If they have the entire world clamouring to get the peripherals in the same 2-3 month period they'd basically have to spend a fortune on a massive production line that's going to die within a couple of months or delay the release for the entire world while they stockpile instruments. Things can only get better for RB2 and following sequels because people already have some peripherals, so everyone isn't required to but them right at release and the demand is more even. GHWT will benefit from the fact that RB instruments are compatible and they'll be able to keep releases closer (if they want to.)

Australia will still be fucked over.
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Seems the first Rock Band instrument pack is being reduced to £110. I guess that's not gonna be in effect for the 2nd one, if/when that ever shows it's face.


Edited by King eLLis
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Well I'm sure we'll play sometime. I also just looked at the amount of songs I have, a whopping 161 songs(including the ones that came on the disc). Add in the 84 songs that are on Rock Band 2, and I think I'll be set for a long time, though I'm sure I'll still be getting a lot of DLC...sigh...

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I'm going at midnight to get it Sunday, then probably playing all night to try and beat it on guitar.

And to -A-, Thrasher I think is the hardest on guitar, with probably Constant Motion, Sleepwalker, or Ride the Lightning/Blackened being behind it on difficulty.

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