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So I caved in and bought a DS Lite....

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Yeah yeah yeah.

Thing is you see, I spent three lunchtimes straight playing Lost In Blue 2 and realised I was drawn totally and inexplicably into it.

Also we got a black DSLite traded in, perfect condition, so I could get it for £62.99 with staff discount so one credit note, some traded in games and £20 later I'm one DS to the good. Didn't buy Lost In Blue 2 yet though cos I need to wait til Thursday pay day, but I'm borrowing Trauma Centre and enjoying it.

Basically for arcade fun I've got my PSP. It's a beauty when it comes to that - Pro Evo, MGS: Portable Ops, Footy Manager, Locoroco, Everybody's Golf etc - games that really utilise the PSP's strengths, so basically I'm after the best "quirky" games that make use of the stylus and touch screen. I don't care about Mario (hate the stupid fat fella), or kids games, or Disney cash ins, or Sudoku, or Diddy Kong or anything. Below are the games I've played and really enjoyed:

Lost In Blue 1 & 2

Trauma Centre

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Cooking Mama (kinda but it's limited)

So what else should I try out? (Don't mention Sprung)

Or if I hate Mario have I made a bad purchase?

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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I'll second Warioware. If it's quirkyness and touch screen use you want, it's right up your street. And Mario Kart DS, even although you hate Mario, is really good too. Phoenix Wright: Justice For All would be the next step on from Phoenix Wright, although it's not as good in my opinion. And Hotel Dusk is a very good, mature themed game from what I've played of it.

I'll also recommend Elite Beat Agents (or Ouenden I guess if you prefer Japanese music tastes), think tapping the screen to the rhythm of songs with a strange, comic-book style storyline. Just watch some videos, will explain it better than I can. :P

Other than those you've mentioned, that's about all I can mention for now. Although I bought Theme Park and felt about 10 years younger after playing it. :D

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Hamster, I'm guessing you would really dig Ouendan (or, yeah, Elite Beat Agents which is likely cheaper, but I still prefer Ouendan just because the music there doesn't make ears bleed). Also, try and get Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney: Justice For All. I just beat it this morning and it's just as good as the first.

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Hamster, I'm guessing you would really dig Ouendan (or, yeah, Elite Beat Agents which is likely cheaper, but I still prefer Ouendan just because the music there doesn't make ears bleed). Also, try and get Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney: Justice For All. I just beat it this morning and it's just as good as the first.
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Hamster, I'm guessing you would really dig Ouendan (or, yeah, Elite Beat Agents which is likely cheaper, but I still prefer Ouendan just because the music there doesn't make ears bleed). Also, try and get Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney: Justice For All. I just beat it this morning and it's just as good as the first.

After it being recommended by everyone recently, I decided to buy the Ouendan from Play-Asia earlier. How thick is the Japanese text?

Oh, there's barely any English in it at all, but once you know which option is which, it becomes really easy to use it since the text isn't particularly important at all.

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So in the end I went and bought Lost In Blue 2 (traded in Herdy Gerdy and Just Cause - two games I WANTED to love but could never get into) so feel happier now.

Also borrowed Animal Crossing for the mrs. I'm determined to find a game she'll really enjoy too though I think given an afternoon she'll get addicted to LIB2 too.

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...Diamond and Pearl are great for new folks, and are quite lengthy. You really don't need to know anything about it, because all the games break you in gently and as you get better the pace of the story and such speeds up. I personally see Pokémon games as a must-have game for the Nintendo handhelds, as Sonic games were for Sega consoles and Mario games are for Nintendo consoles.

Doesn't matter how old you are, the only thing that's annoying is that your character in the game is always quite young so you get referred to as 'kid' and such. With online battling and trading now part of the game, it means anyone can find someone of a similar level of skill to have actual strategic, close-run battles.

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Ok, I traded stuff in and bought Lost In Blue 2 today, as I'd heard good things from people (although checking reviews once I got back I see it wasn't loved by the critics). I quite liked the concept, but I'm really struggling to get into it, mainly I think because I can't take three steps without the little bastard whinging that they're both hungry/thirsty/tired, and the meals I make only increase their status by 5% and despite going to sleep their stamina never recovers, so I barely have chance to explore.

Basically, I'm asking if it takes a bit of patience to get into, whether it picks up after more than an hour or so of gameplay or not, or would I just be better off taking it back tomorrow?

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