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Fuck The Police


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Guest Ringu

I was mislead by the title of this thread :@

That said, it's funny, the Italian press is talking about one English fan peeing on a cop. That made me laugh. They're blaming everything on the English. That said, with the way the English are perceived in Europe, I'm not surprised this happened. Old stereotypes won't die. IMO, Roma should face fines or something.

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Pretty disgraceful, it was kinda sickening to watch.

For Basha, from what I gathered (I was going from mute to not occassionally), the fans clashed (they were seperated by a large barrier) and Italian Police just swooped in and started attacking any fan in sight (did they just attack the English fans).

We were getting pictures of fans pouring with blood, I'm not sure how many of them actually done anything but it seemed like most of them were just normal fans who had been too slow to get away the way many of people reacted. Really, people were on the floor and the Italian police were still hitting them with batons.

I did laugh at one fan (think he was Man Utd fan since it was on the right of the glass as we looked at it) with his pants tucked into his socks, and his cap set in the most horrible yet common fashion as he stood about 6 foot behind everyone else pretending to be getting involved >_>

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Guest Ringu

Also, according to TV here, one Roma Ultra showed up with an ax. An ax! How the fuck do you sneak an ax into the stadium? It's also apparently, sneaking in axes is a normal thing too.

Stupide eye-ties.

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It's stupid when English fans have all this flak, when you look at the Italian Game in general and theres not really a bright side to it. I mean, corruption, moronic fans (theres passionate and then theres the Italians), Dirty Johnny, the fact there all greasy haired diving fags.

I could go on probably :-\

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Guest Ringu

Also, according to TV here, one Roma Ultra showed up with an ax. An ax! How the fuck do you sneak an ax into the stadium? It's also apparently, sneaking in axes is a normal thing too.

Didn't they get a moped into the stadium a couple of years back, and throw it from the stands?

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Oh well in that case it's entirely faesable.

It's a joke that there are fans like this, even the travelling England hooligans who get us all that infamous publicity. It's just so annoying, stuff like that, the Polish Neo-Nazi World Cup fans coming to just attack people of other nationalities. It's depressing to see an Italian football match where people are behind a giant 20 foot cage which just makes it look like people are watching some kind of Hell in a Cell match :-\

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Just what the commentator said, they police had been a bit rough with them prior to the match is what he said I think. Mind you it's not likely they didn't have a reason to be pissed off at that absolute joke of an equaliser. I stopped watching at the second goal in favour for some Bradford Leeds Rugby League because I was sick of the constant stoppages and poor refereeing. Constant bookings for dissent, but nothing for poor fouls.

In contrast to the Chelsea game last night, where players would go down and the referee would tell them to get back up and carry play on. It was more free flowing, more fun to watch. What i saw of the Tottenham game was just constant stop starting and I didn't like it all, hence switching over. Not to mention it didn't look like Tottenham were gonna do much. When Tottenham aren't running at teams from the edge of their own box on break aways and just in general running downfield with the ball at high speed, they aren't doing much. Spurs don't pass round their opponents, they run at them and scare them shitless. Lennon, from what I saw, just looked like a mascot who wandered onto the pitch by mistake and was getting pushed around with ease, between him and Saloman Kalou, they both look about 12 years old.

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