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Shitty musical genres


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I hate pop-punk, emo (My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, etc.), country (barring Garth Brooks)...pop?

I don't hate on a lot of stuff simply because either I haven't heard enough of it or I just don't care that much, but those are the ones that get a rise out of me hate-wise.

And Nerf, try Nile maybe? I'm not big into death metal, but I like me some Nile.

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I hate country, hip-hop, rap, emo/punk music.

I like raunchy, hard metal. But not that screaming thrash shit. Stuff like Godsmack, System of a Down, Disturbed, etc.

My dad plays bass in a bar band that plays late 80s early 90s rock.

Edited by Mountain Dew Plunge
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Hip Hop.

And all this new RnB stuff, that has nothing to do with rhythm or blues.

And Rhianna, just in case she isn't covered by either or both of the above.

Oh, and Lilly fucking Allen. I see she's moved from being generally untalented, to anhialating songs I used to like, now. She's not even writing her own shitty songs. Why does she even bother?

And that absolutely whore that I think is called Kate Nash. She can fuck off too.

Basically, I hate anything by people who can't sing, but try to anyway.

"Your face is pasty 'cause you've gone and got so wasted, what a suprise.

Don't want to look at your face 'cause it's makin' me sick.

You've gone and got sick on my trainers,

I only got these yesterday.

Oh, my gosh, I cannot be bothered with this."

Deep, man. Deep.

Burning fucking Hammers all around, methinks.

I don't mind a bit of My Chemical Romance (although I DESPISE 'Teenagers'), FOB, Linkin Park, etc, in moderation (i.e, on the radio), but I'd never buy their albums.

I'm starting to dig bands like The Killers (he doesn't look a thing like Jesus, but he talks like a gentleman~!) and Snow Patrol (if I lay heeere, if I just laaay heeeere~!) now though, so it's not like I hate all mainstream music.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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The Beatles are virtually unlistenable. New Order are boring. Queen - bar the singles stuff - is largely overwrought anus. The Jam I just haven't heard enough of, and I hate anything unknown :shifty:

Yet, the rock bands that you probably like would not even be around if it wasn't for the Beatles. As for the question in the topic, I don't think there is such a thing as a bad musical genre. There are good and bad performers. There are good songs in and good performers in all musical genres, I would say. But yes, the American alternative rock/emo shit (My Chemical Bullshit, 30 Seconds to Bullshit, Fallout Bullshit and the like) extremely rarely give me any kind of kicks. They all sound the same, they tell the tale of the world is bad place, everything sucks, the character wants to die, yadayada, tear, teat, bullshit. And I am a very open-minded person when it come to music. My record collection varies from Black Sabbath to jazz to Iron Maiden to Vivaldi and Toto. But all this "suicide note" music of teens these days I just find boring. If I want dark stuff I'll listen to The Wall by Pink Floyd.

My old man loves British folk music and 60s prog rock like Jethro Tull.

Your dad is awesome! I'm going to see Tull live this fall. :)

That doesn't mean that you have to like the band. The Beatles are one of those bands that I find too boring to listen to. A lot like Led Zepplin for some reason.

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So this is turning into what does your family like/listen to?

Dad: The Beatles, Jazz, Ben Folds, Dizzee Rascal. :shifty: Although he doesn't really listen to Dizzee, he does like him, and me and my brother bought him a CD as part of his Christmas present. :shifty:

Mam: Queen, The Beatles...she knows a fair amount of modern stuff, but doesn't particuarly listen to anything, even those listed. I know 'back in the day' she liked Guns 'N Roses and Black Sabbath as well.

Brother: Crazy psychadelic drum and bass/house music. Muse, Jamiroquai, Dream Theater, Ben Folds, Jaco Pastorious, jazz...erm...he listens to a lot, it varies a fair bit.

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I don't dislike The Beatles but they seemed kinda overrated to me. Not because of their musical influence, which has stretched multiple genres, but the fact that people saw them as a threat to decency. How big of a pussy was the world back then to think that The Beatles were such bad guys? "Oh my god, their hair is slightly longer than ours and they're singing about love. Won't someone please think about the children?"

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Im quite open to music, and think that a lot of bands have a decent song or two in them, but the genres that garner the most dislike from me are:



Black Metal

Whatever the fuck genre The Streets fall under.


Any other genre I can listen to quite a lot of the songs of, but the ones above Im hard stretched to find any I like. And Ive tried, Ive tried hard.

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I don't like most black metal. The production kills it for me. Other than that, anything that happens to be on mainstream radio, I wouldn't go out of my way to listen. I prefer not to hate entire genres like some of you are doing (metal is more intricate than you guys think).

Oh, Nerf. Have some Quo Vadis. Silence Calls The Storm (right click, save) and tell me that is noise. You can disregard the vocals if you wish, but the rest is just mind-boggling.

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Reggaeton. Every god damn song by every band is exactly the same(except for the one Shakira made, but I don't think that qualifies much as reggaeton). It's just saying a bunch of words together really fast, add a catchy chorus and there you have it! Oh, I think I failed to mention that EVERY SONG HAS THE SAME BEAT!!! That's right, same beat, same speed, same sound, in every song. How the hell people manage to tell one song from another is beyond me. It's also fucking everywhere around here. And I mean everywhere. In every TV station, every nightclub, every store, many radio stations, fuck, even a newspaper came with some cd once. It deserves to die a painful, prolongued death. It will eventually come, after all these idiots realize that they're hearing BS and start listening to real music.

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Okay, I don't know why I care to show my family's tastes, but eh, I'm pretty damn bored.

Grandma: Elvis and country.

Grandpa: Fats Domino...and country.

Mom: Popular rock, Hank III, Kid Rock, popular rap (i.e. "This Is Why I'm Hot")...and pop country.

Dad: Hank III, classic rock...and country.

Sister: Teenybopper music barring say the Garden State stuff and a few songs from Belle and Sebastian.

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The Beatles are virtually unlistenable. New Order are boring. Queen - bar the singles stuff - is largely overwrought anus. The Jam I just haven't heard enough of, and I hate anything unknown :shifty:

Yet, the rock bands that you probably like would not even be around if it wasn't for the Beatles.

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Reggaeton. Every god damn song by every band is exactly the same(except for the one Shakira made, but I don't think that qualifies much as reggaeton). It's just saying a bunch of words together really fast, add a catchy chorus and there you have it! Oh, I think I failed to mention that EVERY SONG HAS THE SAME BEAT!!! That's right, same beat, same speed, same sound, in every song. How the hell people manage to tell one song from another is beyond me. It's also fucking everywhere around here. And I mean everywhere. In every TV station, every nightclub, every store, many radio stations, fuck, even a newspaper came with some cd once. It deserves to die a painful, prolongued death. It will eventually come, after all these idiots realize that they're hearing BS and start listening to real music.

It's partly because the same people produce more than half of popular reggaeton songs. And if it's not the main guys in the Luny Tunes studio, it's their minions who don't know how to do anything sounding unique.

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