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(Un)Official L33tist Music Thread.


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Frankly, if they're trying to get love for metal in here, how about love for the odd types of indie coming out? I see no discussion for cool shit like that The National CD that just came out which was pretty solid. I also liked some of Myth Takes from !!! because it was just insane. Hell, there isn't even enough discussion of stuff like the Feist LP.

So yes, clog this up talking about the music none of us have ever heard of, especially since I'm betting you'll have a lot more obscure shit you'd be listening to than I would.

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DAMN YOU!!!!!!

Me and IAceI were going to start a ...."(Un)Official Y-IAceI Music Thread"....where you could only talk about bands we liked.

And I discussed Feist. Fuck You. And I've had "Myth Takes" since like January. :shifty: I am clearly more l33t than you.

Also, now that it's cool not to like them. The new Travis album is surprisingly interesting.

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"Sha-Sha-Sha-Sha-Ba-Doobie" - Myth Takes, !!!. Love that song, sheer randomness.

I've been listening to a bit of Big D and the Kids Table recently, Ska, and thanks to YI - Reggae too, I knew there was a reason I thought the leader singer was black. Really. Relocate the Beat is awesome.

So is this thread to express some Voxtrot love I assume ROC, and bands like that? If so, awesome, that's what I wanted to make, when I saw this I assumed YI had made you make a thread for this kinda music, then I saw his post and realised he hadn't :o

Still >_<

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I can never decide which I prefer more, Myth Takes or Louden Up Now >_<. And I still maintain Open Season is the best Feist album, and that Hella are boring.

I have been giving much love to the LCD Soundsystem and MSTRKRFT albums recently. There's probably others too, I'll post about them when I'm more awake.

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....please don't tell me you mixed up The Get Up Kids and Big D & The Kids Table.........NO...NO...NO....actually that'd be pretty fucking interesting.

Small Blue recently sent me something by an artist called "Twink", and it may be the greatest/weirdest thing I've heard ever. Quirky as fuck.

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Since I assume the answer is "no" due to the fact that the Volta thread I left on here got no hits, I take it none of you have heard Bjork's Volta yet. I'm too lazy to make a review thread for it, but it is weird in that it has that Bjork insanity, but then it goes dull. The really notable songs either have that theatric vibe ("Vertebrae by Vertabrae and "Pneumonia" especially) or that Timbaland meets kook vibe ("Earth Intruders", "Declare Independence", "Innocence"). It's weird, but quite good listening, and were it not for the duets, it would've been an amazing record.

And yes, IAceI, Voxtrot love is appreciated.

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It's not indie, but thanks to YI, I've been listenin' to Hella more than The Mars Volta. <_<

Fuck you, Mike Patton. Stop signing good bands.

Who else is on that crazy Ipecac label?

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New Bjork is good, but fuck Timbaland for ever producing anyone good. He ruined Nelly Furtado and made Bjork less interesting. There are some good tracks, but it's a definite step down from Volta.

I'm listening to this Silversun Pickups record Zero was raving about in the albums thread and the first track is awesome. Hopefully the rest is similarly awesome.

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New Bjork is good, but fuck Timbaland for ever producing anyone good. He ruined Nelly Furtado and made Bjork less interesting. There are some good tracks, but it's a definite step down from Volta.
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Nelly Furtado:

Whoa Nelly and Folklore - Interesting, fun and unique.

Loose - Fodder for "So You Think You Can Dance"


Medulla - Album of 2004

Volta - Great outside of "Earth Intruders" (repetitive) and "Innocence" (obnoxious and overproduced). Guess who produced those? I actually dug the Antony Hegarty duets.

My main problem with Timbaland is that he injects his own sound over whatever he produces. It's one thing to do that with the Pussycat Dolls (which are essentially a corporate entity) or Missy Elliott (who seems to operate on the same wave length), but with people who actually have unique sounds? Don't take them and and homogenize it into a mashup of your own tastes. I'm aware that it was a conscious decision on their parts to choose him, but fuck, he's like a cancer for creativity.

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So, who heard the new Of Montreal EP? Just amazing stuff from Mr. Barnes and to be honest, it is my first experience with OM. But certainly with how solid the EP is, I'm definitely gonna check out Hissing Fauna in the near future.

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Both the EP and the album are amazing. "Miss Blonde, Your Papa Is Failing" is a definate stand out of the EP. Should have made the album.

I've still not fully made my mind up on the new The Sea and Cake album. I mean, there's some awesome songs ("Exact To Me", "Coconut", "Too Strong" etc.) but it does seem a little boring at time. It'll be a sweet, summer chillout album though.

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Finally got around to listening to Battles. I'm impressed. VERY impressed.

Having to wait on listening to Bjork, as it turns out my 'CD' is 'damaged' >_>

Got the audio from the new TSOAF DVD. I like it, even if it is quiet as fuck.

Hello Seahorse! are excellent.

TVOTR's 'Live @ Amoeba Music EP' is a bit meh :ohwell:

Simian Mobile Disco are excellent.

OK, that's that update done :shifty:

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Dogs were barking, guests were barking, and MY WEDDING WAS ABOUT TO START!!! Dogs were barking, monkeys clapping and I got on the table and I said.................................

Yeah, Gogol Bordello is fucking awesome. Somebody recommended them to me a few months ago, and I have to say they are probably the best modern punk band I've heard. Very fun listen, very unique sound, and just all around great experience. I think Pogues fans would enjoy them despite Gogol Bordello not having an Irish influence on their music.

Gypsy punk, who would have thought?

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