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Isn't it kind of awful to be talking about indie and judging how attractive the artist are? I mean... isn't it kind of going against what indie stands for.

With that said, M.I.A is drop dead hot, Tegan and Sara are the hottest lesbian sisters ever, Sufjan Stevens is pretty flipping hot, and Owen Pallett gets two thumbs up.

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I love Bjork, but did you mean she's attractive? Because, ugh... Just ugh.

My avatar would like to disagree with you. She was stunning in the Sugarcubes, and she's still pretty fucking hot for a 41 year old mother of two.

Other cute/hot female musicians include: Runhild Gammelsæter, Sue Denim, Dee Plume, Karen O, Scout Niblett, Amanda Palmer...and others. Can't really think at the moment.

Edited by Fire Walk With Me
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It's a shame that Cassie doesn't really count as a musician.

Anyone onto independent music - Skepta's album comes out on Monday. He had a load of label interest (mainly from Mike Skinner) but has put it out himself and it is quality. I won a signed copy from Kiss 100 the other night, so I already have it, but its worth a listen. (http://www.myspace.com/skepta)

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Trying to get this somewhere approaching on-topic, Edwyn Collins has proven the theory that he releases one good album a decade. Good for him.

Also, Kukl are (were) marvelous, the Dresden Dolls live show that was on Rockworld this afternoon was bloody good and "The Drift" by Scott Walker is one of the finest albums ever recorded.

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I was going to go back to bed...guess I'm not now, this bad boy's getting a listen.

I tried to buy my soul back but the devil bent me over for it.

Take a good look at the the shower the letters scratched said "dear mother I sold my soul for management".


And the good news is that "Jaws 3, People 0" is a fucking harsh song!!! It's got some crazy as shit bass parts going on in it.

Edited by YI
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New Babyshambles is great. Not really Libertines standard...maybe not even first album standard (As a whole, it's probably more solid, but lacks the excitement of certain "Down In Albion" songs), but it's still very fucking good.

And some bad news (Well for me and like 1/2 other people);

So there has been a rumor floating around the old internerd the past few days; we've received some concerned emails, and there have also been some MySpace comments posted about me (Chris) leaving the band. We didn't want to detract from the positive news surrounding the release of Career Suicide, but instead of letting you little gossip mongers spread around what you may or may not have heard, this is our official statement on the subject.

I have decided that my time with A Wilhelm Scream is over. I started playing music 18 years ago. At that time my only reason for doing it was because it was fun. I have maintained for the duration of my time in Smackin' Isaiah/A Wilhelm Scream that when it stopped being fun, I would give it up. The bottom line here is that I just don't enjoy the day-in, day-out grind of being on tour anymore. Our touring schedule, as most of you know, is fucking ridiculous and I just can't continue doing it. There are no personal or creative differences between any of us. None of that bullshit. I still love this band and everything it stands for. The six years that I've spent in SI/AWS have been the best of my life. We've accomplished more than I ever expected, and I take with me with more amazing memories than most people experience in a lifetime. I want to thank Trevor, Nuno, Nick, Jon, and Brian (but not Curtiss) for being the best bandmates, and best friends I could have ever asked to live in a van with. And for understanding why I have to leave.

My only real regret is that I won't get to see all of our close friends situated inconveniently around the world as often as I'd like (You know who you are). So now that the bad news is over, it's time for some good news. You might be asking yourself "What about the Only Crime/Swellers tour?" Well I'm glad you asked. Filling in for me on the upcoming tour will be our friend Mike from the band Alucard. You locals may have seen them at the Fairhaven VFW a few months back with the Swellers. Homeboy shreds like a motherfucker, and I'm sure he won't have a problem tearing your faces off. I will, however, be playing the New Bedford show on Oct. 6th, the CD release show in Providence on the 20th, and my final show will be in New Bedford sometime in November. After which, the search for a permanent replacement will begin.

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Dancing at gigs is much underappreciated. Up here, if you can't mosh to it, people generally stand still. They may still be enjoying it...but people have to do something. I danced at DCFC...I was horifically smashed though. :shifty:

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Everyone dances here, it's great. Everyone's a drunk here, but still, it's nice. The only problem is that if you play music that you can't really dance to, as so many of my bands do, it's pretty tricky getting yourself a gig.

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