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Official 2007 NCAA Football Season


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Nevermind that Arizona is on a four game winning streak, and has a history of beating highly ranked teams in November. And no, Stewart was NOT the feature back, Johnson was. Stewart has been in years past, but this year Johnson was. At best, you can label them 1a and 1b. You take the Heisman canidate QB, the top RB (even with a very good 1b), and the top 2 WRs, and any team is going to have trouble beating anyone. Oregon didn't have the depth to overcome that, no one does, it was Dixon's amazing playmaking ability that kept them afloat. Go fellate the Sooners, or the Jayhawks, or Mizzou, so that when they get to the MNC game, they get DESTROYED by LSU.

I will nevermind Zona being on a four game winning streak because with the win over Oregon ..... that makes three (the two before Oregon were against powerhouses Washington and UCLA, a combined 8-12 ... not to mention that they lost to Stanford right before that. Yes, they do have a history of beating highly ranked PAC - 10 teams in November (UCLA, Cal, and now Oregon twice). As for Stewart, yeah he was the feature back. Johnson is your so called 1b. Of the six games Johnson played he only topped 10 carries three times. In the six games that Johnson and Stewart played the carries are 99 to 54. At just about a two to one clip (the ratio of say starter to third down back) Stewart was getting the carries. Last year Stewart was the #1 guy as well with 80 more carries than Johnson (only that close partly to Stewart's injury issues). Hell, the depth chart released to every major publication during the preseason by Oregon had Stewart listed as the start (I'm looking at Street/Smith right now). How does that make Johnson the #1 guy ? He wasn't. Never was. He forced himself into playing time, but he wasn't ever above Stewart, ever. I also never said that the Ducks didn't have injuries. To say that they lost to Zona because of the WR's being gone ? Joke. Those WR's have been missing in action for 6-8 games. The team has MORE than had time to figure that out, adapt, and move on. Oh, and howcome Williams (the WR that is still on the field) is the guy that was the one getting mention in the preseason ? Just curious. Funny, now that mighty Oregon (and the other Pac - 10 teams) have fallen out of the mix .... you back LSU as the top dog. Funny indeed.

Oh, and Early Doucet is not LSU's best player. Maybe best offensive player, MAYBE (Hester is damn good). Glenn Dorsey is their best player, hands down. Nice to see you don't know what you're talking about, but I knew that already.

No, now he isn't. We were talking in reference to when these 'key' injuries occured for the teams. When he got injured, YES he was the best player on the team. Of course this is a subjective matter so I'm not going to be childish and run my mouth about how you don't know what you're talking about or anything like that. We disagree on this. I went with the man that coming into the season (to quote the LSU website) was to be the 'offensive go to guy.' He was also rated as one of the two top senior WR's with Limas Sweed at the start of the season. He also provided a dynamic at PR/KR that few teams have. Before this season, Hester hadn't done anything special. Yeah, he blossomed once the shift focused but that's AFTER the fact. We see different things important, fair enough. I guess I could say your take on the subject is dumb though considering how you conjured up Zona's four game winning streak and how Johnson was ever infront of Stewart ...... but I'm not ignorant. I'm offensive minded so I went with the best player that LSU had/has on offense as their key guy.

As for your little Big 12 diss ..... the conference has FOUR 9 win teams ... (coming into the weekend) THREE teams that can make the national title game .... and six teams already bowl eligible. Kansas hasn't played anyone, fair enough. Who has ASU played ? But wait, the SEC doesn't have an elite team ? So then LSU is just 'gooder' than anyone else at this point by default ? You aren't making sense.

thus showing that even the best team can't survive when their key pieces get injured. If you can't grasp how that applies to the Ducks, try wiping some of the crayon off your monitor. And, to quote Syco, Arizona was on a four-game winning streak, but in your estimation they're crap so I guess I'd better just agree. Also, ASU is 9-1

Pro game/college game. Two completely different things. The comparison you are trying to make is fair enough, but the NFL and the NCAA games are completely different as are the athletes. Where you jacked up though is here. I'm guessing the tackle you're talking about is Diem, who's been out all year. Harrison was out well before the SD game. Those two players being gone were already accounted for (not to mention that Utecht wasn't exactly cold off the bench in place of Clark) and overcome. But, since they lost in the middle of the season it's the fault of those injuries ? No sense at all.

Get all personal with the attacks and try to be an internet bad ass all you want. All you're doing is blindly following DMN and his arguments. Zona wasn't on a four game winning streak (and still aren't) .... and according to DMN's 'haven't played anyone' argument for Kansas, ASU hasn't either. Arizona is crap because they are not only below .500 for the year, but have lost to Stanford and have three of their five wins against opponents with a combined 12-18 record. Yeah, that's not good.

Crayons ? Uh, sure whatever. Maybe I should lend you mine so you can draw some of this out and maybe think for yourself. I don't attack people unless they want to go that route. You want to tell me I'm stupid on a 9th grade level then of course I'm going to throw a rock back.

He seems to have no understanding of anything that can't be explained through statistics

Numbers don't lie.

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Nah, Tech's defense can't keep Oklahoma off the board enough to do it.

I agree with Tressel. He's been the reason they've turned around and stayed at the top. The players are essentially plug and play for him because he's that good of a coach. He did it at Youngstown State and he's doing it again now. The man is a great coach.

Oh, and I think it's pretty sad that I'm seeing a 'big fuck you' to Hart, Henne, and Long. That's pretty pathetic really. These guys turned what could have ended up as a DISASTROUS season around and put this Michigan team in position to go to the BCS after their start. Don't get me wrong, I HATE Michigan and seeing them lose is great joy for me. After what these players did this year for this team .... how can you possibly say anything bad about them ? Yeah I know it's all about Ohio State at Michigan but I guarantee you that if they hadn't turned it around earlier and put this team in position to have a chance at the Rose Bowl then no one would have given a shit that they played poorly today. It's also crap to try and fool people into thinking that they could have tanked this year and it would have been ok if they'd have won today. I say 'good on you' to Hart/Henne/Long and the rest of the Michigan team for finding it in themselves to get 8 (perhaps 9) wins this year after starting out the way they did.

Edited by HailtotheKing
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I say fuck you to them, especially Hart, because of his comments last year after OSU won...Hart basically said OSU beating them was a fluke and guaranteed a win this year over them, trashing them consistently. Then the fact that these guys came back just to beat OSU and didn't do it shows that they are a bunch of losers to me.

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Long doesn't deserve the "fuck you", but Hart most definitely does. Hart is a egomaniac dickhead who thinks he is better than everyone out there. He guarantees a win against fucking Notre Dame, and now he thinks he is a genius. Ohio State's defense shut Hart the fuck up. If he acts the least bit cocky to the media one more time, he should be shot in the face.

Edited by SKA
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Carr's done as of 10am tomorrow, ESPN reports.

Why resign now? Why not wait until, y'know, after the bowl game? It isn't like they can hire a replacement before that anyway.

EDIT: Bradford out for OU for unknown reasons, and the Red Raiders are in this ball game. That offense is superpowered and they're only down 7-6 early. If Bradford stays out TTU can definitely keep up.

Edited by Gorilla Monsoon
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well, at halftime let me be the first to say thank you and congrats to Oklahoma for showing us all that the Big XII just ain't up to par. I mean surely they could run every OTHER team in the country out of the stadium ..... but not Texas Tech.

So now I get to look forward to seeing all THREE of the Big 12 teams fail to make it to the National Title Game.


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Nah, Tech's defense can't keep Oklahoma off the board enough to do it.

TTU's showin' them up right now. I don't care if the Oklahoma QB is out, this one is gonna be close, and hopefully, an upset.

No shit. Where the hell did Tech get this defense. Bradford being out doesn't matter in this one. The Tech D decided to play the entire season tonight. I wouldn't have ever dreamed that they could play like this on D.

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Middle Tennessee State is not a losable game at home for LSU unless they don't have enough guys to suit up and have to forfeit. The Oregon game was a conference road game and is comparable to Oklahoma getting their asses handed to them by Texas Tech for the majority of last night's game. Both teams lost their starting QB and their national title hopes at the same time.

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