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Real Lives

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Last time round I was a Chinese guy who was a solider and a policeman in China. He moved to Russia and worked as a foreman. Then he moved to Switzerland for a while with his Russian wife and then moved to Iraq before moving to Afghanistan where he became quite well off and retired along with his new woman, he spent his last years living in northern Mongolia where he died at 89.

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I was born in Ethopia and needless to say, its pure suicide. The game is still going on, but its ridiclous. I had malaria as a child and two of my siblings died. I moved out with my husband - he died. We had five children together. I got remarried because I was literally homeless with five children. I got a new husband. Since, three of my children have died and one of my kids suffers from alcoholism and low birth weight, as well as having a goiter, being a smoker and is stunting. Being Ethopian must suck. And literally, I got pregnant three times in one year. I had two abortions and had the kid finally. I just pop them out like crazy.

Edited by PunkRockPete
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I had my first one today and lived until 80. Female, father died when he was 33 in a car wreck. Had a great income in Peru, I think then decided at 44 with 3 kids to illegally immigrate to Canada. I basically lived in a shit hole in Canada in Ontario until my husband died when he was 60 of mouth cancer. Kids moved out, one died of malaria I think. I ended up dying at 80 of cancer.

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I'm an Indian dude, named Mani.

I got married to my childhood love, and work as a construction worker in India.

I wasn't making enough money, so, at the age of 22, I became a policeman!

My father has epilepsy, and I just had a daughter named Samina! YAY!


My daughter wanted to get married, then called it off... and after I had spent all that money on alcohol!

At the age of 42, my wife and I have a baby boy named Ajit!

My daughter wanted to get married again, to the same guy, then called it off.


This game is pretty cool. I wonder if I can get to be an American.

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Just had a nice game as Hungarian girl. Had loads of brothers and sisters but the closest one to me in age was 13 years older than me. Got raped when I reached 10. By the time I was 15, I could have kids, and I had 9 in nine years. Illegal'd to Germany to seek a better life, divorced my husband because he wasn't doing anything to bring in money, and married a factory worker. After a decade or so in Germany, we all moved to France to improve our standard of living. I think by this point I'd became addicted to cigarettes and drugs. Spent a few years in France, then divorced my new husband and emigrated (legally this time) to Bristol. All of my kids grew up and married nice Bristolian girls apart from two, and then we moved to London for the better job opportunities (even though the jobs are the same :@). Got bored of London and took the family to Spain where all of my kids seemed to be called up for military duty, then the two that had stayed there until their thirties finally moved out. Died aged 58 from breast cancer.

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Just born as Robert Barasai in Congo to a 20 year old father named Joseph and a 16 year old mother named Anne. I've had siblings born every year, and everyone in the family's contracted some disease.

I'm not making it to 50, am I?

EDIT: I made it to 31. I contracted damn near every disease there is in the Congo at age 29.

Edited by TenaciousG
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Just born as Robert Barasai in Congo to a 20 year old father named Joseph and a 16 year old mother named Anne. I've had siblings born every year, and everyone in the family's contracted some disease.

I'm not making it to 50, am I?

EDIT: I made it to 31. I contracted damn near every disease there is in the Congo at age 29.

It's hard pressed to make it past 40 in the Congo, your best bet's to illegally immigrate.

I didn't know your character could get molested by their parents.

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I just began a game as a guy who was born in Colombia.

Emigrated to Mexico in my 20s and married, had five children.

Emigrated to America in my late 30s, wife died, kids moved out, found new wife.

Began work as Police Captain in mid-40s, second wife died.

Stayed PC until mid-60's, became entertainment industry guy.

Stayed EIG until 80's, became potter.

I was a potter 'til I died at age 90.

It looks like what Budd said was true: 'The number one killer of old people is retirement... if people have something to live for, they live a little longer so they can do it."

That's probably horribly paraphrased, but whatever.

EDIT: Okay, I started a new game, and saw my mother's name...

"Dhipyamongko Mae-Khao"

I'm starting a new life >_>

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Oh shit that was hilarious. I've played a few games where I've lived to around 80 in India, China and a couple of others, then one where I live to 67 after being born in Nepal and migrating to China illegally.

So I start a new game, and I'm Phat Hoan in Vietnam. At the time of my birth, my mother is schizophrenic, and the year after I'm born she commits suicide. Immediately thereafter I die from dehydration at the ripe old age of 1.


EDIT: Bwahaha, new game, I'm a South Korean kid by the name of Sang-Chul, and my dad's name is Young-Bum. :D

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