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NHL 08 Vs. NHL 2K8


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Roster update is out for NHL '08, it's pretty good, although it annoys me that teams start out over the cap (they're obviously not over the cap in real life, so how can they be here?). Also, they've apparently bumped up online team play to 4 on 4 (originally 6 on 6, but they had serious lag issues or something). And I've yet to get any online achievements, mebbes we could get an EWB 4 on 4 game going? Obviously how we choose the teams will be interesting, although I'm guessing the Leafs will be repped pretty well. Anyways, if you're interested, chuck your gamertag in here (screw PS3 <_<) and what times are best for you.

Tag: DragsyUK (send me a console message or PM to let me know who you are when you're adding)

Times: Evenings (8pm-2am), particularly weekends (and bear in my mind, I'm English)

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Roster update is out for NHL '08, it's pretty good, although it annoys me that teams start out over the cap (they're obviously not over the cap in real life, so how can they be here?). Also, they've apparently bumped up online team play to 4 on 4 (originally 6 on 6, but they had serious lag issues or something). And I've yet to get any online achievements, mebbes we could get an EWB 4 on 4 game going? Obviously how we choose the teams will be interesting, although I'm guessing the Leafs will be repped pretty well. Anyways, if you're interested, chuck your gamertag in here (screw PS3 <_<) and what times are best for you.

Tag: DragsyUK (send me a console message or PM to let me know who you are when you're adding)

Times: Evenings (8pm-2am), particularly weekends (and bear in my mind, I'm English)

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Roster update is out for NHL '08, it's pretty good, although it annoys me that teams start out over the cap (they're obviously not over the cap in real life, so how can they be here?). Also, they've apparently bumped up online team play to 4 on 4 (originally 6 on 6, but they had serious lag issues or something). And I've yet to get any online achievements, mebbes we could get an EWB 4 on 4 game going? Obviously how we choose the teams will be interesting, although I'm guessing the Leafs will be repped pretty well. Anyways, if you're interested, chuck your gamertag in here (screw PS3 <_<) and what times are best for you.

Tag: DragsyUK (send me a console message or PM to let me know who you are when you're adding)

Times: Evenings (8pm-2am), particularly weekends (and bear in my mind, I'm English)

I'll be on most times and i think your on me list Dragsy.
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I was trying to organise a 4 on 4 or something. Never mind.

I'm trying to get to grips with Superstar difficulty as some of the achievements require it. I picked up a couple of slider sets from Operation Sports, and started a dynasty with Colorado. I had a great home opener against Dallas, realistic shot totals and whatnot. However, it's since gone downhill, to the tune of a 12-2 home defeat thanks to Calgary, 8-0 or something to Chicago, and 11-0 to Edmonton on the road.

Now, I can hold my own on Pro, and the way some of these goals are being scored, I refuse to believe it's my own inability. I'm also a bit racked off with the number of penalties I'm getting, which whilst realistic, are nowhere near the complete lack of infractions the AI draws (although my theory is that because I'm rarely in control of the puck, they have less opportunity to commit fouls).

AI's averaging roughly a goal every 10-12 shots, which is pretty realistic I think, but my problem is I just can't get the puck off them, resulting in them getting 50-70 shots, hence the 10+ scorelines. The other problem is that I can't seem to set up on offense, the slightest bump makes me lose the puck, seemingly every pass is intercepted, it's crazy (especially since the first couple of games I didn't have much of a problem). If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be grateful.

On another topic, is there any way of seeing the chemistry ratings for your lines? I swear you could on '07, but they've changed the layout of the edit lines screen for this year (for the worse if you ask me), and I can't find any chemistry information at all.

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I was trying to organise a 4 on 4 or something. Never mind.

I'm trying to get to grips with Superstar difficulty as some of the achievements require it. I picked up a couple of slider sets from Operation Sports, and started a dynasty with Colorado. I had a great home opener against Dallas, realistic shot totals and whatnot. However, it's since gone downhill, to the tune of a 12-2 home defeat thanks to Calgary, 8-0 or something to Chicago, and 11-0 to Edmonton on the road.

Now, I can hold my own on Pro, and the way some of these goals are being scored, I refuse to believe it's my own inability. I'm also a bit racked off with the number of penalties I'm getting, which whilst realistic, are nowhere near the complete lack of infractions the AI draws (although my theory is that because I'm rarely in control of the puck, they have less opportunity to commit fouls).

AI's averaging roughly a goal every 10-12 shots, which is pretty realistic I think, but my problem is I just can't get the puck off them, resulting in them getting 50-70 shots, hence the 10+ scorelines. The other problem is that I can't seem to set up on offense, the slightest bump makes me lose the puck, seemingly every pass is intercepted, it's crazy (especially since the first couple of games I didn't have much of a problem). If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be grateful.

On another topic, is there any way of seeing the chemistry ratings for your lines? I swear you could on '07, but they've changed the layout of the edit lines screen for this year (for the worse if you ask me), and I can't find any chemistry information at all.

I'm doing Superstar mode now too. It can be a total bitch. I am playing as Anaheim so I have Giguere, but some of the goals the AI scores make my goalie look like a total retard. How long are your periods set to? I play five minute periods and I rarely see the AI getting more then 20 shots on goal.

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I switched up to 10 minute periods to try and get better penalty stats. I tend to get like 1 powerplay a game otherwise, and chances are I'll waste it. As a result, I end up dead last in the league for PP%. I may switch it back down to 5, but I still think I'll have toruble offensively.

Also, on the topic of Dynasty goalies, Phoenix had to send Bryzgalov to minors, so I stole him off waivers (H). doesn't seem to matter who's in goal though, they all seem to give up soft one-timers high, or anything poked short-range to the 5 hole. I saw Edmonton get four consecutive one-timer wristers high stick-side, in the space of about five minutes. I knew it was coming, but I just couldn't break up the pass, and Budaj or Theo just didn't learn. It's like the linemen in Madden, they need some kind of memory to pick up on opposing tendencies.

Edited by Dragsy
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I switched up to 10 minute periods to try and get better penalty stats. I tend to get like 1 powerplay a game otherwise, and chances are I'll waste it. As a result, I end up dead last in the league for PP%. I may switch it back down to 5, but I still think I'll have toruble offensively.

Also, on the topic of Dynasty goalies, Phoenix had to send Bryzgalov to minors, so I stole him off waivers (H). doesn't seem to matter who's in goal though, they all seem to give up soft one-timers high, or anything poked short-range to the 5 hole. I saw Edmonton get four consecutive one-timer wristers high stick-side, in the space of about five minutes. I knew it was coming, but I just couldn't break up the pass, and Budaj or Theo just didn't learn. It's like the linemen in Madden, they need some kind of memory to pick up on opposing tendencies.

Set your defence for collapse, then just try to keep the puck to the outside. That way they dont get the close in crap goals as often. It's the rush that kills me, they always just snap off random shots from random spots that my goaltenders always gap out on.

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Yeah, if they get a rush, I'm doomed. But I guess Theo's a bit prone to the rush in real life too. The Operation Sports guys suggest using High Pressure with Tight Point defensive strategy, but I'll give your idea a go. It may be just me sucking at playing defense, I'm never quite sure whether to go after the guy or just sort of sit and wait.

Oh, and switching to 5 minutes, Minny outshot me 35-24 and beat me 4-2. Think penalty minutes were something like 17 and 13. An improvement, but goddamnit is it tough.

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With the Capitals in a game with 10 minute period on Superstar with the regular sliders, I beat the Hurricanes 3-0. The shots were in the mid thirty range. It was a fun game though, I did a good job of keeping them from the slot but my point shot was taken away by their defence. It took Ovie ripping a shot from the wing to break the goose egg. Then I got a sweet one from Clark that hit a defenders skate and went between the legs of Ward.

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I played a game online... great back and forth between me (Chicago) and Washington... then he scores on a bad bounce barely into the second period, and spends the rest of the game circling his net. I mean, yeah, I caught him a bunch and got a few chances, but he just kept doing it and it pissed me right the fuck off.

I won't be playing online again.

Didn't I read somewhere that one of the updates included equipment updates? I'm sure I did...but I got the new rosters and nothing.

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This game is driving me insane. I can't get the puck off the computer, and some of the cheese goals that I give up are really fucking me off, and it doesn't seem to matter who's between the pipes. I took a 1-0 lead against Calgary (in Denver) off a suh-weet Svatos wraparound, held the lead into the second period and then shit the bed, ended up losing 5-1. Even when I do get the puck, I have difficulty setting up in the zone because I can't get any room, and it seems every pass gets intercepted. When I get shots on goal, I even have the likes of Sakic and the duke missing teh net by a good few feet.

I don't think it's fixable with sliders, as if I bump accuracy up, the AI's just gonna burn me. I'd like to get my AI team mates to get after the puck more too, but nothing I change seems to make a difference :/

I really liked the sliders after the season opener, but I've only won 2 of about 10-15 games so far, and it rarely feels as good as that first game did.

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This game is driving me insane. I can't get the puck off the computer, and some of the cheese goals that I give up are really fucking me off, and it doesn't seem to matter who's between the pipes. I took a 1-0 lead against Calgary (in Denver) off a suh-weet Svatos wraparound, held the lead into the second period and then shit the bed, ended up losing 5-1. Even when I do get the puck, I have difficulty setting up in the zone because I can't get any room, and it seems every pass gets intercepted. When I get shots on goal, I even have the likes of Sakic and the duke missing teh net by a good few feet.

I don't think it's fixable with sliders, as if I bump accuracy up, the AI's just gonna burn me. I'd like to get my AI team mates to get after the puck more too, but nothing I change seems to make a difference :/

I really liked the sliders after the season opener, but I've only won 2 of about 10-15 games so far, and it rarely feels as good as that first game did.

Have you tried turning down the Pass Interceptions slider? Personally, I haven't touched the sliders, but if you're having trouble setting up due to interceptions, that seems the way to go.

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Ok, games are getting slightly better, but I still can't win. I'm convinced there's some catch-up shenanigans going on, because there's no way you dominate two-and-a-half periods and then give up 3 unanswered goals in the final 10 minutes. I may have been losing 2-1 on the road in Vancouver, but I was controlling the play, getting plenty of shots, and then all of a sudden it's penalty penalty penalty, I even ended up being down 5 on 3 with 20 seconds remaining in the game. It's gay. I know they were supposed to implement home ice advantage this year, but this shit is ridiculous. And where's the advantage when I'm at home? I didn't mind the loss in the previous game to Edmonton (at home, dammit) so much because it was 3-2 and it wasn't so blatant, even if they did score 3 unanswered goals.

So yeah, I'm now 2-14 on the season, and everyone's signing all the fucking free agents that got dumped in at the roster update, which is poop.

EDIT: I have no idea why, but I seem to have some amazing talent for bagging shorthanded goals.

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Ok, games are getting slightly better, but I still can't win. I'm convinced there's some catch-up shenanigans going on, because there's no way you dominate two-and-a-half periods and then give up 3 unanswered goals in the final 10 minutes. I may have been losing 2-1 on the road in Vancouver, but I was controlling the play, getting plenty of shots, and then all of a sudden it's penalty penalty penalty, I even ended up being down 5 on 3 with 20 seconds remaining in the game. It's gay. I know they were supposed to implement home ice advantage this year, but this shit is ridiculous. And where's the advantage when I'm at home? I didn't mind the loss in the previous game to Edmonton (at home, dammit) so much because it was 3-2 and it wasn't so blatant, even if they did score 3 unanswered goals.

So yeah, I'm now 2-14 on the season, and everyone's signing all the fucking free agents that got dumped in at the roster update, which is poop.

EDIT: I have no idea why, but I seem to have some amazing talent for bagging shorthanded goals.

I know there is a catch-up AI in the Pro difficulty. Don't think there is with Superstar, just computer players that score on almost every semi-decent chance they get.

Oh, and try to stand up the other team at your blue line. I always knock out the puck carrier and force them to win a race to the puck. Seems to keep their offense stiffled a bit.

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I'm beginning to think Superstar is just broken, just lost 5-1 to Dallas after being up 1-0 late in the second. 1 goal was an empty netter (no defenseman is that accurate from behind his own goal though, fuck), but still, it's like some switch gets flicked and the whole game changes, I can't win faceoffs, constantly get penalties and can't get a shot on goal. I'm knocking the penalty slider down a notch or two though, the number of calls was ridiculous. It wouldn't be so bad if opposing AI drew a few, but it doesn't.

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